Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 1535: My Choice

Chapter 1535: My Choice

At Haishi, the torches around the training ground of the General's Mansion were as bright as day.

In the rustling autumn wind, Yang Ling, Shi Hu, 40 soldiers of the Feng family army, and more than [-] secret guards in the general's mansion who were resting in rotation, had assembled.

Second Uncle Feng Rui and Yun Ting were also present.

A few months ago, Feng Qingyan had given Fengrui ten bottles of marrow washing liquid, and asked him to choose a suitable person from the dark guards to take it.After that, I didn't ask about it again. After all, Feng Rui was solely responsible for the work of the dark guard.

Seeing that there were no figures of Feng Er and Feng Si among the hidden guards today, although the second uncle didn't say it clearly, Feng Qingyan's heart was clear.And I haven't heard anyone mention the marrow-washing medicinal liquid, it's probably done in secret, and the other hidden guards don't know about it.

With her small hands behind her back, Feng Qingyan paced slowly among the crowd, and said loudly: "We have gathered you here tonight for a very important matter. This matter is not about this lady, But for you, for each of you, it is a very important choice."

The eyes of nearly a hundred people followed this small figure, silently.

"The right to choose is in your own hands. You can choose 'yes' or 'no'. As for this matter, it is—" Feng Qingyan walked to the front, stood still, raised her small face, and He said four words one by one, "washing-tendon-cutting-marrow!"

Even the well-trained Feng Family Army soldiers and hidden guards couldn't help but gasp after hearing these four words!

What did Missy say?Wash the tendons and cut the marrow?

Xisui Dan is hard to find one!The children of the aristocratic family are hard-won!What's more, I'm just a soldier/secret guard of the Feng Family Army!

Moreover, what the eldest lady just said-everyone? !There are more than a hundred people here!How did the eldest lady get so many marrow washing pills? !

Seeing the expressions of the hidden guards, Feng Qingyan became more determined. The second uncle must have chosen the ten bottles of marrow washing liquid in secret!The secrecy work is well done!

"Everyone, don't be surprised, that's right! You heard me right! Everyone standing here, cleanse your muscles!" Feng Qingyan emphasized again.

This time, the place below suddenly became quiet again.

What the lady said was actually true!

Everyone never thought that they would have the opportunity to wash their muscles and cut their marrow!

"I don't need to say much about what it means to wash the tendons and cut the marrow. You all know it very well! But you should also know what you have to go through!"

"Huh—" More than a hundred people knelt on one knee, "This subordinate knows!"

"Okay! Now I'll give you half a stick of incense time to think about it! If you feel that you can't bear this suffering, you can't stand it, stand behind! How to choose is up to you, this lady will not force it!" Feng Qingyan was quiet stood and waited.

However, the time for half a stick of incense passed, and no one got up.

"Since you have all made your choice, this lady's ugly words will be up front: If someone gives up halfway, kill—no—forgiveness! The Feng family army, leave no waste!" The bright little face is serious, and the face is condensed, "Again Giving you one last chance, has anyone opted out?"

"No!" Everyone responded loudly, in unison.

"Get up!" Feng Qingyan nodded slightly, raised her hand and handed Yun Ting a storage bag, "One bottle per person."

"Yes, Miss." Yun Ting stepped forward to take it.

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(End of this chapter)

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