Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 899 The contest between men is short and intense

Chapter 899 The contest between men is short and intense

She smiled shyly, moved forward again, and got into his neck.

Bo Xichen couldn't be bothered with his work, so he put his arm around her and dialed the internal number with the other hand, and told his assistant: "No visitors are accepted in the afternoon."


Gu Anxi slept soundly and didn't wake up until five o'clock.

Opening his eyes and looking up, the uncle stretched his body and was checking emails with his mobile phone. He probably sensed that she was awake, so he reached out and rubbed her hair, "Are you awake?"

She murmured lazily, but didn't want to get up, she still lay on her stomach: "What time is it, uncle?"

"Five o'clock." He bowed his head: "Are you going to get up?"

She still dominated him, and softly said that she didn't think about it, Bo Xichen chuckled, and didn't have the intention of getting up to work again, just talked to her for a while while processing the mail, and didn't get up until seven o'clock. , his assistant had already prepared the dress to wear to the banquet at night, after putting on, Gu Anxi put on light makeup and went out together.

The Jiang family held a banquet for Lu Heng.

I heard that almost all the celebrities from the entire northern city had arrived, but this time the Bo family was still in hiding, and only the juniors were allowed to attend.

It's still the same place as last time, and the scene is still the same...

When Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi went there, Gu Anxi drove a red Ferrari, and Uncle Bo sat in the back seat to read documents.

The car stopped with a squeak, and everyone saw Mr. Gu, who was wearing a small black V skirt, got out of the car very naturally, opened the rear door, Professor Bo put down the documents in his hand, and got out of the car naturally.

Everyone was stunned.

Professor Bo is old is this couple!

However, after getting off the car, they stood together, so dazzling that everyone couldn't take their eyes off.

They are all top-notch faces.

Lu Heng held the wine glass and stood in the brightest part of the hall, the glass in his hand was almost crushed.

"She" is so beautiful, but she belongs to the person he hates the most.

All the cells in Lu Heng's body were clamoring, he wanted to take her away, to take her away.

He wanted to prove to her that he was the strongest man, he was stronger than Bo Xichen, and he was the man who matched her best.And she is so lively, he is the right person for her.

Lu Heng walked forward slowly, until he reached Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi, he stretched out his hand: "Junior Brother Bo, here we come."

When Bo Xichen shook hands with him, the contest between men was always short and intense.

The two sides let go of their hands without a trace, and at this time Lu Heng stretched out his hand to Gu Anxi provocatively: "Young President Gu, I have long admired your name."

Gu Anxi opened his innocent eyes, and then smiled.

Shake hands.

As soon as I shook the hand, it came from Lu Heng's domineering strength, and it hurt.

In fact, Lu Heng also hurt, because her slender finger was wearing a very delicate diamond ring, and it was the ring finger.

He had to face up to the fact that she was married.

Just as the heart ached, there was a sharp pain in the fingers.

Startled, he fixed his eyes on the angelic face.

The little angel smiled like the little devil: "This thin needle is 10 microns in diameter, and the length is now three millimeters. At its longest, it can penetrate the palm of your hand by two centimeters. It also has a stirring function. Do you want to try it, Dr. Lu?" Try the highest technology?"

Lu Heng stared at her.

Gu Anxi smiled: "This is the right hand, Dr. Lu will never be able to go to the operating table again after such a set."

Lu Heng immediately let go of his hand, and the pain disappeared as soon as he let go, and he was so angry that he wanted to curse.

He quickly took a step back, and finally turned his eyes to Bo Xichen, looking for some explanation, but Professor Bo was talking to someone else, pretending not to see.

Only then did Lu Heng believe in the doting legend.

The members of the Bo family allowed Gu Anxi to do evil outside and pretended not to see it.

There was a sneer on the corner of Lu Heng's mouth: "I remember you."

Gu Anxi ignored him, a boring person.

At this moment, Jiang Chaoge came over. She had just seen Senior Brother Lu suffered a disadvantage. She came over and reminded her in a low voice, "She has a lot of tricks, and she likes to play tricks on people, making it embarrassing."

Lu Heng frowned: "Then how did her business succeed?" '

Jiang Chaoge gritted his teeth: "Who knows about her! Her business is taken care of by others, and she sleeps until noon when she goes to work in Yunxi. Everyone ignores her and treats her like a baby."

Lu Heng curled his lips, thinking it was quite interesting.

At this moment, Jiang Chaoge saw Lin Hua approaching.

Lin Hua's arrival was facilitated by Jiang Chaoge, no matter how many methods he used, it was Lin Hua who came.

Tonight, she invited Lu Heng, the legendary ghost doctor.

Then, Wang Jingyao will pay more attention to her. Tonight, in front of Lin Hua, she will let her know who is the main palace and who is the one who sneaks around and cannot see others.

With Jiang Chaoge's gaze swept away, Gu Anxi knew her little trick, and smiled sweetly: "Sister Chaoge, aren't you usually very generous, why can't you hold your breath now?"

Jiang Chaoge froze, hated to death in his heart, but smiled on his face: "I don't understand what you mean."

Gu Anxi walked slowly to the front of the crystal table and took two glasses of cocktails. Jiang Chaoge thought she was taking one for himself, so he wanted to take it and say thank you modestly, but Gu Anxi turned around and gave it to Lin Hua. And gave a smile.

"Thank you." Lin Hua smiled slightly and reached out to take it.

Gu Anxi leaned comfortably on the back of the sofa, chatting briskly with Lin Hua.

Although Lin Hua lost a lot of weight, she looks good today, and her whole body is dazzling.

At this time, Jiang Chaoge left, Lin Hua paused before saying, "Thank you, Anxi, for taking care of Fengmian."

Gu Anxi sighed: "He is also my friend, so I can't talk about taking care of him."

Lin Hua smiled.

Gu Anxi looked at her and felt that she was even more beautiful than before, probably because of... old brother?

At this time, there is no one else, so she can say a few heartfelt words, "Sister Lin Hua, I know you won't forget Feng Sheng for a while, it may be a deal with you with my old brother, but I want to make a deal with him." No. He can obviously not be so embarrassed, if he doesn't like it enough, he won't make such a decision, especially in the current situation."

Lin Hua pursed her lips and remained silent.

Gu Anxi sighed softly: "Not to mention anything else, I just ask you to be fair to him. He is in his late forties and it is not easy to find a wife. And you used to like him so much."

"You still care about him?" Lin Hua smiled lightly.

Gu Anxi smiled mischievously: "There is no way, is he an old man, how can I bear a lifetime grudge with him."

It was a falling out, but neither of the two parties committed suicide, nor did it reach the point of life and death. No, Jing Chuan was even sent to her side as an undercover agent. He really belonged to him.

When she said this, Lin Hua smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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