Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 897 Underestimating the slap in the face, she is Mr. Gu

Chapter 897 Underestimating the slap in the face, she is Mr. Gu

Lu Heng saw that she didn't care about him, so he hummed angrily: "I called you here, not to let you play games."

Gu Anxi raised his eyes: "Do you need to drink water?"

Lu Heng didn't make a sound.

She immediately poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

Lu Heng's fingers touched hers, and he clenched them tightly, and his voice was also tight: "Follow me, and you will have a better life than now."

Gu Anxi's eyes widened a little, and he let out a long sigh: "Seduce younger siblings."

She pulled her hand back with a smile, picked up an alcohol on the side and sprayed it on her hand, then wiped it with a paper towel, sprayed it with alcohol, wiped it again, and went back and forth three times before finishing.

Lu Heng stared at her, feeling insulted.

She obviously disliked him.

He narrowed his eyes: "My wealth is no less than that of the Bo family."

"Are you willing to give it all to me?" Gu Anxi asked sincerely every day.

Lu Heng said disdainfully: "I will give you 1000 million a month, and you will live like a princess."

"Oh." Gu Anxi nodded: "Sounds good."

'Aren't you tempted? Lu Heng raised his eyes, stared at her and asked.

She nodded foolishly: "I'm tempted, I'm so tempted."

Lu Heng frowned, feeling bored again.

Such a girl with no personality is not like the one he saw before, but she is so arrogant today, it turns out that she has such a humble personality in her bones.

He lost interest all of a sudden, turned his face away, and said coldly: "Forget it, I don't need you anymore, just find me a nurse."

Gu Anxi flicked the check: "This is non-refundable."

Lu Heng felt a little disgusted, raised his hand slightly, and his secretary immediately stepped forward with a smile and said politely: "Miss Gu, our Mr. Lu is going to rest."

"Okay, I'll get out, I'll get out right away." Gu Anxi smiled and got out quickly.

When they left, Lu Heng was still angry.

His secretary comforted softly: "400 million is nothing to you."

At this time, Jiang Chaoge was not there, so Lu Heng said to his secretary: "She is the person I have been looking for these few years."

Secretary ANN was shocked.

After a while, she said slowly: "Then why don't you keep her?"

Lu Heng was in a bad mood, lifted the quilt and prepared to leave, "She is different from what I imagined, groveling, it's not interesting."

How can Lu Heng, who is so proud and arrogant, like her, even though she has an incomparably perfect face.

Lu Heng did not hesitate and was about to leave.

At this time, the nurse happened to come in, still holding an IV in her hand. Seeing Lu Heng about to leave, she asked puzzledly, "Dr. Lu, are you leaving the hospital?"

Lu Heng was so arrogant that he ignored her at all.

The nurse was a little embarrassed, and said softly: "Professor Bo has something to do, Dr. Lu, if you insist on leaving the hospital, you have to tell Mr. Gu, otherwise we have no way to take responsibility for what happened."

Mr. Gu?Which little Mr. Gu?

Lu Heng asked arrogantly.

The nurse suddenly realized, "Oh, Mr. Gu is Dr. Gu, Mrs. Bo of our Professor Bo."

The nurse's expression was full of admiration: "Mr. Gu owns AMP Company, which is worth hundreds of billions of assets, and Yunxi Group is also run by her. Xiao Gu is always the richest woman in North City. Thousands of girls envy her. picture."

Lu Heng frowned: "Really?"

The nurse smiled: "Of course, our little Gu is very capable."

She counted several items, and Lu Heng's eyes went from being careless to blazing. Naturally, his secretary, ANN, understood his intentions, and immediately said, "We, Dr. Lu, will not be hospitalized."

The nurse's heart sank, "Okay, Dr. Lu, I'll put you on an IV."

Lu Heng lay down again, and the nurse gave him the needle professionally and very carefully.

Lu Heng lowered his eyes: "You little Mr. Gu and Professor Bo are married?"

"Well, yes, I have obtained the certificate, but I will be married soon." The little nurse had a dream on her face: "Professor Bo loves her very much, and Professor Bo's parents are not called parents. Calling Bo Daddy and Bo Mama is because they think it will be strange to call Professor Bo, and they insist that Xiao Gu is always a baby."

The little nurse felt very embarrassed when she said that, and said in a low voice: "In short, Mr. Gu has a very good life in Beicheng, and many people buy it."

Lu Heng's face was slightly dark: "Then why does she want me to open 400 million?"

"Mr. Gu likes to play tricks on people like this. She often turns around and donates it away. She said it's called stealing from the rich and giving to the poor." The little nurse said shyly, "Professor Bo still talked about her at first, but then he got used to it when he couldn't control it." Well, Dr. Lu, please don't be angry, Mrs. Gu is just playful, she has no malicious intentions, she is actually a very kind, kind and caring girl."

Lu Heng lowered his eyes, then flipped through a magazine, and asked softly after a while: "The kind who is so loving that you want to knock me into an idiot?"

The nurse didn't dare to answer any more, and went out in a hurry.

ANN stepped forward and bent down: "Dr. Lu, what do you think now?"

Lu Heng glanced at her, then lowered his eyes: "What can I think, she is Bo Xichen's wife now."

ANN smiled: "You can conquer her with your charm."

Lu Heng glanced at her, but didn't make a sound.

ANN said softly: "This Miss Gu sounds very good." '

"Where it is excellent, it is obviously hateful." Lu Heng raised his head, watching the drops drop by drop, his eyes were a little confused, and he said after a long time: "Why is she married? Obviously, I have been looking for her for four years."

ANN didn't know what to say all of a sudden, she felt like saying nothing was good.

Lu Heng closed his eyes slightly, and said softly after a long time: "Bo Xichen has always been the best."

ANN dared not say anything more.

At this time, the door opened. Lu Heng thought it was a nurse and didn't care, but he didn't expect it to be Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi leaned against the door with two lunch boxes in his hand: "30 yuan a lunch box, give me the money."

Lu Heng raised his eyes suddenly, his eyes were very strange.

ANN reminded in a low voice: "Dr. Lu, can you restrain yourself and don't scare the little girl."

Lu Heng looked at her sideways and smiled very lightly.

Based on what the nurse just said, is it possible for her to be scared?

(End of this chapter)

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