Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 776 Special Training in the Mountains

Chapter 776 Special Training in the Mountains (24)

"Master..." Xiao Jiu felt that her body was becoming more and more out of control, and tried her best to endure the waves of manic killing intent in her heart.But he suddenly understood what the master was going to do!

"Go back to Lingxu if you can't take it anymore." Feng Qingyan said lightly.

"No..." The arrogance of the beast made Xiao Jiu unwilling to back down, and it also wanted to see where its bottom line was.Xiao Jiu persisted, firmly believing in her heart that the master would never let herself fall into that irreparable situation.

This time Feng Qingyan blew softer and lower than before, not to mention the people who were fighting, even the pack of wolves could only hear a sound intermittently.Only the wolf king at the peak of the third rank received all the whistle blown by the leaves in his ears.

Bewitched by the whistle, the wolf king's eyes glowed red, his fangs were bared, and he was about to pounce on Feng Er again, but his footsteps suddenly stopped.Feng Er, who had already made defensive preparations, couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Just when he was puzzled, he saw a halo of promotion appearing under the wolf king.

Feng Er's heart sank suddenly, and he secretly said that it was not good.If this wolf king advances to the fourth rank, the situation will be even more difficult.Even if he joins forces with Feng Si, he may not be sure of winning!

Feng Si also saw the abnormality of the wolf king, and flew over, shocked: "How can you be promoted at this time!"

"I don't know." Feng Er also felt that something was wrong, and he had never heard of a monster suddenly advancing in a battle!

"What should we do now?" Feng Si asked.

"It is protected by the rules of heaven and earth when it advances. We can't do anything to it." Feng Er shook his head, "However, it will take some time to advance. Let's go, kill two late third-order first!"

Unexpectedly, the speed of advancement of the wolf king with Feng Qingyan's help is obviously much faster. The two of them only had to kill a third-order late-stage green wood wolf, and the promotion was completed.

"Wow——" the wolf king with red eyes raised his head to the sky and howled, and the wolves suddenly became excited and attacked more violently.

Feng Er and Feng Si stood side by side with their backs facing each other, staring at the Wolf King at the beginning of the fourth stage in front of them, with an unprecedentedly heavy heart.

"Feng Si, do you feel that something is wrong with it?" Feng Er frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Look at its eyes..." Feng Si also noticed something.

"The red one..." Feng Er pondered for a moment, "It's a bit like going crazy when a spiritual master is promoted!"

"You mean it went mad?!"

Feng Er shook his head slightly: "I heard from the Patriarch that after being aroused to kill monsters, they can go berserk and their strength will increase slightly. Now this wolf king probably has more than the strength of the early stage of the fourth order!"

"Hiss—" Hearing this, Feng Si's heart tightened: This is terrible!

"It's coming!" Feng Er pointed with his long sword, "Kill!"

When the soldiers saw that the wolf king had advanced to the early stage of the fourth rank, their hearts sank at first, and they felt that the originally slim hope of victory became even more out of reach.Seeing Feng Er and Feng Si two captains fighting with the wolf king, fighting with all their might.They all clenched their weapons and fought harder with the green wood wolf they were facing.Although people were constantly being bitten and scratched, everyone fought more and more bravely, without flinching at all.They knew in their hearts: they and these green wood wolves, either you die or I live!I don't want to die at the mouth of a wolf, so I can only kill it desperately!

Feng Qingyan glanced at Xiaojiu next to her, and saw that the clear eyes and red light were constantly interlacing in her eyes, and she couldn't help but frowned slightly worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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