Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 3863 Silly Tiger Group of 2

Chapter 3863 Stupid Tiger Duo

"Tsk..." Feng Qingyan frowned, "Hey! Are you a man?! Drink some water, you look like a little wife!"

In an instant, this well-trained bodyguard, a tall, sturdy man, suddenly blushed.

A Mu, who was holding the water glass, blushed, raised his hand, raised his neck, and drank the water in the glass in one breath.

After a drop of fairy water is diluted with a glass of white water, the already faint fragrance of lotus blossoms becomes even more undetectable.Amu drank it down again in one gulp. He drank it so fast that he didn't notice anything strange in the water.

"Hmm! You look like a man!" Feng Qingyan nodded in satisfaction, and said something that made Amu dumbfounded, "What do you want to eat? I have fruits, snacks, dried meat..."

"Eldest...Eldest miss, this is..." After drinking a glass of water, his throat, which had been thirsty for a long time, was moistened, and his voice was no longer so hoarse.Even the wrinkled skin on the mouth has smoothed out a lot.

"What's wrong? No food you like?"

"No..." Amu shook his head, showing a puzzled expression, "Miss, how did you know—"

"Oh~~! You are curious, how did I know that you have not had a drop of water?"

"Yes." Miss Feng asked him to drink water as soon as she came in.At this time, he was indeed thirsty.The pain of the wound and the hunger in the stomach are still tolerable. After all, he has received special training since he was a child, so this bit of suffering is nothing.The thirst in the mouth is as hard to bear as the darkness and loneliness in this cell.

A glass of cool white water instantly relieved the physical and mental pain, allowing him to regain a lot of strength.

He and His Highness the Crown Prince disappeared after entering the City Lord's Mansion. It was definitely not difficult for Miss Feng to find out about this matter.

Amu's eyes fell on the storage ring on his left middle finger.What puzzled him was how this Miss Feng knew that he couldn't open the storage ring!

Although she is a friend of His Highness the Crown Prince, she is from another country after all...

As the personal bodyguard of His Royal Highness, due to his sensitivity to danger, he had no choice but to be suspicious...

However, Feng Qingyan's next answer dispelled his doubts and worries at once.

"Because, I met He Lanche yesterday! He was drugged and unable to use spiritual power. Of course you, a bodyguard, are not spared, right? You can't open the storage ring, can you?"

"Yes." Amu lowered his head in shame.

"Why do you have such an expression?" Feng Qingyan took a look, raised her eyebrows, and smiled: "Hehe, Amu, you were just suspecting that Miss Ben is with them, right?"

"Miss, please punish me!" Amu didn't deny it, he really thought so!

"Punish you for what? It is He Lanche's business to be punished!"

How dare you admit such a thing?Still take the initiative to ask for punishment?Hehe, the silly boy is so stupid, his personal bodyguard is so stupid!Why didn't she see it before?This master and servant are really a pair of living treasures!No wonder that idiot dared to take Amu alone and entered the city lord's mansion single-handedly without knowing the depth of the water!Being knocked out and locked up here is not wronged at all!

Feng Qingyan could hardly hold back, and almost laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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