Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Some disappointed results

Some disappointed results

"Yeah." Rubbing her stomach that didn't feel full at all, Feng Qingyan raised her pitiful little face and curled the corners of her lips, "Very hungry..."

Just as he was talking, Qingxiu came over and bowed, pointing to the table: "Miss, this subordinate—"

"Oh," Feng Qingyan quickly stood up and gave up the table and chairs, "Take it away!"

"Hey!" Qingxiu nodded slightly, and put the table and chairs into the storage ring.

The little hand that was still covering the stomach gently pressed it, and frowned: "I have eaten two bowls of porridge! Why don't I feel anything at all..."

It's impossible to be seventy percent full, but it shouldn't be like sinking into the sea!

Still feeling very hungry, Feng Qingyan couldn't figure out what was going on.



"This is the answer." Xiao Yuchen stretched out his hand in front of the little girl, and slowly spread out his slightly curled fingers.

Feng Qingyan looked down——

However, when she saw clearly what was in her palm, her complexion changed instantly...

"That..." While rubbing his stomach again, he looked away from that slender and beautiful hand, pretending to look around, "I seem to be a little full, I'm going for a walk to digest food—"

As he said that, he wanted to rub the soles of his feet with oil—to run away.

Perhaps, Xiao Yuchen was right.Trapped in the valley for the past few days, there is neither time nor convenience.The fruit of Solanum nigrum, which should be taken every day, has been broken for several days.The hunger that had disappeared for some days before was indeed somewhat obvious.

But even so, the soul-cleaning pain brought about by that big melon seed left too heavy a shadow in Feng Qingyan's heart.Even if he just took a look at it, the Sea of ​​Consciousness would involuntarily sting, it was a conditioned reflex.

She is not a cowardly person, but she is particularly afraid of pain.So, thinking about it now, it is only a moment to be able to escape for a while.It doesn't seem to be a big problem to take one less meal, isn't it just to eat more!
Xiao Yuchen glanced at the big melon seed lying in his palm - the fruit of Solanum nigrum, his star eyes were full of helplessness.Stretching out his long arm, the other hand easily grabbed the little wild cat that slipped past him.

Feng Qingyan, who was about to slip away, felt a tightness in her shoulders and was forced to stop.

Even if her body has been transformed by spiritual spring water, her strength is not a little bit stronger than that of ordinary girls.But in the final analysis, the strength of this small body is still no match for someone.

Moreover, the moment her shoulder was grabbed by that cool big hand, Feng Qingyan knew it all at once - she definitely couldn't escape this time!

He simply gave up his resistance without any struggle.Anyway, it's useless.


"That..." The little hand covered the stomach that still felt empty, and a smile appeared on the little face that turned his head up, "I just drank two bowls of porridge, I'm case...vomit..." said Then, she pouted in the direction of the carriage, "Spitting out on the carriage...isn't it good? Don't you think so?"

Xiao Yuchen didn't say a word, and didn't let go, his starry eyes were slightly lowered, looking at the little girl in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Just..." Feng Qingyan swallowed and spit, and continued, "Just wait for a while! I'll take a stroll! Really! Just a little while!"

Xiao Yuchen still didn't respond, but raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Uh..." Facing the male ticket's deep gaze, finally, Feng Qingyan had no choice but to tell the truth.He glanced at the few people who were busy packing their things, "I have something to ask them..."

This is half true.

She slept for two whole days in a row, not to mention what happened in these two days she didn't know, she didn't even know how to leave the valley.

When I just woke up, I didn't remember it in a daze.When I was eating the porridge just now, I thought that some doubts had not been resolved.Also, with Big Brother and Qingxiu, I don't know if they asked anything or not.Although, she didn't have much hope for the man in black with strict rank.

It's fake to be afraid of vomiting in the carriage, but it's true to want to delay for a while.Moreover, intending to take advantage of this moment to simply ask a few questions is not an excuse for rambling.

The clear pupils of the eyes met the deep blackness, neither humble nor overbearing, and naturally magnanimous.

The pink tip of the tongue protruded quietly from between the white teeth, brushed playfully across the lips, and retracted deftly in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, showing a cute smile.

Facing such a delicious and alluring little girl, Xiao Yuchen thought he couldn't turn a blind eye.

My heart softened in an instant.

The little girl just wanted to procrastinate for some time, and it was impossible to escape.What's more, the reason she said is reasonable.


"Leave in a quarter of an hour."

The strength on the shoulders disappeared suddenly with the voice, and he smiled and raised his hand with a smile of freedom: "No problem!"

Xiao Yuchen glanced at the smiling little girl speechlessly and helplessly, then turned and walked away.

Watching the back of the male ticket disappear into the carriage, Feng Qingyan stuck out her tongue playfully.As soon as he turned his head, his expression changed instantly.Just a moment ago, she still looked like a cute little girl, but in this second, there was no smile on her serious little face.

Tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans, etc., are almost cleaned up.Qingxiu and Yunting respectively went to tidy up the two carriages at the front and back, ready to set off.

Feng Yunqi and Ling Chu are now free.

Feng Qingyan walked over, and first asked Feng Yunqi if he had gotten any useful information from those men in black.

She was not surprised by the results she heard from her eldest brother, and it could even be said that she was completely expected.However, it was still somewhat disappointing.

Whether it was the group of men in black in the woods that Qingxiu was in charge of, or the ones he met at Taniguchi later, they didn't ask any important information.Except, the things in the valley are very important to Moxiu, and this operation is a secret order personally issued by the mysterious young master Moxiu.

For the rest, obviously, those men in black didn't know as much as she did.

Feng Qingyan sighed softly, in addition to being disappointed, she couldn't help being even more curious about the newly promoted Young Demon Cultivator.

Since he is the young master, he should not be very old.Moreover, judging from the information they have now, it should probably be a young man.

But this boy, at such a young age, not to mention, seems to know many hidden secrets of Moxiu, and his scheming seems to be very deep!
In the past year, all the incidents related to Moxiu, one after another, all showed the young master's ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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