Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 4079 Instantly changed face

Chapter 4079 Instantly changed face

The little girl is still sitting on his lap!Let alone go, he can't even stand up!

"I'm really going to be so pissed off by you!" Feng Qingyan stood up with a "boo!"However, Xiao Yuchen's eyes darkened accordingly, as if disappointed and unhappy.

Suddenly regretted why he had to warn He Lanche just now.If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't scare him, and let that kid scribble here for a while!You can still hug the fragrant and soft little thing for a while!

"Is this okay?" Unaware of the male ticket's inner drama, Feng Qingyan stood aside, bowed and made a "please" gesture, "I said, my lord, can we go?"

With a faint smile on his lips, Xiao Yuchen finally stood up, shook his brocade robe that had been crumpled by someone, and shook his head helplessly.

Taking a step with his long legs, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the little hand that was still in the gesture of "please"...

Seeing his younger sister and her prospective brother-in-law leaving the room holding hands, Feng Yunqi, who was treated as a transparent person, shook his head and couldn't help but laugh.

When Feng Qingyan and Xiao Yuchen came down from upstairs, Qingxiu who had gone out to buy had already returned.Standing at the counter at the door, checking out and paying the bill with the clerk.

Hearing the noise from the stairs, he hurriedly greeted him: "Master, Miss."

"En." Feng Qingyan responded, "No hurry, Brother Chen and I will go outside and wait for a while."

I don't know if senior brother and Yun Ting have come down, at least, her elder brother is still upstairs.No matter how you put it, you have to wait for the eldest brother to come down before you can leave.When they came back from outside the city just now, the carriage of Wangfu stopped outside the gate, so go to the carriage and wait.

"Yes. This subordinate will be ready soon." Qingxiu sent the two masters outside the door, and sent them all the way into the carriage, then turned back to the lobby and continued to pay the bill.

As soon as she left the gate of the inn, Feng Qingyan saw a medium-sized carriage parked behind the carriage of the Wangfu.And Yun Ting was already sitting in the driving seat.

So, it became clear: that carriage was prepared for senior brother and elder brother.When they came out of the capital, they took two carriages.In the canyon, a car was blown up by Moxiu.However, that carriage was ordinary, and even the horses that pulled it were old and weak.They were specially arranged, and Ben didn't intend to let it go far.

But now this carriage is much more spacious and luxurious than before, and the horses that pull it are fat and strong.It looks like it's meant to be used for a long time.

The further north you go, the lower the temperature will be.The closer you get to the extreme north, the colder it will be.

If it was windy and rainy, she would really be ashamed to let her elder brother and senior brother be exposed to the wind and cold outside, while she hid in the carriage safe and sound.

Feng Qingyan raised the gauze curtain of the car window, glanced at the back, and then lowered the gauze curtain again.

Crawling back to Xiao Yuchen's side with both hands and feet, while sitting down, nodding his head and talking to himself, he boasted: "Qingxiu is careful and thoughtful in doing things!"

However, the little face that was still smiling a second ago collapsed instantly when it saw the big hand that was placed on her lips.Frowning, with a small mouth, a pitiful look.

Xiao Yuchen couldn't bear her appearance the most, but he still had to be ruthless, not to be soft-hearted.

She could only coax her in a low voice: "Be good, be obedient."

With that said, he moved his hand forward again.

Feng Qingyan stared at the big melon seed lying in her palm in front of her, the corners of her lips wished she could leave it for a few miles!

(End of this chapter)

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