Chapter 137 Injured (Part [-])

"The spleen is ruptured at the third level, the liver is slightly damaged, and other organs are fine." Feng Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, if the left side goes up, it will hurt the chest cavity, and if it hurts the lungs and heart, it will be even more troublesome. Hemostat."

After hemostasis and cleaning were done, Feng Qingyan picked up the suture thread and needles, and was ready to start stitching up the blood vessels, spleen, and liver.The suture is Feng Qingyan's special gut, which can be directly absorbed by the human body without removing the stitches, and can be directly used to suture the internal organs.

Seeing Ji Rufeng's curious face, Feng Qingyan asked him to come up to watch the suturing process, while explaining in detail the knowledge of various internal organs and the precautions for suturing.While Ji Rufeng was studying hard like a student, he used a handkerchief to wipe Feng Qingqing's sweat from time to time.

After the suture was completed, the hemostat was loosened, and after a while of observation, the bleeding basically stopped.Feng Qingyan checked again carefully to confirm that there were no omissions, closed the abdomen, and sutured the abdominal wall in two layers, the inner and outer layers.

"Huh - it's done!" After tying a bow, Feng Qingyan looked at the stitched wound, um, it's very beautiful and very satisfying!

I moved my numb legs, climbed out of bed, and washed the blood off my hands.Feng Qingyan wiped the wound with a cotton ball dipped in spiritual spring water, took a clean white cotton cloth to cover it, and bandaged the wound with Ji Rufeng's help.

"Shou Yuejin and the others came in to change the bedding, be careful when moving, and try to be as light as possible."

"Okay." Ji Rufeng turned around and went out to call for someone.

Feng Qingyan counted the number of surgical instruments to make sure there were no omissions, cleaned and disinfected them with spirits, and put them away.

When Yuejin came in, she saw the boy in black lying on the bed with only a pair of obscene trousers, she was a little startled, and looked at Feng Qingyan with complicated eyes.

"There is no danger of life for the time being. It will take another day of observation to confirm." Feng Qingyan explained while taking off the surgical gown.

"Thank you."

"Any rooms available?"

"The room next door is empty." Yuejin pointed to the right.

"I'm going to change clothes, you need someone to clean up here first." Feng Qingyan pointed to her sweat-soaked middle clothes. Although the temperature in the room was not high, due to her high concentration, her thin clothes were already wet blockbuster.

Yue Jin's movements were quick, Feng Qingyan came back after changing her clothes, the room had been tidied up, and the bedding on the bed had been replaced with new ones.The boy in black lay quietly on the bed, covered with a thin quilt, and Ji Rufeng stood by the bed and told Yuejin about the treatment process.

"When will he wake up?" Yue Jin asked hastily when she saw Feng Qing came back.

"There is a lot of blood loss. If there is no accident, it will be a day later. More rest will also help the wound heal." Feng Qingyan sat down on her own, took a bottle of Lingquan water and took a few sips. Some can't keep up.

"Girl, I'll take you home." Seeing Feng Qing's tired face, Yue Jin felt guilty.

"It's okay, I'll rest for a while. His wound is so big, I'm afraid he'll have a high fever later, I have to watch here. By the way, can Brother Yuejin get some ice?"

"Ice?" Yuejin thought for a while, "The royal family has underground ice storage...I'll find a way."

"Hey—?" Before Feng Qingyan could speak, Yuejin disappeared at the door in a flash.

"What is he doing here?" Nan Zhiyun, who was about to enter the door with a food box, was taken aback.

"I went to find ice for him." Feng Qingyan pointed to the boy on the bed.

 It's exam time again, I wish you all the best!



(End of this chapter)

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