Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 1513 Hurry up and take it away

Chapter 1513 Hurry up and take it away

" haven't practiced before, how can you guide me?"

"I haven't practiced it before, and it's not like I haven't seen it before! I haven't seen it used by anyone, and it's always recorded in the book!" The dean stroked his short gray beard.

"Oh, fat old man," Feng Qingyan couldn't help laughing angrily, "I've been talking for a long time, but you haven't practiced it, and you haven't seen anyone use it! Dare just read it in a book!"

"Hmm~~" The dean responded, and then his eyes widened, "Hey? How are you talking, little girl!"

"Then you should guide me to see!" Feng Qingyan shrugged and looked around: Is this how you guide me?

"Cough, cough," the dean coughed twice in embarrassment, "accident, accident!"

"I won't pay! Don't blame me!"

"Success! Don't blame you! Don't blame you!" The dean was extremely helpless, but who let himself speak first!

"Fat old man, this has reached the second level. Does it mean that the two petals will unfold every time you use it?"

"That's natural! However, you can control the attack power of the spiritual skill by how much spiritual power you inject."

"Ah? Then don't you have to keep exploring on your own?"

"Exactly." The dean put his hands behind his back with a little pride, "This ordinary spiritual skill is displayed through a spiritual weapon, and the injected spiritual power and the released power are fixed. But this flowing fire and flying flowers is It can be big or small, strong or weak.”

"Oh~~" Only then did Feng Qingyan realize that she had just thought wrong!

It turns out that no matter which level you practice to, you can adjust the power of Feihua according to the battle situation and your own spiritual power!As long as the remaining spiritual power can condense into buds, you can perform spiritual skills!If the opponent is weak, you can inject less spiritual power; if the opponent is stronger, you can inject more spiritual power!If you encounter the weak, you will be weak, and if you encounter the strong, you will be strong!

"Understood?" The dean raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"En!" Feng Qingyan nodded.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from behind the two of them.

Feng Qingyan turned around...

At the door, a cloud of smoke floated up.

The door of the room, which had been affected by the explosion and was already in jeopardy, had "fallen down and died" at this moment, lying flat on the ground.

In the smoke and dust, a vague white figure was holding the door frame with one hand, and covering his mouth and nose with his cuff with the other.

"Yanyan!" An urgent call came.

"Brother? Why are you here?" Feng Qingyan turned around.Hearing the rapid breathing, could it be that the senior brother flew here?

"Cough, cough—" Ling Chu raised his hand and waved his sleeves, walked in through the smoke and dust, "Are you okay?"

"No—" Feng Qingyan glanced at the unrecognizable dean's room, and secretly stuck out her tongue, "I'm fine. Hehe, hehe..."

"Hmph!" The dean removed the protective shield of spiritual power, with a painful expression on his face, "You're fine!"

"Fat old man! Tell me, is it because of you that this place is made like this?" Feng Qingyan raised her face and stared at her phoenix eyes, the meaning couldn't be more obvious: you asked me to make a move here, right?You made me do my best, right?It's what you said, you don't need to pay for the damage!

The dean was so stunned that he was speechless, he was speechless!Pointing at Ling Chu: "Boy! Take her away quickly!"

"Hey? Wait!" Feng Qingyan raised her small hand, "It's not even an hour yet! It's a deal!"

"One hour? This old man's dean's room is like this!" The dean's fat face trembled with anger, "Ling Chu! Take it away!"

"Yanyan, let's go." Ling Chu also felt that the dean's office, which was so messed up and beyond recognition, was really not a place to stay for a long time.

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(End of this chapter)

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