Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 873 You said, is she trying to cheat money or sex?

Chapter 873 You said, is she trying to cheat money or sex?

Wang Jingchuan observed her expression, and he naturally understood her thoughts in his heart, so he unconsciously controlled her thoughts to death, so it is said that academics who play with their minds will never be able to play against a veteran in the workplace like Wang Jingchuan, of course, An exception like Bo Xichen grew up in such an environment of walking on thin ice since childhood, and he is such a smart person.

Wang Jingchuan was thinking like this, Jiang Chaoge said slowly: "If I say something, it's just a matter of one sentence, but I just think it's not good."

Immediately, Wang Jingchuan felt that this person's face was really big, just a word?

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, but it is just a matter of Mr. Gu's words. Mr. Gu's self-confidence is invincible, even if he has a falling out, he still has the nerve to ask for a project, and he doesn't care what Mr. Wang thinks if he keeps his mouth open. As long as she's happy.

Wang Jingchuan thought about it like this, and the more he admired him, he said to Jiang Chaoge: "Dr. Jiang will always be with Mr. Wang in the future. I don't know what else to do with such a close relationship. The relationship can discuss things."

These words hit Jiang Chaoge's heart.

After thinking about it, she felt that what Wang Jingchuan said was right, so she called Wang Jingyao after saying goodbye to Wang Jingchuan, but how could a shrewd old bird like Wang Jingyao not know what she was thinking?

At that moment, he smiled softly, said a few words Zuo Guyan said to him, and did not give Jiang Chaoge a chance at all, and Jiang Chaoge's biggest weakness is that he wants to face too high, Wang Jingyao fooled her a few times and she couldn't say it up.

When the phone hung up, she was naturally disappointed, and Wang Jingyao over there sneered: "This Wang Jingchuan, he made trouble for me when he left. He probably pushed people to come to me."

In the office, there is Min Xin, and Min Xin smiled: "Mr. Wang, why don't you be more compassionate?"

Wang Jingyao looked at him: "Is this a matter of sympathy and sympathy? Jiang Bin swallowed such a big project, and with that project, he is too proud."

Min Xin looked deeply: "You are the best at the art of checks and balances."

"Come on, Min Xin, don't wear this hat for me. If you want to talk about checks and balances, who can compare with you? So many big wives have lived in peace for so many years. Fortunately, God has eyes, middle-aged people let you old house It's out of fire." Brother Wang's mouth is also sharp.

Min Xin was furious, but there was nothing he could do about it.

I endured it, and then continued to talk about the topic they were talking about before: "By the way, I have read the information of the person who sent it from the logistics, and it is safe."

"Really?" Wang Jingyao smiled lightly, as if he didn't care.

Min Xin said: "It seems that you are trying to snub him, but that person is very capable, and he is also very experienced in the office."

Wang Jingyao looked at him: "Being capable and qualified doesn't mean he's loyal."

At this time, Min Xin said something, "He was brought out by Jing Chuan. If you don't trust others, can't you trust Jing Chuan?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Jingyao stared at him.

Min worked hard and smiled: "I also know your temper. It's very hot now, but no matter what, Jing Chuan, you will take care of face and won't cut him off."

After talking, Wang Jingyao sneered: "Then you know the stakes in this."

Min Xin nodded: "I know that this is a two-handed plan. You must be afraid of the Jiang family, and you don't want to get close to Jiang Bin. Jiang Bin is very shameless. I have seen the child sent in the morning. He is a good person." It's a pity to be born in Jiang's family."

Wang Jingyao didn't care about this, because Jiang Qi had already got his original position. To the Jiang family, he was kind and powerful, and he could not make their tails go up to the sky by giving some sweets.

So, Old Brother Wang smiled and said, "The current situation in Beicheng doesn't allow me to think too much."

After that, Min Xin came to pierce his heart: "If you could bear your temper at that time, you wouldn't drive Zhou Yunchen away if you didn't kick that kick. Is it necessary to let Jing Chuan out like this, and the future How have you been living for a year or two, without a wife or a reliable person by your side?"

Wang Jingyao: I'm so mad, I'm so mad.

While the two were talking, Jiang Chaoge over there also reported the progress to Jiang Bin.

Jiang Bin's study room is antique and full of high-quality antiques. This one imitates Bo Nianyao, but Bo Nianyao is elegant, while Jiang Bin's place looks like a nouveau riche, losing his true colors.

When Jiang Chaoge came over, Jiang Bin kindly asked her to sit beside him, and asked someone to bring tea over.

After sitting down, he asked her, "How's the matter?"

Jiang Chaoge paused for a moment and said: "He stayed, but he is young Mr. Wang, I am afraid he is not used to it, and he has already found an old man by his side, but this is also a good thing for him, and he will be able to work hard in the future." It was used by Jiang Qi."

Jiang Bin still approved of this result. He was like a mirror in his heart. Not only was Wang Jingyao wary of the Bo family, but he also had opinions on their Jiang family. How could he easily use someone sent by the Jiang family?

What he cared more about was the project. You must know that it was a gourd, tens of billions was not a joke, and there were many places to spend money in Wall Lab, so he had to think about it.

When Jiang Bin asked such a question, Jiang Chaoge had no confidence in her heart, so she forced a smile: "I have already taken care of this matter, it is Wang Jingchuan."

"Wang Jingchuan." Jiang Bin didn't think so, "Wang Jingchuan is in danger, you might as well talk to Wang Jingyao directly."

Then, he said earnestly again: "Chao Ge, I didn't say that, we have such a project in our hands, and we are still worried that the surname Wang will not submit?"

Jiang Chaoge's face was a little ugly, and Jiang Bin immediately realized that the little orphan girl in front of him was no longer the little orphan girl she used to be, and she had some abilities, so he sneered: "I mean, when it's time to be strong, you should be strong. Otherwise, it would be bad if someone pressed and beat you, what do you think?"

Jiang Chaoge's heart sank, knowing that Jiang Bin was bound to win this project, she was under some pressure imperceptibly, but at this moment she couldn't make trouble with Jiang Bin, without the financial support of Jiang's family, she was nothing.

So, she smiled slightly: "Of course I will try my best to fight for it. '

Jiang Bin looked at her, and then smiled: "Don't be so rigid, for example, you and Mr. Wang can go further, and you can talk about anything later. Women, you still need to grasp some things in your hands and increase some Safe."

He got up, walked over slowly, bent slightly, and patted Jiang Chaoge's shoulder: "Chaoge, I know you probably have a good impression of Mr. Wang now, but don't forget that your surname is Jiang, and Wang Jingyao is not He will sacrifice his 30 years of painstaking efforts for a woman. Sometimes a man like him may not be considerate when he is his pillow, but it must be evenly matched to win together. Otherwise, you will probably be eaten by him You have to die."

Jiang Chaoge was a little confused.

Jiang Bin said softly again: "But uncle believes that you can handle it well, you are no worse than that Gu Anxi."

This sentence hit the soft spot in Jiang Chaoge's heart.

What she hates the most is that others say that she is not as good as Gu Anxi, so even if this project is thankless, she must get it.

After leaving Jiang Bin's office, she drove to buy some fruit and went to see Chen Ming.

Chen Ming's mother was there, looking at Jiang Chaoge, although he didn't look yin and yang, but his attitude was panicked. Fortunately, Jiang Chaoge now has the self-consciousness of a superior, and doesn't care about her.

Chen Ming couldn't see it, and smiled at his mother, "Mom, go out and buy me something to eat, that handmade noodle shop is pretty good."'

Chen's mother didn't know that her son disliked her, so she snorted softly, "You think I'm annoying, I won't talk about it, anyway, you decide your own life, I don't want to worry about it, it's hard work Please, there are no human beings inside and out."

"No way." Chen Ming coaxed his mother halfway.

Chen's mother didn't have anything to say, so she left tactfully. In her heart, she liked that Miss Song very much, but Chen Ming and her seemed to have nothing to do with each other. Forget it, let's find a dutiful girl to live with.

Chen Ming smiled and watched her leave.

When it was quiet, Jiang Chaoge said slowly, "Chen Ming, how is it?"

Chen Ming smiled nonchalantly: "It's okay, I'll be discharged from the hospital in two days with this bone, and besides, it's my left hand that's injured, so it doesn't affect my ability to hold a gun."

Jiang Chaoge also laughed: "That's fine."

She hesitated for a moment before asking again: "You and Song Jiaren are still in contact, doesn't she look down on you?" '

Chen Ming was in a daze, and then smiled again: "I don't like it, but she is a girl, and it's a demeanor to send her back in the middle of the night, what should be done, at least know each other, right?"

Jiang Chaoge nodded, quite agreeing: "That's right."

She changed the subject: "I heard that the producer of her new film is chasing her. I don't know if it's true. But the entertainment industry is a mess. I don't mean that she is bad, but that you are too naive." Afraid of getting hurt."

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "You think too much, I'm a rough old man, how could I get hurt, was I cheated of money or sex? I'm a pauper compared to her in terms of money. If you're not in love with me, tell me what's wrong with her because I look like this, and I'm the one who took advantage of it."

(End of this chapter)

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