The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 229 Talking about immortality

Chapter 229 Talking about immortality

World Government, Holy Land, Mary Gioia!

The highest naval meeting room, the round table meeting room.

Numerous high-ranking officials of the navy gathered here, and a civil official standing behind Kong reported: "What I just said is the reaction of the whole world to the Roy incident. The prestige of the army is very beneficial!"

Now half a month has passed since the war in the New World of Trabia. Whether it is Kong, Garp and others who participated in the war, or Sengoku and the truck driver who prevented the other two emperors from going berserk in the first half of the great route, They all returned to the headquarters and participated in this meeting. After the incident, they immediately returned to their posts!

"In the past two years, except for Dressrosa and Sanctuary, what is the current specific reaction of the countries that have hung the Roy Pirate flag?" Crane asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, this is also the key issue of this meeting!"

The civil servant nodded and replied, "Except for the two base camps, the Holy Light Pirates have conquered a total of twelve countries, led by the kingdoms of Aldimi, Rafael and Ragnar, now under the reminder of the world government , has taken down the fox head flag of the Holy Light Pirates, and at the same time declared to their citizens that the country has been liberated from the threat of pirates!"

"Heh, Roy has only developed the public base in these countries. It is said that the people who believe in the Holy Light are very violent, but to be honest, they are not considered a threat. Although there are many people, they are just ordinary people without weapons. !"

Kuzan, who used to like to sleep in meetings, did not sleep for the first time. He kept his spirits and said, "It's better to say that they are in danger now? Roy's subordinates stand still. If Roy is not dead..."

"Kuzan, your words are too unlucky!"

However, Kong, who was the marshal, said, "This time Kuzan is right, it's not a matter of auspiciousness or unluckiness. If Roy is really not dead, then these twelve kingdoms are really in danger!"

When Huang Yuan heard this, he couldn't help laughing inwardly, die?Just kidding, I talked about immortality, but I still said: "Send troops to protect them. According to the ratio last time, does a country need 5000 people? It's an exaggeration~"

"Do not make jokes!"

The truck driver folded his arms and said a word!

Fifteen thousand people in one country, 18 people in twelve countries?You, Huang Yuan, can drive better than Lao Tzu's big truck driver. There are not so many people in the Navy headquarters now.

However, one cannot ignore these twelve countries, right?

Kong said, "Kuzan, smile, Sakasky!"


The three people who heard the name answered immediately!

"The three of you transferred to the new century from the first half of the great voyage, mainly focusing on these twelve countries, cruising in the waters near them, and reporting any problems immediately!"

Originally, the three of them were the main characters responsible for guarding the first half of the great route. Now that the situation has happened, they can only be sent to the new world!


After ordering some things, Kong patted the table and said, "Okay, the meeting is over, wait a minute, He, Sengoku and Karp, you three come to my office! Everyone return to their posts immediately!"

two hours later.

Naval Headquarters, in Admiral Sora's office.

The atmosphere was extremely heavy, the Warring States Period, Sora, and Crane stood in awe in front of Sora, while Karp sat on the sofa beside the road indifferently, and took out a pack of senbei from nowhere to eat, the crumbs splashed Everywhere!

Sora frowned, ignoring Garp's behavior.

"I basically talked about the good things just now, now let's talk about the bad things!"

Kong's face was unprecedentedly solemn, his legs were shaking under the table, and he said: "Many people say what would happen if Roy didn't die. Regarding this problem, let me explain in detail. If it is true, it may cause s consequence!"

"The number of sailors who died in the encirclement and suppression of Roy was 220, including one lieutenant general and five major generals. Let's not talk about the others."

Pausing to think for a while, Sora continued: "I will take this responsibility!"

"Missions are inherently accompanied by failure, Mr. Kong, you don't have to..."

Just as Zhan Guo wanted to persuade him, Kong raised his hand to stop him from continuing, and shifted his gaze to Daohe, "He, let's re-tell the suggestion you gave me before going to war!"

Crane hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said with a slightly tangled face: "I... suggest that the Marshal investigate Roy's ability before doing anything!"


Kong suddenly yelled out, and hammered the table heavily, "If I, there is no medicine for regret in this world!"

As he said that, Kong stood up from the seat of the marshal: "So you also understand that I am responsible for the sacrifice of more than 1 people. At the very least, if I knew that Roy alone was an army, I could re-designate a new army." A set of plans, even reducing the casualties to less than [-]!"


Kong sighed heavily, and after sitting down again, he pointed to the rank of "Marshal", "I have already reported to the five old stars, if Roy is still alive this time, it means the failure of this operation, and I will resign." The position of marshal, retreat to the second line!"


Crane, Sengoku were all shocked, even Garp stopped eating senbei and looked over here!

"I've made up my mind, it's all my haste..."

Gritting his teeth, Kong slowly raised his head to meet Zhan Guo, who seemed to be saying: "You want me to wipe your ass!", and said righteously.

"The new Marshal, I recommend you, Warring States!"

The Warring States had a headache, it really was like this, a pile of mess, my life is so miserable, in the end, the Warring States said: "This is not good, Marshal Kong, in this way, there will be no one left as a general, that bastard Karp can't do his best, even if You made a big mistake, the current situation should be to hold back everything, no matter what happens to Roy, you must continue as a marshal!"

The attitude of the Warring States Period is very clear, I don't really want to wipe your ass!

"Hey, don't talk about me, strategy matters, come on, I'm only in charge of fighting!"

Kong stared at Zhan Guo for a long time, but Zhan Guo stared at him without giving in. After a few seconds, Kong actually compromised and said: "Hahahahaha, you are too hasty, and I am too hasty!"

"Warring States listened to the order, and I added a smile. The task difficulty of Kuzan, Sakaski, Polusalino, and Mototu and Tea Dolphin, especially Tea Dolphin, Kuzan and Polusalino, put these three Let the slackers get used to the general's work as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Marshal Kong!" Zhan Guo sighed happily, this mess, I don't need to worry about it!


Why did I go to order them myself? To put it bluntly, I still have to wipe my ass if I am not a marshal!

Damn, Kong, you still give me the position of marshal!

Karp said heartlessly: "It means... that kid Roy is not dead yet, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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