Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 851 The Banquet, Fighting Overtly and Secretly 2

Chapter 851 The Banquet, Fighting Overtly and Secretly 2

Over there, the Jiang family was overjoyed.

Here, Min Xin watched with cold eyes, seeing it as a real one.

A group of people walked towards the banquet hall with complicated thoughts like this. The old gentlemen and old ladies were naturally admired by the stars, until they entered, they saw Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi.

The old lady coughed lightly: "Why didn't you tell me when you came here?"

Gu Anxi turned his head and looked very surprised: "The old lady is here too?"

The old lady sat down on the sofa unhappily, full of aura, she was a guest but had the majesty of a host.Gu Anxi immediately sat beside her, looking at the old lady with eyes full of excitement.

The old lady sneered: "Hehe, you debt collector, looking at me, are you trying to get me something good?"

"No way." The little milkman smiled, "I just think the skewers in the old lady's hands are good."

The old lady glared at Bo Xichen: "Look, this kid has been thinking of me all day long, and he's been spoiled."

Saying that, he took off the skewers from his hand, and gave them to Gu Anxi with disgust: "It's only worth tens of thousands of yuan, and you treat it as a treasure. If others look at this, they don't want to come."

Gu Anxi put it on her hand, "The old lady's things are all good things."

The old lady smiled: "It's a good thing you've taken a fancy to this and you don't need anything else. Now I want to save some wife money for Jingyao, and I can't let other girls come to the house and leave the house alone."

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the Jiang family and people inside and outside understood that the old lady would leave these good things to her daughter-in-law in the future. You know, the old lady came from a famous family and had many good things to buy now. No, so everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chaoge with envy——

This is really going to skyrocket.

Jiang Chaoge himself was too excited, licked his lower lip, and wanted to say something, but Jiang's mother beside her secretly pinched her daughter, and said in a calm voice, "Calm down, don't be petty."

Mother Jiang didn't agree at first, but now she has hope.

The stars hold the moon, living above others, who wouldn't want to?

In the past, I just didn't dare to think about it, but now, when the old lady sits here like this, who doesn't look at her face and who doesn't flatter her?Look at the flattery of Jiang's father and son, it's refreshing to see.

When Mother Jiang mentioned this, Jiang Chaoge immediately held back a bit, and just smiled generously.

Mother Jiang is very satisfied.

At this moment, after the old lady finished talking with the little bastard, she raised her eyes to look at her son again, and made a serious face on purpose: "Okay Jingyao, why is it not enough after so long, you and your sister are really old and dead No relationship anymore? Among other things, you have to be a little more manly in front of Chaoge."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Chaoge's heart trembled, and he immediately said: "Old lady, don't worry about my mood."

Others were extremely envious, Jiang Chaoge was indeed recognized by the old lady.

The old lady smiled: "I know you always give in to him, but it seems that you can't just give in to him. It's your good that you let him indulge his mood, but others don't know, they only think you are I can't stand my sister-in-law in my heart, and I wish Jingyao could have a birth with her."

Jiang Chaoge felt dizzy for a while, and didn't know what to do for a while.

Just now, it was because she spoke carelessly, the old lady was probably upset.

I thought that she got tens of millions of things, and Gu Anxi only got tens of thousands of things. It is clear who is the lightest and who is the most important, but now... the old lady clearly does not want to have a relationship with Gu Anxi. He also took care of the Bo family.

Thinking this way, Jiang Chaoge was going to try her best to show her generosity, but she couldn't seem to interfere with Wang Jingyao, so she said softly, "Of course not, Anxi has always been lively and cute, and I like her very much."

The old lady looked at her son at this moment: "Chaoge has already said that, what do you mean?"

It was quiet all around, everyone forgot that today Jiang Chaoge is the protagonist, the project is the protagonist, but now it is an old lady presiding over the family meeting, Jiang Chaoge is completely pinched and flattened.

However, she didn't know it, she just looked at Wang Jingyao.

Wang Jingyao smiled, sat on the other side of the old lady, and hugged the old lady: "What are you talking about, old lady, of course my own sister loves her."

The old lady patted his hand: "Whether you are sincere or not, you are not allowed to go back on what you said here, and you are not allowed to trouble that boy Bo Nianyao again. I heard that you have not lost your temper these days." Against him."

Wang Jingyao touched his nose, leaned back on the sofa suddenly, and tugged at the little bastard's hair: "Tell me, did I target your Nian Yao father?"

His attitude was not very good, everyone thought it was just to save face for the old lady, but in fact, he still rejected the Bo family in his heart, and only Min Xin saw it seriously.

This old lady is sitting, with a pair of children on both sides, who else is closer than this, Jiang Chaoge got the baby, but the person is still standing, doing as he pleases... With such sharp eyesight, I still want to marry Wang family, go dreaming!

He looked at Gu Anxi to see what she had to say.

Gu Anxi blinked, and then said to the old lady: "No, no, absolutely not, my brother is very kind to me, and the Bo family is also very kind, and I signed a document two days ago and allocated a project to Yun Xi Group is a project of City C."

She blabbered...

The more Wang Jingyao heard it, the more he didn't mean it that way. Damn it, when did he agree to this project?

(End of this chapter)

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