Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 245 Han Yougu

Chapter 245 Han Yougu ([-])

Feng Qingyan thought for a while, and felt that what Feng Aotian said was right, so she nodded and said: "Yes, according to what Second Grandpa said, he was 15 years old at the time, if he had a stronger temper, he would definitely not let my uncle take over easily." Take the property and go."

"The dining hall is in front, let's go and have a look, Yan Yan must have never seen it before!" After Feng Aotian finished speaking, he walked towards the largest building here - the dining hall with Feng Qingyan.

Feng Qing still had a curious look on his face, but he couldn't help laughing in his heart: Second Grandpa, what kind of canteen Yan Yan has never seen before!I have been to various restaurants in my previous life, including canteens in middle schools, universities, hospitals, and even the army!hey-hey!

Since the west side is the school, the kitchen of the dining hall is placed on the side next to the school, so that the children's meals can be delivered directly to the school.As it was almost lunch time, the spacious kitchen was busy.On the east side is a long hall with large round tables and stools.Hygiene is doing pretty well, clean and tidy.Feng Qingyan made a rough calculation, and it can accommodate about 300 people at the same time.

"Second Grandpa, counting the odd jobs here, we have about 800 people, right? There's not enough room here?" Feng Qingyan pointed to the empty hall and asked.

"Before, most of them went to the army. Except for those children, there are only more than 100 people left here, plus those who do odd jobs. There are enough people here. Now that there are more people, they will be divided into three groups to eat separately."

Feng Qingyan frowned. This hall has at least 300 square meters. In fact, if it is designed according to the table for four people in the university cafeteria in the previous life, and it can accommodate 600 people for dinner at the same time, there will be no problem at all.For a dining place like a cafeteria, large round tables take up space and there are few people sitting there.

"Second Grandpa, let's go and see where they live."

After looking at the dining hall, Feng Qingyan couldn't help becoming interested in the conditions of the accommodation.

"Where do you live?" Feng Aotian was taken aback.

"Yes. I want to go and see, is it convenient?"

Feng Aotian frowned, a little embarrassed: "Yan Yan, you are a girl... where the rough guys live..."

Feng Qingyan couldn't help laughing, looking at Second Grandpa's appearance, he might be comparable to a male dormitory in a university!

"If Second Grandpa said that, then I have to go and see!"

"Alright then." Seeing Feng Qingyan's insistence, Feng Aotian had no choice but to agree.While walking, he also instructed: "However, Yan Yan just stands at the door and takes a look, don't go in."

Feng Aotian led Feng Qingyan directly through the back door of the kitchen, behind the dining hall were wooden houses of similar size.

Feng Qingyan picked one at random, pushed open the half-hidden door, and was stunned: in a room of [-] to [-] square meters, there was a row of three-sided bunks built against the wall, with bedding randomly scattered on the bed, under the bed It was stuffed with clothes, and the whole room was filled with the smell of sweat.

Seeing Feng Qingyan standing at the door blankly, Feng Aotian hastily stretched out his hand to close the door.

"The second grandpa said there is nothing to see! They are all young men, so they are bound to be messy."

"Second Grandpa..." Feng Qingyan really didn't know what to say.The situation here is much worse than what I expected, it seems that I need to consider more.

"Second Grandpa will take you to the medical clinic, I think you are more interested!" Feng Aotian didn't know what Feng Qingyan was thinking, and pointed to the wooden house on the east side of the dining hall.

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(End of this chapter)

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