The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 39 Roger and Roy's Encounter

Chapter 39 Roger and Roy's Encounter

On the other side, in the Scientific Research Room of the Navy Headquarters.

Although Vegapunk had to divert to other research due to the lack of samples of the curse of blood, the genius scientist was still very persistent, making him obsessed with Roy.

One is the "Holy Light" particle experiment, and the other is the pretender experiment.

The previous battle with the Roger Pirates on Long Island was surprisingly good, but unfortunately, the Roger Pirates were only one step away from annihilating the entire army.

However, even if the battle results were unsuccessful, the experimental results were very successful.

The crazy battle mode that doesn't feel pain, and the ability to regenerate after eating fresh flesh, make Vega Punk look forward to it.

However, Vega Punk doesn't have much power yet, he's just a genius scientist, the only thing he can do is to wait and wait for the government to give him the result.

"Dr. Bergapunk, found a strange sea ore in a certain sea area of ​​the New World. After the ability person touches it, it will feel as if it touches the sea water!"

At this time, the words of an assistant caught the attention of Bergapunk, and he walked over quickly, and saw a picture on the experimental instrument. It was a seemingly ordinary, but special stone.

The point is that it's dark, so dark, it looks very hard, like "armed color."

Generally speaking, stones are mixed with multiple colors, and there are very few stones of this single color.

When Begapunk looked at the pictures of these stones, the assistant on the other side continued to explain: "Because, like the sea, it has the effect of incapacitating those who are capable, so the current discovery team temporarily calls him Sea Stone!"

"Oh? Does it have such an effect?" Vegapunk's expression condensed, and he immediately turned his attention to this so-called "sea stone", "Order someone to mine this thing and give it to me as soon as possible. one!"


The capital of water is known as one of the largest trading cities in the first half of the great waterway, and at the same time, it also gathers top shipbuilders.

However, due to the large trees attracting wind, many trade cities are hostile, so disputes often occur.

"Okay, it sucks..."

The workers in charge of dismantling the ship looked away and saw a warship slowly approaching from a distance. When they saw the appearance of the ship, they couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The warship that Roy grabbed, once again deviated from the track again because Planck lost the permanent pointer.

However, Planck has promised that he will not lose the permanent pointer next time, and he has gradually figured out the route of each track of the Great Channel. Even if there is no permanent pointer next time, he will not deviate from the channel.

Indeed, this time they just deviated from the track, but they adjusted it quickly, but the quality of the naval warship of this branch is really very poor.

The workers on the shore were engaged in the disintegration of ships, disintegrating the rotten ships into firewood for recycling, but they were also frightened by the appearance of such a ship.

Looking at it from a distance, there are no two intact wooden boards on the hull, and the sails are tattered like a rag. They will not find it strange that such a ship sinks into the sea in a second.

Many boatmen put down their business and walked in the direction of the rotten ship. In their eyes, this kind of ship is definitely going to disintegrate, although they don't know what kind of miracle made them sail here. But the probability of reaching the next island is 0.

Under the curious gazes of several boatmen, Roy and Planck slowly got off the boat. Seeing a young man under the age of 20 and a middle-aged man, the boatmen were stunned, although The boat is very broken, but it can still be seen that it is a warship. How come there are two people who don't look like a navy.

The boatmen predicted that these two people, in all likelihood, were the warships that pirates robbed. It is not that they have never seen such a situation, but it was the first time they had met when two people robbed a warship.

"Everyone, may I ask who is the best shipbuilder on this island?" Roy asked politely before the boatmen could speak.

"Uh... On the west side of the island, there is Tom's shipbuilding studio. Yes, it has the best shipbuilding skills on the island." A boatman replied very nervously, he had already marked the two of Roy as a vicious sea. Thief.

Usually, in this case, they would choose to recommend it to their own or acquaintance's store, instead of telling the truth. However, the other party is a pirate who dares to grab a warship. If they are found to be lying, the consequences...

"West? Got it, may the Holy Light bless you!" Roy said and led Planck to the direction of the boatman. After a long time, a few people responded, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. This kind of guy, They don't want to deal more.

"Hey, that guy just now, didn't fix the anchor!" A boatman looked at the warship driven by Roy and said in surprise.

After the boat docks, the anchor should be dropped and the pier secured with ropes, otherwise there is a risk of being stolen and floating into the distant sea alive.

"That guy, doesn't want a boat at all!" explained the boatman who talked to Roy.

"Hey, another boat is here! It's even worse than the boat just now!" Suddenly, a boatman looked into the distance and continued.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw that there was indeed a ship coming this way. They stared at it and saw that it had a skull symbol. It was a pirate ship. If Roy's ship just now was a rotten ship, this ship could surface. Even if it was a miracle, the big hole in the middle of the hull was deadly at all.

"How on earth did this kind of ship sail here!" The boatman swore that this was the first time in his life that he had seen a "wrecked ship" still sailing.

Ordinary civilians have a deep fear of pirates. When they see a pirate ship, they will choose to flee for fear of being robbed. However, anyone who pays close attention to pirate news can immediately see that the great pirates who have been on the great waterway recently , the logo of the Roger Pirates.

Ten minutes later, the Roger Pirates' ship docked and stopped. After the ship's ladder was opened, Shanks ran down excitedly and said, "Hey, hey, I'm finally here, and I can go to New Zealand soon. the world, isn't it?"

"Don't get too excited, Shanks." Rayleigh got off the boat and chuckled, "It's very close to the Navy Headquarters, we have to keep a low profile."

Jabba, another member of the Roger Pirates, also got off the boat and said with a smile: "Our boat is no longer usable. This time in the city of water, I just took the opportunity to replace the boat, although I was very reluctant, But that's the only way to sail!"

"How's Roger?" Riley asked.

"I have recovered from the death of my companion, but I feel very angry about the use of that kind of weird monster by the navy. The captain is ready for the next battle!" Jabba laughed: "In short, let's go to the shipbuilding first. Come on, the ship of the Roger Pirates must be built by the best boatmen!"

(End of this chapter)

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