Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 894 Uncle Bo's demeanor, fed the dog

Chapter 894 Uncle Bo's demeanor, fed the dog

Uncle Bo came back to his senses immediately, and slapped her with a big palm, his voice became even hoarse: "It's hard to learn."

She laughed, putting her arms around his neck and laughing for a long time.

Bo Xichen lowered his head and touched her little nose: "Although the plan has been postponed, it doesn't affect it, huh?"

The little milkman put his arms around his neck and whispered something in his ear. Professor Bo hit her again, but she got her wish...

His family, Anxi, really learned badly.

Early in the morning, when Gu Anxi woke up, Bo Xichen was already in the bathroom. She turned over and called him softly.

"I have a medical meeting coming soon." The voice came from Uncle Bo who was shaving.

She groaned and rolled again, "Is Dr. Jiang going?"

There was a long period of silence in the bathroom. After a while, Professor Bo came out clean after shaving. Settle old accounts with me."

She blinked, like a pure goblin: "But she will be eliminated soon."

Seed contestant Lin Hua.

Bo Xichen laughed softly: "That won't have anything to do with me. I'm thinking about Mrs. Bo."

"I'm expressing my importance and possessiveness." Gu Anxi put his arms around his neck: "Uncle, I want to make house rules with you."

He still smiled lowly: "Then you say."

So she hugged him, hugged a few ones, two, three, four, five, and she laughed while counting, and he laughed too, and then she was sleepy, her eyelids were clenched and she said softly: "I will check when I come back tonight. "

"Welcome very much." He smiled lowly, and patted her little face again: 'I'm leaving. '

She groaned and let go of her hand.

When Professor Bo walked out, he stroked his forehead helplessly and sweetly: "It's really annoying."

But as a husband, he likes it.

Walking into the dining room, Bo Nianyao, his wife and the old man were already sitting upright. The elder, Bo Nianyao, was careful. He was repaired by his wife last night. The wife said that he had no regard for face and dragged his son to play chess until midnight Nian Yao's father was quite dissatisfied. The plan of the next generation was delayed by only two hours, and his son was even to blame.

When Bo Xichen sat down, he received his father's complaining gaze, and he smiled knowingly.

On the other hand, Mr. Bo was stunned, unable to cheer up.

It's all a bunch of old men, and the breakfast doesn't taste like much.

The old man was not happy, and complained: "Xi Chen, can you let the boy have breakfast with you, so as to cultivate the relationship between husband and wife."

Uncle Bo smiled slightly: "She probably doesn't think it's necessary."

The old man was very disappointed and continued to listless.

Looking at his son's expression, Bo Nianyao could see some way of doing it, so after breakfast he said a few words alone: ​​"What's wrong with Xichen?"

Bo Xichen held the car door with his hand, turned around: "Father."

Bo Nianyao dressed in a green shirt, and came slowly: "I see that you have something on your mind. Could it be that you are troubled by Mr. Wang's scandal?"

Bo Xichen couldn't help laughing: "How come?"

He paused, his voice lowered a little: "Jiang Chaoge called Lu Heng back."

Lu Heng?

Bo Nianyao frowned.

Of course he has heard of Lu Heng, but he doesn't know much about it, but the Lu family is very clear to him. The Lu family, like the Bo family, is a family of medicine, but the Bo family is a pot to help the world, while the Lu family is an old poison up.

The family history of the Lu family is to make poisons. Hundreds of years later, dogs still can't eat them. In Lu Heng's generation, although they are more civilized, the medicines they developed are also overbearing. They only care about the effect and don't care about the follow-up.

Bo Nianyao pondered for a moment: "It must be for the project of Huaer Laboratory."

"Yes." Bo Xichen nodded.

Bo Nianyao walked back and forth a few steps with his hands behind his back, and then said: "Then what do you do? Do you announce now that the project is actually owned by the Bo family?"

Bo Xichen shook his head.

Bo Nianyao looked directly at his son.

Bo Xichen said slowly: "Let him develop it. Mr. Wang needs time, and we also need time here."

Bo Nianyao thought about it, this is the reason.

Bo Xichen opened the car door and got in the car, then lowered the car window: "There is a medical meeting in the morning, so I will meet him."

After hearing this, Bo Nianyao laughed lightly...

The black supercar started and slowly drove away from Siyuan.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the Asian Medical Symposium was held on time, and the chairperson was none other than Lin Yuan.

After Lin Yuan replaced Bo Jingshen, things went smoothly, and the bright and dark places naturally turned towards the Bo family.After Zhou Yunchen's incident, fortunately, it didn't affect Lin Yuan.

Sitting next to Lin Yuan was the handsome young man sent by the Jiang family. He was a little nervous about attending such a grand meeting for the first time.

Bo Xichen came early, smoked a cigarette with Lin Yuan, and looked through the documents calmly.People from behind came over one after another, everyone was polite, until Jiang Chaoge and Lu Heng appeared, the domineering air was so overwhelming that the conference room couldn't bear it...

All present were shocked.

It turned out to be Lu Heng.

Jiang Chaoge invited Lu Heng back.

The Jiang family is undoubtedly like a tiger with wings added, and Jiang Chaoge and Wang Jingyao's good things are approaching, can the Bo family withstand it?I'm afraid it's not going to fall.

Lu Heng's aura is different from Bo Xichen's gentle jade. Lu Heng is domineering, with the kind of domineering that doesn't grow anywhere. Of course, he is also good-looking, delicate and good-looking.

Dressed in black, Lu Heng walked slowly to Bo Xichen and sat down, smiling: "Junior Brother Bo, long time no see."

"It's been a long time." Uncle Bo smiled: "Lu Heng, you are still the same as before."

Lu Heng's complexion changed, and then he recovered: "Junior Brother Bo, what does this mean?"

"It's meaningless, it's an ordinary compliment." Bo Xichen laughed, "I've been abroad for a long time, Lu Heng, your Chinese is not very smooth?"

He looked at Jiang Chaoge again: "Junior Sister Jiang can translate it."

He lazily said: "I just don't know about your current relationship, who goes up and who goes down..."

Superior and inferior.

Lin Yuan laughed out loud: "Xi Chen, this meeting went well, why did you speed up, it seems that married life is very satisfactory."

Lu Heng pursed his lips and remained silent.

All eyes are on him, because he is a poison, he is proud of his talents, does not take anyone seriously, and has a domineering and narcissistic personality.

Jiang Chaoge rescued him: "Brother Lu Heng is the expert I invited."

Lu Heng looked at Bo Xichen: "Or is Junior Brother Bo greedy for this position?"

Bo Xichen was very modest: "Senior Brother Lu is the only one to take this position, I dare not compete with you."

Lu Heng was angry again.

I haven't seen him for a few years, when did Bo Xichen become so talkative?What about the good manners of the past?Feed the dog?

Looking at it now, it's a bit arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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