Chapter 330

These pirate groups are all pirate groups recruited by Roy in the past two years, just like the fleet under Whitebeard.

"Black Thorn Pirates, Mick Pirates, Giant Claw Pirates..."

Jesus Bu, who has excellent eyesight, can recognize these flags one by one without relying on binoculars. He frowned and said, "They are all famous pirates. When did you recruit these subordinates?"

"It's just some ants. Like the Beasts Pirates, these subordinates are just some shams. The real enemies are those two..."

"The Frost Witch and the Chief of the Scourge!"

Beckman stood up and said to the crowd: "Our goal is to completely occupy Aldimi, what we have to do is to make noise, make noise that makes their boss Roy feel dangerous, and force him to return to the new world from the East China Sea. "

Shanks also said: "Just now I got the news from Makino, saying that Luffy has not been arrested yet."

"That's better!" Beckman nodded, and then his face sank: "Let's do it!"

The red-haired pirates battleship Red Foss quickly entered the Aldemi sea area.


A shell was fired suddenly, before people realized it, the bow of the Blackthorn Pirates caught fire.

This loud noise made the watchmen on the pier shout: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, everyone hide!"

With this voice, the workers on the dock dropped their work and ran towards the place called "air-raid shelter", orderly and not too flustered.

"Where did the shells come from?"

The members of the Black Thorn Pirates exclaimed. They did not expect that someone would dare to launch an attack in the territory of the Four Emperors. Could it be the Navy or one of the other Three Emperors?

Immediately looking in the direction of the shell, the face of the Blackthorn Pirates sank, it was the Red Hair Pirates.

"Just captured a piece of Kaido's territory, and set the target here, aren't you too arrogant, red-haired Shanks?"

The captain of the Blackthorn Pirates, the body of Keith Fallon with a black thorn head suddenly became extremely huge, but if you look closely, it is not his body that is getting bigger, but his hair is constantly expanding and becoming sharp. The sharp knife, although the body has also become larger, but not as exaggerated as the swollen hair.

"A bounty of 8000 million Baileys is offered, animal-type hedgehog fruit ability, black thorn: Keith Fallon, he joined Roy's men!" Lagi Lu bit his ham and said inarticulately.

A blond swordsman in a black turban from the Red Hair Pirates flew out, landed on the mast of the Blackthorn Pirates, and challenged Fallon below, "Case Fallon, you look really good!" Ugly!"

Faron, whose hair turned into barbs, didn't care about the swordsman's provocation. He said in a deep voice, "The swordsman of the red-haired pirates, the blonde Ivaris, has a bounty of 600 million Baileys!"

"The bounty does not represent strength, let's speak with strength!"

Faron pulled out two hairs, about 1.5 meters, like a black needle spear, jumped up suddenly, and collided with Ivaris' sword, and said with a smile: "This is what you said!"

Many patrol ships under the Holy Light Pirates also began to surround the Foss. Shanks wanted to release the domineering look, but Beckman immediately stopped him: "I'm here to make noise, don't be aggressive."

Bang bang bang!

The Light Pirates fired from all directions, trying to sink Red Hair's ship.

"give it to me!"

Jesus pulled up the barrel of the gun at an unimaginable speed and fired continuously. In less than two seconds, the shells from six ships were detonated in the air, and the Red Forth was not injured at all.

"Attack, kill Red-haired Shanks."

shouted a woman on another skull-headed pirate ship with two clawed arms crossed.

"The captain of the Claw Pirates, Hydrin Eorzea, has a bounty of 9000 million Baileys."

Beckman shot the woman with a long sniper bullet, but was blocked by the opponent's paw, "Roy has many great new subordinates!"

Eorzea's hands are in the posture of tiger claws, and the armed color is completely black.



As the battle deepened, Zefa, who was undergoing a physical examination by Indigo, wore a special red shackle on his right hand that suppressed the "Curse of Kazan", locking his wrist and arms near his shoulders.

Indigo said: "At present, the power can be contained a little bit, but has Mr. Roy told you how to control this power?"

Zefa looked at the things in his hand and said: "Yes, but that method will not be mastered in a short while, I hope your shackles will be useful!"

"Mr. Z?"

At this time, Jaina walked slowly into the laboratory, attracting everyone's attention.

"The red-haired pirates are attacking!" Jaina said calmly.

Everyone in the audience was shocked. Currently, the red-haired pirate group is second only to the four emperors, and they are in the limelight.

"Red-haired Shanks? You just took down an island in Kaido, and you want to attack here arrogantly?"

In Zefa's mind, Shanks definitely came to attack Aldimi because he had just captured Kaido's territory, and he was too self-inflated.

"Aren't you going to shoot?" Zefa asked, looking at Jaina.

"Mr. Z, it's better for you to do this kind of thing. After all, this is your job. I will only take action unless you lose!" Jaina said.

"Heh, I will protect the people here from any attacks from outsiders!" Zefa chuckled lightly.

It's a good time to experiment with the effect of this gauntlet. If it can really suppress the rampage of the bloody hand, I can fight without any fear!

Aldemi sea area theater!


Shanks slashed across with a sword, and the fierce sword energy instantly split a warship under the Holy Light Pirates in half, and began to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Shanks was on another ship of the Holy Light Pirates at this time. With a flying kick with his right foot, many pirates surrounding him were kicked away. The western sword in his hand was stuck on the deck, looking very arrogant. Said: "It's not my opponent at all, call your boss."

Many members of the Holy Light Pirates frowned, and kept cursing that the red-haired bastard was so lucky that he just launched a sneak attack when Roy was away.

Shanks naturally knew this. After seeing Beckman defeating Eorzea, his face was not red, and he frowned and said, "The average strength is very strong. Why do I have a feeling of fighting the navy? Who is it? Have you trained them?"

They are basically miscellaneous soldiers. The combat effectiveness of soldiers in the navy is definitely higher than that of pirates, especially the navy in the headquarters.

Because they're well-trained, instead of eating and drinking all day long.

But now, even miscellaneous soldiers are not easy to deal with this group of pirates. Some of them even use the six styles of the navy. It is really doubtful whether there are people from the navy training them.

(End of this chapter)

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