The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 310 Zefa's Broken Heart

Chapter 310 Zefa's Broken Heart

But when the difference between the battleship and Zefa's small broken ship was less than five meters, Jaina shouted down: "You are Mr. Zefa, please get on board, according to the order of the great lord, I am here to invite you! "

"After you go back, you will definitely be exiled by the navy. You should have a lot of time. Come here, and I will let you see clearly the dark side of this world government and this world!"

At this time, Zefa recalled what he said to himself when Punk Hasad Roy seized the gold in the sky.

Zefa looked at the warship above, at least there were thousands of people, but Zefa was not afraid, raised his head and shouted, "How did you find me?"

He didn't intend to believe Roy, the pirate he hated the most, but he didn't expect that the other party would come to his door after two months had passed.

"This is simple, you should have seen this thing, right?" Jaina didn't know when there was a palm-sized white paper in her hand, which made Zefa's face change, life paper!

And, is that...your own?

The battle scene of that day flashed in his mind, and Zefa suddenly turned his head and looked at the fingers of his left hand. Of course it was intact, and under the action of the blood, it had already recovered.

But my fingers were injured in the battle that day, and the life paper is also made of human fingernails as the basic material.

At this time, the ladder on Jaina's boat had been lowered, and she said to Zefa with her head down: "Mr. Zefa, come up quickly!"

According to Zefa's experience of being loyal to the navy and the government for most of his life, it is absolutely impossible for a pirate ship.

But after the students were killed, the military post was withdrawn, the identity was taken away, and the dignity was put on the ground for friction and a series of things.

Zefa didn't know whether it was because of his own anger or his disappointment with the world government and the navy, so he jumped onto the bow of the nearly 30-meter ship.

clap clap!

Struggs, who accompanied Jaina, clapped his hands: "It's amazing, the sword is not old!"


Zefa snorted coldly and sat on the side of the boat, while Jaina waved her hand and asked a subordinate to bring Zefa's favorite [jerez] wine.

"Mr. Zefa, please use it slowly!" Jaina said very politely: "I don't mind, let's take you to the territory of the great lord, the great lord wants to see you very much!"

Zefa hesitated for two seconds, did not speak, then picked up the wine bottle and took a few sips, which should be the default.

Seeing this, Jaina took out a phone bug from her subordinates and beckoned everyone to leave. After that, she herself returned to the room at the bottom of the ship.

"I have to report the matter to Lord Roy..." Jaina said to herself at the end of entering the room.

Night has fallen, and it also heralds the end of the day, and Zefa sighed deeply, sighing secretly where he should go.


In Roy's mansion in the southern port city of Ardimi, an extremely beautiful woman was paralyzed beside Roy. It was Hancock.

After listening to Jaina's report on Zefa, Roy hung up the phone bug. At this time, Hancock, who was lying limply beside Roy, barely supported his body, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes, "Zefa is the one A former admiral of the navy, right? The man who made my mother suffer so much when she was the emperor, why should she..."

"Have you ever heard a sentence?" Roy asked suddenly.


"Walk in the dark and serve the light. Zefa is just the opposite. He walks in the light and thinks he is serving the light. Suddenly one day, he finds that he is just a dog in the dark... that's all... His belief collapsed, Once a person's beliefs collapse, everything that happens becomes unsurprising."

Roy leaned his head back on the back of the chair and said, "Actually, I have always admired this guy, and I am looking forward to it. What will the man who has been fighting for the justice of the navy all his life be like after seeing everything through? "

"Can't understand……"

Hancock shook his head, and then grabbed Roy's arm again: "But for the concubine, whatever the husband said is correct."


A month later, Zefa, who was still wearing a black vest, black military trousers, and black leather shoes, walked in front of Roy and said with a cold face, "I'm already here, what do you want to say?"

"First of all, of course I have to congratulate you." Roy left his seat and said, "Shouldn't you congratulate yourself?"

"Boring, let's talk straight!"

Zefa still didn't give Roy a good face. Of course, the other party was a pirate, and he... hey...

Thinking of this, Zefa's expression turned ugly. Is he still considered a navy?Although he retains his military status, is he still a navy?

"Have you ever been to Ardimi before my rule?" Roy asked abruptly.

"Of course!"

"Oh, that's good, let me live here for a while now, and see how Aldimi is different from before after those high-sounding exploiters were killed by me!"

With that said, Roy left the hall.

Leaving Zefa alone in place.

High-sounding exploiters!

Exploiter, this word deeply shocked Zefa's heart.

When Roy walked to the door, he added another sentence: "By the way, I don't know if the Tianlong people are exploiters, they are like vampires, sucking the blood of the whole world. If so, what is the navy? Mr. Fa, take advantage of this time and think about it!"


A month has passed, and these two days, Zefa couldn't believe that there is such a country in the world?

It seems... everyone is of the same class.

Roy's subordinates, including himself, also mingled with these people, and seemed to have no airs.

Once, Zefa saw a citizen who seemed to be questioning his work in front of an official. At first, Zefa thought that the civilian was going to be unlucky, but what happened next made Zefa almost roll his eyes.

The official actually apologized to the commoner, "Sorry, I made a mistake!"

Zefa was very confused at the time, if this happened before, it is estimated that the civilian would have been sent to the prison long ago.

Perplexed, Zefa approached the commoner and asked about it, and the commoner said directly: "We are laborers, our labor feeds them, and they should serve us."

Zefa just froze in place, didn't move for a day, and seemed to be thinking about something.

He didn't understand, why did this happen?

Why do these people respect Roy so much even though Roy killed all the royal family and nobles here, and the quality of life of the people here is obviously much better than anywhere else in the world.


"Can't you figure it out!" Suddenly a voice appeared in Zefa's ear: "Some people are born to be moths of the world, and they are born to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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