Destiny Little Crazy Concubine

Chapter 959 Confidentiality Measures

Chapter 959 Confidentiality Measures

With Feng Qingyan's consent, Li Zhuo introduced loudly: "This lady is the master of our Hongshengzhai—Miss Feng, the general who protects the country."

The cook and the guys were in an uproar, but they didn't expect that this little girl was the master behind Hong Sheng Zhai!

Feng Qingyan took two steps forward, and the crowd immediately fell silent.

"Hongshengzhai is closed today. I think everyone must be a little uneasy?" Feng Qingyan said slowly, "However, you don't have to worry. After half a month, our Hongshengzhai will be renovated and reopened. Opening. For half a month, you will live in the Zhuangzi outside the city. The cooks and cooks will learn to cook new dishes and new dim sum, and the guys will learn the rules and etiquette, and the wages will be paid as usual."

As soon as Feng Qingyan's words came out, the people in the yard were not only relieved, but also very happy.There is no need to work, and there are wages, which is a great thing!These people originally thought that learning things would not be too tiring, but when they went to Zhuangzi and the training started, they realized that their thinking was too simple!

"This Miss Cui'er is responsible for teaching you new dishes and new dim sum." Feng Qingyan looked at Cui'er and introduced.Tweety immediately puffed up her chest, trying her best to put on a majestic appearance.Feng Qingyan couldn't help being amused: This girl just said she couldn't do it!This is on the shelf!

"As for the salary, I can only give a general idea, and the shopkeeper Li will be responsible for the specifics. At least it will not be lower than the current salary of everyone, and, according to everyone's performance, there will be additional rewards." Feng Qingyan plans to implement salary plus performance. System, this matter has been arranged for Li Zhuo to start preparations.

These people were even happier when they heard that they could make more money.

Unexpectedly, the joy didn't last long, when Feng Qingyan's voice suddenly became much cooler: "But..."

As soon as the two words were uttered, the people immediately became quiet, and their eyes were fixed on Feng Qingyan.

"The cook and the cook have to sign a death contract with Hongshengzhai, and all the staff and helpers will sign a three-year contract." Feng Qingyan said with a cold face, her words were clear.

The cooks, cooks, waiters and others present were all stunned!Inquire about Man Yunling Continent!I've never heard of a restaurant requiring the chef to sign a deed of death and the assistant to sign a deed of living!

Li Zhuo glanced at the little master suspiciously, wondering why he suddenly made such a request.

Feng Qing's face was expressionless, without any wavering.I worked hard to develop it, oh, no, it can’t be regarded as my own development, improvement?MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmYes, improved!What should I do if I teach these cooks and cooks the recipes and methods that I have worked so hard to improve, and they turn around and sell them to other competitors? !There is no intellectual property protection and confidentiality laws in this world!Then you can only use the method of this world!Sign the deed of sale!And it's a death contract!If you dare to betray Hong Shengzhai, you will pay for it with your life!

"Of course, those who have signed a death contract can continue to work in Hongshengzhai as long as they do not violate the rules of the store and do their jobs well. The same is true for those who have signed a contract of living. They will not be dismissed without reason for at least three years. In this way, Everyone's life is considered more secure." Feng Qingyan put her little hands behind her back, and briefly analyzed the stakes, "I will give you a moment to think about it. Those who are willing to stay, sign a contract with shopkeeper Li, and there will be a carriage after lunch I will send you to Zhuangzi. If you don’t want to, I will pay everyone this month’s wages for the whole month, and you can get the money and leave today.”

(End of this chapter)

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