Chapter 418

Soon, an order personally issued by King Lucas spread throughout the Kingdom of Ilucia.

Let Rockefeller, the eldest son, and Casemiro, the second son, fight in war, and the winner will inherit the throne.

This move shocked the whole country.

The king is crazy, are the ministers crazy too?

How can someone choose an heir like this?Take the war to decide the outcome?

Even civilians who don't understand politics or war can see that there is a big problem inside, let alone the revolutionary army?

At this time, Roy was standing on a bell tower at the highest point in the kingdom, and the breeze blowing high in the sky scattered the seducer's shoulder-length hair.

"I'm coming!"

Roy looked at the country in turmoil below, and said with a smile: "At this time, don't you need heroes, don't you need revolution? Come out quickly! Dragon!"


Kingdom of Ilucia.

Nearly [-] hours after King Lucas issued the summons, as the country's potential heirs, Rockefeller and Casemiro were extremely shocked when they received the news, but they still agreed that three days later, at a distance A battle was fought on the battlefield fifty kilometers away from the capital of the kingdom to decide who would be the heir.

The strength of the two princes is comparable. Both sides have tens of thousands of troops. Once they fight, countless people will die.

Rockefeller and Casemiro also had great doubts and even doubts about the order issued by their father, but the allure of the throne made them forget everything and only think about how to kill each other.

The Kingdom of Ilucia fell into turmoil because of this incident. For a while, they moaned. Countless people ran to the gate of the palace to protest loudly, but the gate of the palace was closed and the senior officials inside did not respond.

On the other side, in an unremarkable granary in Ilucia, most of the revolutionary troops involved in this operation gathered here. After all, Ilucia is also considered a big country.

"What's going on? Why did Lucas make such a decision?"

On the chief seat, Long looked cold, and asked the revolutionary army cadres around him, he just arrived today, and he didn't expect to hear that the king issued such a ridiculous order. In his impression, Lucas is not a ridiculous person , Are you old and confused?

"The palace is currently closed, and the people we put inside don't know what's going on and haven't responded at all. What is certain is that there is a huge problem in this country!" Kildeo said.

"Actually, the truth is not important for now, Mr. Long!"

Another cadre, Qiao said: "The country is too chaotic now, and it is time for the revolutionary army to take action. For us, isn't this the opportunity we have been waiting for?"

When the country is in chaos, it is time for the revolutionary army to take action.

Although the situation is very strange, it is in a situation that is completely beneficial to the revolutionary army. How can we not seize the opportunity?

"The eldest prince Rockefeller and the second prince Casemiro will have a duel in two days. We should..." Kildeo said halfway, turning his head to look at the dragon.

"Well, when the flames of war are at their peak, our revolutionary army will attack!" Long never thought about how to save those soldiers, but simply wanted to subvert the country.

It's like Doflamingo's capture of Xiusdal, a group of people will be killed first, and the public's emotions will be aroused first, and then the "hero" will appear on the stage, but Mingo failed.


Roy, who was walking on the Ilucia Kingdom Avenue, could hear protests and even crying from the people around him at any time.

As residents of the kingdom, men in many families are in the army, and once a war starts, it means that they are likely to die in battle.

More importantly, this war is still a civil war, and one's own people fight against one's own people, which is the source of dissatisfaction among the people. If it is about dealing with pirate invasions, absolutely no one will say anything.

At this time, Roy, the seducer, was sitting conspicuously in front of an open-air cafe with his long and long legs in stockings, with an expectant smile on his exquisite face, and whispered to himself: "The pedantic kingdom, the dissatisfied People, the combination of these two is the smell of revolution, have you smelled it? Dragon? This is the bait specially prepared for you!"

"Oh! Found you!"

There was a burst of fierce footsteps accompanied by dissatisfied scolding. Cavendish walked up to him, picked a rose in his hand, and said intoxicated, "Hey, do you want to join my young master's pirate team? I don't even have the name Think it over, handsome pirates, you who can escape from Hakuba, you must have good strength!"

As he spoke, Cavendish bit his lips lightly, biting off a rose petal like a cowherd, and opened his eyes and said, "Are you okay?"

And when Cavendish opened his eyes, the action on the opposite side was empty. Cavendish spit out from his eyeballs, and he was out of breath, "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Sir, did that young lady come with you just now? Please pay her money!"

A waitress came over, although her eyes were full of coveting for Cavendish's appearance, but more of sympathy: "Such a handsome man is actually crazy!"

"Not only hit me, but also ignored me!"

Cavendish grinned and said, "Damn it, I must become a big star!"


Two days later, Roy stood on the top of the bell tower, the flames of war had already started, more than 50 miles away, he could still hear the bloody smell coming from the battlefield, and I don't know how many people died because of it.

The battle lasted for about six hours, and finally, when night fell, the army returned to the city, led by the second prince Casemiro!

"I'm victorious, I'm king, I'm king!"

Even though he was covered in blood, Casemiro shouted joyfully, sitting on a black horse behind him was his elder brother Rockefeller, who had lost his throne, as if he had lost his soul, his head drooped, and he almost leaned his head against the horse On his back, as if he was going to die the next moment.

None of the people standing on both sides of the street cheered, because this is a senseless war.

When all the soldiers came in, the city gates were closed.

Everyone found that there should have been more than 5 troops when the war started, but only [-] returned.

Eighty percent of the soldiers died.

While Casemiro's cheers continued, the people on both sides of the street were extremely dissatisfied with him, and they were extremely disappointed with the ruler of this country.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, and Casemiro and other soldiers who were riding on the horse were blown off their horses. Because of the sudden hurricane, the horses were frightened and ran around.

The corner of Roy's mouth curled up on the bell tower, showing a wicked smile: "Dragon, you finally appeared. I have been waiting for you for a long time. I wonder if you can become a hero today? May the Holy Light bless you!"

(End of this chapter)

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