Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 3012 Of course you have to pay

Chapter 3012 Of course you have to pay

"These two, here you are, put them away." Feng Qingyan took out two envelopes, one thick and one thick, from the spirit ring, and put them on the table.

"A letter?" Su Niang picked it up and looked at it.I saw that the two letters were sealed with wax seals on the back of the envelope.Among them, on Bo's letter, there were four words - "From Li Zhuo".

That seal of wax was not stamped with Feng Qingyan's name, but Hongshengzhai's brand name.Originally, it was used to seal letters between Li Zhuo and the people in Xingchen Building.After the restaurant was changed to her, Princess Zhunchen's name, she also prepared one for her.

If it wasn't for the signing and stamping of the contract in the Colosseum, she would have forgotten about it long ago when she remembered that she still had such a thing!Both letters were written yesterday, one thick one was about marketing planning, shop decoration and so on, and the other one was a personal letter to Li Zhuo.

Although the spirit message they used to communicate was strengthened, it seemed that the distance between here and the capital of Donglin Kingdom had exceeded the transmission range of the spirit message.There are maps of the entire continent, but the accuracy cannot be compared with modern surveying and mapping technology, and only approximate distances can be estimated.Perhaps, it's just not much, but it's out of the effective range.

No matter whether it was sent to the fat old dean or to Li Zhuo, there has been no response for several days.So, she had no choice but to write a personal letter explaining the situation.While waiting outside the iron cage, he secretly stamped the two letters in the Lingxu Market with wax seals, which can be regarded as a keepsake!

"Miss, may I ask, this Li Zhuo, is—" Su Niang guessed the point, but she still had to ask clearly.

"You also saw the wax paint on the back. Li Zhuo is the shopkeeper of Hongshengzhai. And this Hongshengzhai is a restaurant under my name."

"Oh..." Su Niang nodded.As she had guessed, it was someone who would work together in the future.

"When you arrive in the capital, take these two letters and go to Hongshengzhai to find this man named Li Zhuo. He will arrange the rest for you."

"But, miss—" let her take the letter by herself?Can that person believe it?Su Niang hesitated and doubted.

"Don't worry about that, I'll let my second brother take you there!" Feng Qingyan saw her worries and explained, "Just do what you need to do, don't worry about the rest, basic necessities of life. "

"Yes. Su Niang will understand when Miss says so." She nodded again, and carefully put away the two letters.

"As for the wages—" as soon as Feng Qingyan spoke, Su Niang immediately raised her head in surprise: "Miss, what did you say?"

"I said wages, what's the matter?"

"Is there still wages?" She thought that the two of them were just exchanging terms and each took what they needed, so why did they bring up wages? !

"Ha ha……"


"Su Niang, if you do things for me, I will naturally pay you! I can't let you work for five years for nothing, can I?"

"But, Miss, the conditions we agreed upon..."

"One size is one size. Don't worry, the condition is the condition, and the salary is the salary."

"I'm's not appropriate..." When she mentioned the wages like this, Su Niang was a bit embarrassed.

"Appropriate! What's inappropriate!" Feng Qingyan smiled slightly, "Well... let's do it! I won't embarrass you either! Let's come up with a new way! You don't have monthly money, only a commission, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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