Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 2314 Let you see!Let you see!

Chapter 2314 Let you see!Let you see!

"Ah, ah?" The judging teacher just woke up.

"Is it possible to announce the result of the game?"

"Yes, yes." The judge teacher stabilized his overly frightened mind, cleared his throat, and announced the result of the competition loudly, "In the last match, Fengqingyan wins."

He Lanche had already stood under the ring, and the result couldn't be clearer.Although Feng Qingyan shattered the protective cover, there was no clause in the rules of the game that stipulated that this situation was a foul.Therefore, there is no point of dispute.

Feng Qingyan, who was about to jump off the ring, turned around slowly, met the cold gaze that had been staring at her with sharp and proud eyes, and smiled.On the other hand, in Luo Qianting's pair of cut-off pupils, hatred was mixed with anger.

Hehe... Feng Qingyan shook her head secretly: She thought that the plum blossom was a provocative act by her deliberately hitting the east stand!

Ha ha……

Sorry to disappoint you!She really didn't mean it!

However, Feng Qingyan didn't intend to explain anything.Luo Qianting misunderstood, it's better!Take it as a small warning to her!

It was an unintentional mistake, but there was an unexpected gain. It was really unintentional!

Jumping off the ring, he winked at He Lanche, and the two walked towards the stands together.

It wasn't until Feng Qingyan sat down on the stand that Luo Qianting's eyes moved away and fell on Xiao Yuchen who was sitting in front.

A nauseating feeling rose from her chest, and Feng Qingyan felt very upset!Xiaochenchen is hers, no one is allowed to covet it!Especially the little Chenchen who used this disgusting gaze to defile her!

So what if there is a Lingzun sitting in town?It’s fine without the Spirit King!

Grinding her teeth, she released a burst of mental power and headed towards Luo Qianting!

Let you see Xiao Chenchen!Let you see!

When the mental power came close, it was divided into four parts, each piercing the four acupuncture points on Luo Qianting's body!But in the blink of an eye, except for a little bit of mental power sealed into the acupuncture point, the rest was quickly withdrawn by Feng Qingyan.

"Ah!" A woman's scream sounded from the stands on the east side.

The people who had just recovered from the shock brought by Feng Qingyan were whispering to each other in twos and threes, so they all raised their heads and turned their gazes to the place where the screams came from.

I saw a well-dressed girl covering her face with her hands, trembling all over, and panicked: "What's going on! What's going on! My eyes..."

And another girl in a light yellow dress was running anxiously from the stands not far away.

That was You Yanran who was sitting with the people from Youyue Palace who came to watch the match.

"Tingting? What's the matter?" You Yanran hurriedly paused and asked in a concerned tone.

"Yanran, I, my eyes... my eyes!" Luo Qianting's voice was already crying, and she was a little incoherent.

"Tingting, don't worry, speak slowly!"

"My eyes, suddenly I can't see anything!" As she spoke, Luo Qianting took away her hands covering her face and shook them in the void in front of her, "I can't see anything! It's pitch black..."

You Yanran looked carefully, and frowned: "Tingting, your eyes don't seem to be unusual! Neither red nor swollen..." As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Luo Qianting. , the pair of eyes without focus, and it is true that they didn't respond as if they didn't see anything. "Can't you see any light?"

(End of this chapter)

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