Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 884 Oh, project, signed with the Bo family

Chapter 884 Oh, project, signed with the Bo family

Bo Xichen smiled: "Probably so!"

"Uncle, you are shameless." She lay on his back coquettishly.

After a while, Gu Anxi said softly, "I'll go to the small restaurant to help you buy food."

While talking, he put down the document in Bo Xichen's hand, pretending to be fierce and said: "Don't read it, you know how to read documents all day long."

Bo Xichen smiled: "I don't have the freedom to work now?"

"Half of you belongs to me." She was overbearing.

Uncle Bo thought it was quite interesting, so he stretched out his hand and pulled her over to sit in his arms, stroked her hair, pinched her face, and then said slowly: "I remember that I did my best, madam. If you are not satisfied, you can tell me."

He is shameless!

Gu Anxi ran away.

Bo Xichen smiled, and then looked down at the documents in his hand. He was studying a project in the Wall Lab and had to start from scratch...

Gu Anxi just left here, and Wang Jingyao came to the hospital over there. He didn't go to see Lin Hua directly, but went to Chen Ming's ward first.

After Chen's mother was flattered, she was straightforward: "Mr. Wang came to see Miss Lin?"

Wang Jingyao's face turned half dark.

Although Chen Ming is honest, after all, he has been with him for a long time, how can he not know his intentions, he glanced at his mother, and then said to Wang Jingyao: "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for coming to see me. Miss, I heard from Anxi that she is not in a good spirits, and she still needs comfort from familiar friends."

Old brother Wang glanced at Chen Ming approvingly, and then said, "Yes, it's another girl who has had such a big incident. Lin Hua has been going through these incidents smoothly."

Speaking of this, Chen Ming dismissed his old mother, and then said to Wang Jingyao, hesitantly, and somewhat desperate: "Mr. Miss Lin has a lot of opinions, you are a very smart person and you know why, so..."

He is a person full of sense of justice, after thinking about it, he finally asked: "Are you planning to marry Jiang Chaoge or Miss Lin?"

Wang Jingyao was very surprised. He didn't expect that Chen Ming still had such insight. He rubbed his nose and sat on the sofa, then looked at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming stared straight back.

After a while, the old brother smiled: "Why are you so serious, it's just the concern between old friends."Not to mention marrying and marrying, besides, don't people have Fengsheng, isn't talking about it now intentionally to cause trouble for others? '

Chen Ming straightened his guts, and said very frankly: "Mr. Wang didn't mean that, so don't provoke Miss Lin, she is no longer a good person in Feng's house."

Wang Jingyao's face darkened a little: "There's nothing wrong with being a man. It's not Lin Hua's fault. Besides, Lin Hua will have nothing to do with the Feng family in the future."

Although Chen Ming's EQ was not particularly high, he could hear some meaning from Wang Jingyao's words. He didn't dare to go beyond that, so he kept his mouth shut.

Wang Jingyao was obviously also a little unhappy, but not with Chen Ming, but with the members of the Feng family.

An accident happened to Feng Sheng, and the members of the Feng family were sad. Isn't Lin Hua sad?Quietly finishing the matter without letting Lin Hua attend, this is a disguised denial of Lin Hua's identity, Lin Hua will probably feel chilled if she finds out now.

The elder brother is a very compassionate person. Thinking about it this way, when he saw Lin Hua in the past, he naturally felt extremely pity for him, but he didn't go beyond that. He just comforted him and took care of the Lin family in every way.

The Feng family didn't care much about him, after all, he was an unmarried daughter-in-law, but when the news reached Jiang Chaoge's ears, it was undoubtedly a thunderstorm.

Originally, Lin Hua had already withdrawn from the battlefield. After all, she was engaged, but suddenly something happened to Feng Sheng, and Lin Hua was single again. Uncomfortable and embarrassing.

After inquiring about the news, she was very anxious, for fear that Wang Jingyao would start thinking about Lin Hua again, so she inquired again, but it was all right. Mr. Wang only went to the hospital once, and he left after only sitting for 10 minutes. over contact.

Jiang Chaoge was relieved, and spent all his time trying to surprise Wang Jingyao, but he turned into a full-fledged chasing man. Wang Jingyao didn't neglect her either, eating and listening to concerts or something, but he didn't go any further.She was a little anxious, and once mentioned the tens of billions of projects that Wang Jingchuan was in charge of.

When she mentioned it, the elder brother wiped his hands, leaned on the back of the dining chair, and smiled: "Why didn't you tell about Chaoge earlier."

Jiang Chaoge's heart sank, but his face remained as if nothing had happened: "What's the matter Jingyao?"

Old brother Wang looked regretful: "Jing Chuan has always been in charge of this project, isn't it? Last time the old lady told me to give it to the Bo family, I was not happy."

Jiang Chaoge nodded: "Yes, the current relationship between you and the Bo family is really not suitable."

Wang Jingyao sneered: "Wang Jingchuan is the one who hates it."

Jiang Chaoge thumped slightly: "What happened to him?"

"He went to work in Yunxi Group, Xiao Jiang, don't you know?" Wang Jingyao looked surprised, and then scolded: "I'll check him as soon as he goes, good guy, this Wang Jingchuan's methods are really powerful, There are quite a few people who have been working for him over the years, I actually underestimated him, and when I found out, the project had already been signed with the Bo family, so I said you told me now that there was nothing I could do."

These words were true and false, and Jiang Chaoge was somewhat convinced, but she didn't expect that Wang Jingchuan would have the guts to directly join the Bo family. You must know that Gu Anxi is the one who is most at odds with Mr. Wang.

Wang Jingyao was so angry that he wanted to yell: "Wang Jingchuan is a man who eats inside and out, why don't I want him? It's because he had a deal with Gu Anxi before, and he's on the same boat. Don't be fooled by his honest appearance. He's shrewd in his bones, probably I've been dissatisfied with my boss for a long time, okay, let's go clean, this project is considered a breakup fee."

(End of this chapter)

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