Datang's free and easy concubine

Chapter 489 1 Riding Juechen

Chapter 489

Li Chongyi's face was full of surprise when he heard that, they didn't take Princess Zhenzhu seriously, and they didn't feel any sense of accomplishment after winning Princess Zhenzhu.

But if she wins Princess Zhenzhu, then she is not eligible to race horses with Su Cheng, and they don't have to worry that Su Cheng will lose to a woman!

Therefore, winning Princess Zhenzhu is tantamount to helping Su Cheng. It was because of this that Li Chongyi was pleasantly surprised.

Li Chongyi winked at Su Cheng and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the first name is in my pocket!"

Twenty riders soon gathered on the starting line, and the onlookers were completely excited because they found that the princess of Tubo was also on the starting line!

Could it be that the Tubo princess also wants to participate in the horse race?

A girl's family participates in horse races?And a princess?

This is absolutely impossible in Datang!

Princess Tubo participates in horse racing?Even if it is a recharge, it is very exciting!

Winning or losing is not important, everyone wants to see the heroic posture of the Tubo princess riding a horse.

When Cheng Chumo and others saw this scene, they immediately ran over. They didn't expect Li Chongyi to participate in the competition with Princess Tubo, which is really great!

They were afraid that they would not meet the Tubo princess, but let the Tubo princess pick up a loophole instead.

Well now, in the third round of the horse race, Li Chongyi met Princess Tubo, and now it's settled, they are still very familiar with each other, Li Chongyi's riding skills are not bad, and his horse is also his old man's BMW.

"Li Chongyi, don't lose!" Cheng Chumo said with a strange smile

"Li Chongyi, if you lose this time, don't ride a horse anymore! You can ride a donkey instead!" Li Zhen joked.

Li Chongyi turned his head and said angrily: "Go away, you will lose!"

Princess Zhenzhu just snorted coquettishly when she heard this, she felt that there was no need to argue any more, because whoever wins and who loses will be decided immediately.

Su Cheng took the loaded musket and shouted: "Get ready!"


A loud bang!

Everyone controls the horse galloping together, and one of the white horses jumps out like an arrow off the string.

It was Princess Zhenzhu and her little Hua, who were far ahead of the crowd.

Braids are flying in the palace.

The people around were stunned for a moment, and then erupted.

They all thought that the Tubo princess was going up to play, but they didn't expect that the Tubo princess was so far ahead of the crowd.

A delicate princess, a girl, can ride so well!

Cheng Chumo and the others were completely stunned. Is this Tubo princess so fast?It seems that Li Chongyi is going to lose?

This is more than just like, this is definitely good, right?

The distance has become farther and farther!

This result was too unexpected, they never dreamed that Li Chongyi would lose to Princess Zhenzhu!

To be honest, Li Chongyi's strength is not bad, he has already thrown off the people behind, if there is no Princess Zhenzhu in front, then he will be the best!

However, there was Princess Zhenzhu who was far ahead and completely robbed him of his demeanor, leaving him in second place!

At this moment, Li Chongyi's teeth were almost crushed, and the whip was crackling, but the distance did not shorten at all.

Watching Princess Zhenzhu cross the finish line in a single ride, Li Chongyi was stunned!

I've already lost to a woman?

I lost a horse race to a woman?

Will this f*ck have a face in the future?

Deafening cheers sounded in his ears, Li Chongyi felt very ashamed, ashamed to see people, he really wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in!

"Good job!"

"Good job princess!"

"Good horse!"

"The princess is good at riding!"

The onlookers all applauded loudly. Although Princess Tubo won the horse race, they didn't feel ashamed.

Everyone is still very generous!

Of course, it was also because it was a beautiful and heroic princess who won the first place. If it was a prince, the atmosphere would be different.

This is just one of the first rounds.

But for Cheng Chumo and the others, the feeling was completely different. Before that, they didn't pay attention to Princess Zhenzhu at all.

But now they discovered that Princess Zhenzhu was not bragging, but really good at riding, and her horse seemed to be very difficult.

Although they joked that Li Chongyi would lose at that time, they didn't really hope that Li Chongyi would lose. Now that Li Chongyi really lost, they were not happy, nor did they mean to make fun of Li Chongyi.

Because they all know Li Chongyi's strength, Li Chongyi is definitely not bad.

After winning, Princess Zhenzhu didn't show off to Li Chongyi, but drove straight towards Su Cheng, and asked with a bright smile, "How is it? Is it okay?"

Su Cheng gave a thumbs up with a smile: "Excellent!"

Princess Zhenzhu defeated Li Chongyi by riding Juechen, which showed that Princess Zhenzhu did have the capital to be proud, but Su Cheng didn't panic at all, and didn't feel any pressure.

On the contrary, when Li Chongyi came to Su Cheng, he lowered his head and was afraid to look at Su Cheng. Su Cheng laughed and scolded: "Okay, don't look so dead, isn't it just losing a horse race? What's the big deal? Besides, you It's not necessarily because of the horsemanship, but because the horse is weaker."

At this time, a guard came driving the horse.

"Princess Zhenzhu, the son of Prince Hejian County, Your Majesty has summoned you!"

Li Chongyi followed behind Princess Zhenzhu, feeling a bit windy and windy, and the strong Yi Shuihan was gone and never returned.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Li Shimin was also a little surprised to see that Princess Zhenzhu won the first place in this round of horse racing by riding Juechen. He didn't expect Princess Zhenzhu to be really good at riding.

"That's right, it's true that a woman doesn't give way to a man, today it really caught my eye. I didn't expect that a girl like you would be willing to practice riding hard!" Li Shimin praised.

Princess Zhenzhu said with a smile: "Your Majesty is admirable. There are no smooth roads on the plateau, and you can't make a carriage. You can only ride a horse when you travel."

"Your mount is indeed an extremely rare BMW. I think Ke'er is the one who can compete with you in this horse race!" Li Shimin laughed.

Princess Zhenzhu smiled slightly when she heard this, but in fact she didn't think King Wu could beat her.

Li Shimin turned to look at Li Chongyi.

Li Chongyi bowed his head in shame and said: "I am ashamed to Your Majesty, I am ashamed of Your Majesty!"

Li Shimin laughed and said: "Chongyi, do you know about the battle of Qianshuiyuan? I once experienced a disastrous defeat in Qianshuiyuan! Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is losing fighting spirit."

"You performed well in today's horse race. Your riding skills have not fallen behind, but it is indeed a pity that you failed to win the first place. I hope you can realize your shame and be brave!"

Li Chongyi respectfully said: "I must practice riding hard, and I will never lose again in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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