Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 2142 Lost deer

Chapter 2142 Lost deer

"Hehe..." Xiao Yuchen couldn't help but chuckled.

"Xiao Chenchen, do you know? What I see in your eyes is deeper than the night sky, brighter than the galaxy, brighter than the stars..."

"Like it?"


The star pupils were filled with a smile, and she whispered softly: "I like it too."

"Huh?" Feng Qingyan tilted her head, "What do you like?"

"You." The thin lips parted slightly, and Xiao Yuchen whispered three words, "I like you."

For a moment, her pretty face flushed slightly, and Feng Qingyan lowered her head shyly.

She seemed to have said the three words "like you" to him many times, whether intentionally or unintentionally.And he, it seems that he never said these three words to her formally, right?This should be the first time...

The long arms circled around behind and gently embraced her.The little head, which was always pretending to be something and was always thinking wildly, tilted and fell into the thick shoulder socket.

The two raised their heads together and looked up at the starry sky.

"The stars here are so bright~~!" Compared with the modern sky polluted by industry, the air in this world is clean and fresh.During the day, the cloudless sky is extremely blue; at night, the night sky is pure black, and the stars are clear and crystal clear.

"With the contrast of the night, the starlight can be brighter." Xiao Yuchen said, and glanced sideways at the girl in his arms.With her, his life was lit up.

Feng Qingyan raised her head and glanced at the beautiful jaw line, her eyebrows and eyes curved sweetly.Just as he was about to continue looking at the starry sky, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly discovered that there was a glistening white light beside the big tree opposite the inn.

"Huh?" Can't help but make a sound in doubt, raised his little hand and pointed, "Xiao Chenchen, what do you think is that?"

Xiao Yuchen looked around, his eyebrows frowned slightly: "Go down and have a look!" He wrapped the girl in his arms and flew down.

Since he didn't know what was hiding behind the tree, Xiao Yuchen cautiously did not step forward immediately, but landed five or six meters away from the big tree.

Behind the thick trunk, a short section of fluffy white is exposed, with a faint white fluorescence.It looks like it is coated with a layer of halo.

Feng Qingyan looked at it, pursed her lips and thought for a while: "This seems to be the tail of a monster..." After saying that, she wanted to step forward to have a closer look.

"Don't move!" Xiao Yuchen raised his arms on guard, and stopped in front of him.Staring at the tree trunk, Xingmou shouted coldly: "Come out!"

A few very light hoofbeats of "da da da" came, and a snow-white figure walked away from behind the big tree.

It was a small white deer with silver plum blossom imprints on its back and two small antlers on its head.Walking in front of Feng Qingyan, blinking her big wet eyes, she lowered her head and murmured softly: "Yo Yo——"

"Huh? Sika deer?" Feng Qingyan stretched out her little hand in surprise, and gently stroked the little deer's brow, "Are you lost?"

Unexpectedly, seeing this little guy walking out, Xiao Yuchen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This spirit deer is your master's contracted beast, named 'Riqi'."

"Linglu? Youqi?" Feng Qingyan pointed at the little deer, her eyes full of disbelief: "It, it... my master's?"

The beautiful male master actually contracted such a cute spirit beast?Except for that immortal air that doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, it doesn't match his arrogant and cold personality at all!Such a cute little deer...

(End of this chapter)

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