The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 351 Why don't you let me go

Chapter 351 Why don't you let me go

Zefa glanced at Shanks, who was in a hard fight, and raised the corner of his mouth: "If you didn't attack our territory indiscriminately, we would not attack you, but fortunately you did this, otherwise the troubles in the future will not be inferior to Roger!"

Ivaris, who was fighting with him, suddenly swung his sword and forced Zefa back a step: "You can't be distracted in battle, doesn't the chief instructor of the navy know?"

Zefa hit Ivaris' sword with his arm-colored wrist, and said with a sneer, "This is my old man's negligence. Now, let me teach you the essence of fighting for a non-capable person."

the other side!

Plank has pulled out the long sword on his waist and Yasuo is fighting Shanks at close range, while Jaina is supporting him from a distance, quite like the three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

The three long swords collided together from time to time, and the aftermath caused the sea to roar and the sky to split.


They collided, and then separated again. Because of the shock wave of the battle, the three of them retreated a distance of more than ten meters at the same time.

"Huh, speaking of it, you and the boss seem to be the same age! Both of you are still monsters!" Plank said and slowly put away his long knife.

"I'm still far behind. Roy is already the Four Emperors. It's really enviable!" Shanks half-joked, and covered the weapon with black and red armed colors again.

"That's not easy, kill him, and the title will be yours!" Yasuo said and charged up: "But before that, we must be defeated first!"

Shanks raised his hand suddenly, and a red lightning bolt galloped towards Yasuo.

Yasuo, who was in the middle of the rush, stopped and shouted: "Face the blast!"

Immediately, a wind wall appeared in front of him, trying to stop the lightning sword energy, but to Yasuo's surprise, the lightning sword energy passed through the wind wall, leaving a deep wound on his abdomen!

"It's amazing!" Yasuo exclaimed.

boom! boom! boom!

In the distance, seeing Yasuo falling downwind, Planck shot three shots directly, Shanks narrowed his eyes, and swung the long sword in his hand violently, knocking the bullets out, hitting the mountain wall not far away, leaving behind There are three huge holes.

When Jaina condensed the glacier spikes in the distance and was about to launch, Roy raised his hand to stop: "You all step back, leave it to me!"

As Roy said, he slowly stood up from the chair, and Yasuo, Jaina, and Plank also retreated to the back.

"You can't help him, let me come!"

Roy glanced at Shanks: "If possible, I really want to fight with you ten years from now!"

Hearing this, Shanks spread his hands spinelessly and said, "Why don't you just let me go today!"

"...Are you so unscrupulous? I don't intend to let you go just like that!" Roy said, snapping his fingers, three light spots in the sky slowly fell, and three ten-meter-high sword-holding angels descended from the sky .

Shanks gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, on the silver-white sword body, the crimson armed arrogance began to spread, and there was a faint roar in the sky.

"Shanks is starting to be serious... No, maybe he has the opportunity to use such a move now!" Beckman looked at the red lightning that was constantly flashing in the clouds in the sky.


Suddenly, there was a burst of angry shouts from the opposite side of Beckman, and it was the target of his fight, Empress Boya Hancock.

At this time, Hancock squinted a pair of flame-like red eyes, with a flame-like breath rising from his body, and said to Beckman: "Move your eyes in front of the concubine, I must burn you to ashes today!"

Cold sweat dripped from Beckman's forehead: "At the beginning of the battle, you seemed to say that you would let me die for just looking at you, right? Now I'm not allowed to move my eyes, it's so embarrassing!"


Suddenly, Hancock disappeared in place. Beckman was startled. Under the perception of knowledge, he used his long sniper rifle to block Hancock's flaming leg kick at the critical moment. .

"So fast!" This was the first thought that flashed in Beckman's mind.

Beckman blocked Hancock's powerful leg strike and caught a glimpse of the slender legs. No matter how good-hearted he was, he couldn't help but feel distracted deep in his heart.

"Arrow of Flame!"

Hancock seized the opportunity, and in less than half a second, he condensed a heart-shaped flame formed by raging fire, pulled it hard, and countless flaming arrows flew out.

Originally, Hancock used "Sweet Fruit", but after Roy's transformation, although Hancock did not completely turn into "Fire Hell Judge", it is still similar, except that there are some differences in the form of skills That's all.

So now Hancock's fighting style is basically based on physical skills and ability assistance. Therefore, as long as he is a man, he will not feel completely unaware of his enchanting figure, unless he is a fool like Luffy.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Beckman withdrew his thoughts in an instant, turned sideways to dodge the attack, one end of the corner of his clothes was hit and started to burn, Beckman quickly tore off the corner of the clothes to avoid the whole body from being caught on fire.

"Amazing reflexes, as expected of the deputy captain of the red-haired pirates." Hancock jumped onto the pet and subordinate Salome, looking down at Beckman, which was her signature move.

Beckman shook the sniper rifle in his hand twice, and said with a smile: "As expected of Roy's woman!"


Hancock was taken aback when he heard Beckman's words, his cheeks flushed on both sides, he held his face in his hands, and fell into a moment of delusion.


Beckman would not show mercy. After Hancock showed his flaws, he wanted to shoot into the opponent's chest. Hancock dodged quickly, and the bullet passed through his huge front and scratched the clothes on her chest.

"Although it's inexplicable, she is really a terrifying woman!" Anyway, Beckman still felt deeply afraid of Hancock's strength.

Although Hancock dodged in time, the area near the armpit on the left chest was scratched, leaving a wound. Hancock touched his wound, and a golden light flashed in his hand, and the wound, which was not deep at all, healed slowly up.

Although he is the adjudicator of Hell, it is no problem to use the weak power of holy light to heal wounds.

Shellman saw the pain in his head, and couldn't help saying: "Is this the ability of all the cadres of the Holy Light Pirates?"

Now, known cadres.

Zefa, Hancock, and Planck seem to heal themselves.

"Disgusting man!"

Hancock had already broken free from his delusions, his face was full of black lines, and he stretched out his jade arms. The explosive momentum shocked the people around [-] meters away, causing their bodies to stop: "I will definitely burn you!" Into ashes!"

Feeling this breath, Beckman was startled: "It's actually the aptitude of the king!"


"Jesus Bu, it's all thanks to you that we found the trace of the red hair so quickly!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Struggs, who was holding a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, was the opponent of Jesus Bu. While colliding with the opponent, he taunted.

(End of this chapter)

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