Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 3588 was originally numbered

Chapter 3588 was originally numbered

However, such a remote location can still have such a large passenger flow, it can be seen that the taste of the food is absolutely the same!

When a guest came in, the staff greeted him warmly immediately.

Xiao Yuchen didn't say anything, and just threw an ordinary star token over.The buddy quickly picked it up, took a closer look, and then turned to the back to take a look.He bowed and said "wait a minute", then took the star order and went to the counter, flipped through a booklet, seemed to check it, and came back soon.

After returning the order of the stars, he respectfully invited the three of them to go upstairs.

When the clerk handed back the Star Token, Feng Qingyan stretched out her little hand.The clerk was stunned, and he retracted his hand reflexively. Seeing that the young man who gave him the Star Order had no objection, he handed over the small black token again.Afterwards, he took a cautious look at Xiao Yuchen again, and then said "please", and led the way ahead.

While being led upstairs by the male ticket, Feng Qingyan looked down at the token in her hand.Her father Feng Heng also had a piece of the Black Star Token, but she had never really looked at it carefully.

The folks at the Beijing Auction House and Linglong Pavilion all recognize her. Whether it's going to the auction, visiting the Linglong Pavilion, or looking for Yuejin and Nan Zhiyun, there is no need for any star orders!

Moreover, she only has the purple Star Token and the Landlord Token representing the identity of the landlord.It was the first time he held this ordinary Star Token in his hand.

Looking at the front, it seems that they all look about the same.And when it was turned to the back, there were a few uppercase numbers on the Star Token in his hand, which seemed to be serial numbers.

The guy just went to the counter to it the number on the Star Order?Could it be that the boxes here need to be booked in advance?

Thinking of the hot scene in the lobby on the first floor, there was indeed nothing strange about it.

The clerk led the three of them straight up to the third floor and into a small box.He just said: "Young one, go prepare tea first." Without asking them to order, he bowed and retreated.

Feng Qingyan took a look around, it was clean and tidy, the lighting was good, and it looked very bright.Although it is not big, and there is only a table for four, there are only three of them, but it is enough.Unassuming, very low-key, she is satisfied.

Moreover, I don't know if there are no guests in the left and right boxes, or the sound insulation is so good that I can't hear the sound of the neighbors at all.Walking to the window, he raised his hand to push the wooden window open, and glanced out.The window faces the courtyard, so it is less disturbed by the bustling sound on the side facing the street.The height of the third floor is also quieter.

After a while, Xiao Yuchen and Ling Chu had already taken their seats.

Feng Qingyan, who was standing by the window, turned her head and saw the two of them silently facing each other.

Ling Chu sat upright, with a calm expression on his face.

Xiao Yuchen's sitting posture was a little more casual, it was obviously an inadvertent movement, but it gave off a domineering feeling.

He just sat there, and it was obviously a face that still had a youthful aura, and the powerful aura of the superior was exuded from the inside out.

Ling Chu, on the other hand, was completely indifferent to the world and gentle.Don't fight, don't grab, just deal with it calmly.It's just that only he knows that he doesn't fight or grab some people and things, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care.

Feng Qingyan looked left and right, her throat moved, and she swallowed hard: This picture is really eye-catching!

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(End of this chapter)

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