Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 910 She, she, she is really hateful

Chapter 910 She, she, she is really hateful

Lin Hua took the bag on the side: "I added a few sets of clothes, and I also helped you pick out a few shirts. These are belts and tie cufflinks. Anxi helped me pick them out together, and said they would suit you."

She is very smart, gentle and considerate, just now she slaps a sweet date, and the old brother suddenly lost his temper, and it was just together again, so the atmosphere was very moving all of a sudden.

He looked at it, liked it very much, raised his eyes and said with a smile: "She is willing to accompany you."

"If she really doesn't want to see you, how can she have the patience to go shopping with me to buy your things." Lin Hua stroked the back of his hand and said softly, "She's the little Mr. Gu who is making money every day. I have earned a lot of money with my hard work.”

The old brother patted her on the face: "Silly lady, the things she exploited here can be bought for the next villa."

In fact, half of his property is in the pocket of the little bastard.

However, no regrets.

Just pissed her off.

Lin Hua also knew about this, and smiled, "Anxi paid the bill today, saying it was a gift."

"She bought you for a little thing. You, Mrs. Wang, are really worthless." Brother Wang just smiled.

Lin Hua suddenly said, "By the way, Anxi said that she and Xichen are going to Jiangcheng soon. Do you know?"

Wang Jingyao heard Jing Chuan's tone before, and now Lin Hua's words became more certain. He hesitated, and then said softly: "It was they who decided last night, what happened last night."

Lin Hua froze for a moment, then suddenly said, "Do I have this much energy?"

Wang Jingyao looked at her, "Have you, you don't know?"

Lin Hua fell silent. There must be no good words behind him.

At this moment, the manager of the restaurant came to serve the dishes, so he naturally knew the important person, and he was very respectful in his words and expressions.

Although the old brother is used to being waited on by others, she used to please him when he was with Lin Hua, but it is different now. He naturally respects and loves her when he is his wife, so he has always taken care of her. Looking at her... getting along very well.

After eating, he sat down on the sofa for a while, and then he explained Jiang Chaoge's matter to her, and said the process briefly, and finally said with a smile: "I have completely drawn the line with her. If she said something in front of her wife, she would not be credible."

Lin Hua lowered her eyes and said after a while, "Really?"

"Don't believe me?" The old brother grabbed her hand, and then became shameless and irritable, very shameless.

Lin Hua didn't know that he... was still so shameless, she desperately moved her hand back, and then stared at him, blushing most of the way.

The old brother was thick-skinned, "Now you trust me, don't you?"

She just wanted to scold him, but at this moment Secretary Zhou came in and whispered a few words, Wang Jingyao looked a little unhappy, "You let Min Xin take care of it, and I need to come forward for such a small matter, is he just for nothing? "

Secretary Zhou hesitated for a moment before saying: "Mr. Min is not here, he is on a business trip today, did you forget?"

Wang Jingyao just remembered it, and was very unhappy: "This Min Xin has always liked to be against me. He clearly knows that I am busy and have to go on a business trip recently. What happened?"

Secretary Zhou just laughed.

Old brother Wang looked at Zhou Yu again and said, "He's just jealous of me, he's been around for so long just to be able to sleep on a small sofa in Zhou's house, which shows that I'm much better than him in terms of character. "

Lin Hua bit her lip while listening, the old brother thought of what happened just now, he was in a good mood, and patted her hand: "Okay, I'll take care of some things, you can ask the driver to drop you off, and I'll try to come back as soon as possible later."

Before Lin Hua could answer, the old brother had already walked out, it seemed that it was a very important matter.


On the other side, Gu Anxi drove back by herself. My uncle had an important operation to be done today. She wanted to go to the hospital and wait for him to get off work. Halfway through the car, a white sports car in front of me suddenly stopped straight at a place far away. Come across from the opposite side and stop in front of her.

Gu Anxi stepped on the brakes and looked around from the car.

It's Lu Heng.

Lu Heng got out of the car and walked towards here quickly.

Gu Anxi lowered the car window, and when he came in front of her, she frowned: "Dr. Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Heng also ran into her by chance, he really didn't expect to meet her again.

He stared at her.

Gu Anxi wore wide sunglasses, her face looked small, and she was still chewing gum. She looked similar to when he saw her back then, except for one more identity, his most hated wife.

Lu Heng leaned forward: "Alone?"

Before she could speak, he said, "Go to dinner, 400 million."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Dr. Lu is really generous. But eating with an ugly man is more than that price."

Lu Heng got angry.

No one ever said he was ugly.

He glared at her.

She was still smiling: "Get out of the way."

"Don't let me, make it clear." Lu Heng looked like he wanted her to be responsible.

Gu Anxi chewed his gum, and his smile became brighter: "Okay, don't let me?"

She did not know where to find a bottle of chili water and sprayed it on Lu Heng's face...

Lu Heng uttered a dirty word, and moved away as soon as he let go, Gu Anxi waved his little paw: "Goodbye, Dr. Lu."

Lu Heng's eyes were so uncomfortable, he took the car and ran a few steps, Gu Anxi threw out a handful of banknotes: "Go for plastic surgery."

As the car drove away, Lu Heng grabbed the air and yelled angrily, "I won't let you go."

He was panting, wishing he could chop Gu Anxi off, he had never kicked such a hard iron board, and at the same time, the proud Dr. Lu was still a little bit wronged.

In the past thirty years, he has never been tempted by so many beautiful girls who threw themselves into his arms. He only fell in love with him at first sight four years ago, and he was ecstatic to see her again. But last time she almost sent him to see God, this time again It's so poisonous.

Lu Heng swore that it would be best if she didn't fall into his hands.

Lu Heng couldn't see. Fortunately, he was a doctor. He went to the car to find water to wash it. After a long time, he still didn't feel well and finally went to the hospital.

Jiang Chaoge handled it for him, and he was wondering while doing it: "Senior brother Lu, how did you do it?"

In fact, she didn't dare to say that this kind of thing seems to be a magic weapon against wolf, so what did Lu Heng do?

Naturally, Lu Heng would not say this kind of thing. He was very arrogant, and he didn't have much affection for Jiang Chaoge. He was only interested in that set of data.

So, he just said casually: "I was accidentally injured by someone."

Jiang Chaoge sighed: "There are people in Beicheng who dare to treat Senior Brother Lu like this. We must find that person and sue her for imprisonment."

"Forget it." Lu Heng took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, but didn't smoke it: "Maybe she was careless too."

Jiang Chaoge: When did Lu Heng become so talkative?

But she didn't dare to ask, Lu Heng has always been shady, and she was afraid of him before.After thinking about it, he said something else: "Brother Lu, let's go to Jiangcheng next week. The laboratory over there is ready. In addition, I have also seen the mass-produced manufacturers after the experiment is successful. Jiangcheng's From the equipment to the scale of the Wang family, they are very consistent."

Lu Heng nodded, and then looked down at the red spot between his fingers, "It's important, what do you need after finishing this project, and the three-year patent period is enough for your prosperity and wealth."

Jiang Chaoge also nodded calmly, "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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