The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 152 The Black Pot 1 Takes It Back!send you to death

Chapter 152 Let's take the blame!send you to death

On the Golden Lion pirate ship of the Flying Pirates.

Shi Ji sat on a throne in the center of the palace-like inner cabin, but because he had just been released from prison, not to mention recruiting new subordinates, even the surviving subordinates had not had time to call back, so the hall seemed very strange. empty.

At this time, Roy was sitting on the tatami under Shi Ji's hands, and in front of him was a Japanese-style table with broken legs, on which various delicacies were placed.

"What? Doesn't it suit your appetite? I have collected delicacies from all over the world here!" Shi Ji picked up a stick and took a bite.

"Have you considered it? Do you want to attack the world government?"

I have also stayed on this ship for several days. Regarding the reason why Roger surrendered himself, Roy directly told Shi Kee the reason. Roger was dying of a terminal illness, and Roger wanted to pass on his consciousness. So simple!

"Ah, Roger, this guy is really unexpected!"

The golden lion said, after lighting a cigar, inhaling and exhaling, and exhaling the smoke, "It is indeed a good idea to attack the world government, but you should be very clear about the background of the world government. Saying that you and I work together, even if you call all the pirates in the world, it may not be enough to watch!"

After saying this sentence, Golden Lion added another sentence: "Don't think that I am afraid of death, those two guys Red and Whitebeard have lost their fighting spirit, but I have not!"


Roy smiled lightly and said well, the plan this time is to let you die, but in this case, Roy will not say it: "About what you said yesterday, the original plan to use those monsters to attack the East China Sea , you can copy it and use it to attack the government!"

"Huh?" Shi Ji asked in confusion, "Didn't you always look down on this plan?"

He clearly remembered the contempt on Roy's face when he proposed a plan to use the monsters on the "miracle" island to launch into the East China Sea in yesterday's conversation to completely destroy the East China Sea.

Why do you want to use such a plan to attack the world government now?

Roy picked up the beer glass and drank the beer in one gulp, and said, "Of course, it's completely impossible to rely solely on those beasts, and I need to use my ability to do it!"

"Your ability?" Shi Ji asked curiously.

"I just want to test this thing, and let you see it by the way!"

Roy had an expectant smile on his face, "Let's go to [Miracle] Island!"


The secret place of the great route, a large island towering into the sky, the island of miracles.

On the cliff, Roy's windbreaker and the long golden hair almost hanging on the back of Shiji's head were blown by the wind.

When Shiji walks, because his legs have been replaced by two swords, every step will make a "clang" sound.

"This is the guys who were originally going to be put in the East China Sea, hello! Brother Indi?"

Shi Ke walked to Roy's right and cast a look at Indigo, his confidant on the right.

Seeing this, Indigo quickly spread his hands and explained: "The animals and plants here are all interdependent. If you want to release them into the Daodong Sea according to your plan, Boss Shiji, and then consider various factors, at least It will take 20 years!"

Roy looked at the raging monsters in the forest below, lizards that were about to turn into dragons, sea turtles that ran faster than black panthers, praying mantises that were tens of meters tall...

Shiji used his own ability to let his body float downwards. He jumped at least 500 meters high. Floating in mid-air, Shiji looked at Roy and asked, "Do you need help?"

Roy opened his wings and flew down.

Shi Ji nibbled on the cigar, and after a "cut", he flew in the same direction.

The most pitiful one is Indigo: "Boss, boss, help me!"

However, Shi Ji ignored him, "Boss, be careful I'll go back and slap you!" After standing there for a long time like a clown, he stepped on his "popping" shoes and found a way to follow quickly.

"What do you want to do?" Shi Ke and Roy stood in an open space, turned their heads and asked.

Roy didn't say much, as if suddenly the forest in front of him was opened, a huge and weird animal with a crocodile head and a kangaroo body jumped out of it, and behind it, there was a huge unicorn with With horns as sharp as knives, the two monsters fought in front of Roy and Shiki.


Although the two monsters fought fiercely, the crocodile-headed monster was more flexible in the end. It bit the unicorn fairy's hard head and kept strangling it. After a while, the unicorn fairy stopped struggling.

Immediately, it sniffed lightly, turned its head to the left, and found Roy and the golden lion standing hundreds of meters away. Stomp them both flat.

"Cut, die to me..."

"Wait, let it live!"

Shi Ji just wanted to send him to the west with a sword, but Roy stopped him on the way, so Shi Ji compressed the burst of sword energy to the extreme right, and just kicked it away with the pressure of the sword.

"What are you going to do?"

Shi Ke turned his head and was about to ask a question, but was surprised to find that Roy had already walked to the side of the giant unicorn, and the animal was only half alive.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!

Hearing the strange voice from behind, Shi Ji turned his head and cursed: "Brother Indi, if you don't change that damned voice, I will kill you!"


Indigo slapped Shi Ke directly, "If you help me down, there won't be such a voice!"

Roy sighed, what kind of freaks are the members of the Golden Lion Pirates, did the crew slap the captain so hard?

After the two argued for a while, a dark light appeared in Roy's hand, and then the black light directly sank into the body of the Unicorn.

[Blood Plague], Roy discovered in the past two years, not only has an effect on people, but also has an even greater effect on these large monsters, or sea kings.

About five seconds later, layers of blood shot out from the body of the unicorn fairy who couldn't stand up. The originally pitch-black shell suddenly turned red, and at the same time, the body continued to expand. In less than ten seconds, it was fully larger than before. doubled in size.


Turning around, the giant unicorn stood up, and the crocodile kangaroo that was blown away by Shi Ji also climbed up from the hill not far away.

The two looked at each other, and the super giant unicorn seemed to be crazy, and ran towards the crocodile kangaroo, and the kangaroo immediately flew up, wanting to kick the unicorn.

But when its hooves hit the unicorn's back, there was only the sound of cracking bones, as it had kicked the steel plate.

"Roar!" The unicorn rose suddenly, and "stand up", the horns on the top of the head moved, and the crocodile and kangaroo directly turned into two halves, and the blood splashed everywhere, directly falling on the faces of Roy and the golden lion. .

The kangaroo that killed the unicorn fairy just now, has been killed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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