Chapter 505 Luojia Mountains ([-])

Curling the corners of her lips, her face beamed with joy, she said to herself, "Second-rank great spiritual master! This little daughter-in-law of Yu Chen is really not simple! Hehe, but, the thorns in the little girl's body, this kid will suffer from it in the future. what!"

In the early morning of the second day, the dawn was slightly dewed, and the few people packed up and prepared to move on.

Xue took out a map and stood side by side with Xiao Yuchen, pointing on it while discussing the route.

Feng Qingyan leaned over to take a look, and the distance to the valley in the northwest was only about one-tenth of the distance traveled yesterday.Moreover, the meaning of the two words seems to continue to go west today.So, he stretched out his little finger and pointed to the location of the destination on the map, and asked, "Why don't you go directly to the northwest? This way the distance in a straight line is the shortest."

"The appearance of the spirit marrow has attracted many people to explore the valley. If you take this route directly, it will inevitably be crowded and inconvenient." Xiao Yuchen explained, "Furthermore, the main purpose of this trip is to train you .Few people go all the way west to the Luojia Mountains. The number of monsters on this road is more, and the level is more suitable for Yanyan. Moreover, the map in our hand has more detailed markings. First, go west for three days, and go northwest After passing through the Grand Canyon, you can go all the way north into the Forest of Warcraft, and pass by the east side of the marked location. In this way, you can avoid those people, and you can practice step by step." After finishing speaking, Xiao Yuchen stretched out his long finger and pointed A high mountain on the map, "And, if you go directly to the northwest, you must climb over this snow mountain."

"Understood, let's go!" Feng Qingyan turned around, just stepped out of her calf, then retracted it, turned her head and said to Xue Youyou: "You know how to bring a map. Well, your master's 50 taels are not in vain! "After finishing speaking, she raised her face and walked away with short legs.

Xue looked at Xiao Yuchen suspiciously: "What 50 taels?"

"Cough, cough—" Xiao Yuchen covered his lips and coughed twice, looked at Feng Qingyan's back with a smile in his eyes, and shook his head, "It's nothing."

"Could it be the 50 taels of marrow washing liquid?" Xue put away the map and guessed, "Tsk tsk, it's just like giving away for free! The effect of the fourth-level marrow washing pill is the same as that of this marrow washing medicine." Compared with liquid, it’s not even a star and a half! But it’s hard to find one at a sky-high price! You’re so interesting, little daughter-in-law..."

Xiao Yuchen smiled helplessly, knowing in his heart that Feng Qingyan just didn't want to use her own money and just found a reason to return it.He patted Xue on the shoulder: "Let's go." With long legs, he followed.

Sure enough, as Xiao Yuchen said, the appearance of monsters gradually increased.When encountering monsters below the middle stage of the second stage, Feng Qingyan directly used his fists to deal with them violently, while the monsters at the late stage of the second stage tried to infuse the fire dance sword with spiritual power, and then used sword skills to kill them.

A dozen or so elixir plants were also found, all of which were dug up completely by Feng Qingyan and planted in the Lingxu.

Hurrying on the road during the day, the two of them practiced swords for an hour at night, and then they practiced together.Every time, Xiao Yuchen handed over the banknotes consciously, and Feng Qingyan didn't refuse, she readily took it and put it away.

On the fourth day, when the sky was full of dawn, Xiao Yuchen, who was still immersed in the double cultivation, glowed with golden light, and violent fluctuations of spiritual power scattered around.Feng Qingyan's eyelashes trembled slightly, but she didn't withdraw her little hand.Because, I felt that although Xiao Yuchen was in the process of being promoted, he was still frantically absorbing the spiritual energy in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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