Chapter 436 Bear!fail

"Forget it, our air force is about to carry out a large-scale operation, and you and I will lead the second regiment there." Ye Xiao didn't bother to pursue, and had already begun to give up on this subordinate.


"Big action?"

Alaniya yawned: "It's too troublesome, let the other two groups go, I want to go home for afternoon tea."

"You are the best in our army to use flying armor. You must participate in this operation."

Ye Xiao's expression was serious and calm, Alaniya rubbed her temples, and said in an unbearable tone: "So, what is the content of the mission?"

"Sneak attack on the base camp of the Four Emperors Roy, and take back Vegapunk!" Alaniya's pupils shrank, and the serious laziness just now disappeared without a trace.


The new Amazon lily, Roy is sitting on the large terrace of the spacious villa, which is a place specially created for Roy by Hancock.

"Although the commander of the air force is Night Owl, the one who uses my flying mech to the fullest is a woman named Alaniya!"

Roy lay on the recliner and Luke's voice sounded in his head.


At this time, Xiong has left the holy land of Mariejoa, located in the waters of the New World, and under his feet is a pirate ship that was snatched on the way.

In the center of his huge palm was a phone bug no bigger than his finger, and a voice came from inside: "Please, Mr. Xiong."

"If I can't come back, you can follow the previous plan and don't worry about other things." Xiong said indifferently.

Sabo on the opposite side was silent for a long time, and then spit out a word, "Yeah!"

Throwing the phone bug directly into the sea, holding the idea of ​​success or failure, Xiong held the Bible and the three-tube dynamite rock he just got from Fass Island in his right hand, took off the glove on his left hand, slapped himself, and disappeared in an instant. land.

On the other side of the phone worm, in a dark castle, Sabo hung up the phone worm's microphone and comforted himself: "As long as you put the explosive rock in its place and leave immediately, everything will be fine!"


On the sea about [-] miles away from Aldimi, five warships are docked here. Apart from the mainstay of the headquarters headed by the flying squirrel and the ghost spider, the most conspicuous one is the flying squirrel's ship. Flying units of these two small wing armors.

"Is this the legendary Air Force?"

"Can that thing really fly?"

The air force was originally the latest and most mysterious of the three armed forces. Many navies who participated in this mission were very curious about the air force headed by Ye Xiao.

"With only 300 troops, it's too difficult to go deep into Roy's tiger's den alone." Flying Squirrel walked up to Ye Xiao and asked.

The two had known each other since Sora was serving as Admiral of the Navy.

"We're not going to fight, we're just going to take back Vegapunk. The soldiers are good but not many."

Ye Xiao twisted his armored wrist and said, "The Air Force's biggest reliance lies in this set of equipment, which allows us to fly freely!"



A blast sounded on the beach of New Amazon Lily, and the scattered sea sand gradually dissipated, revealing the real situation inside, which was a deep pit shaped like a bear's paw.

The bear's huge body gradually emerged from the smoke.

From the way he bowed his waist, it looked like he landed in a panic, but in fact it was to cover the three things in his hand, the explosive rock.

This thing is wrapped in a container and a biochemical potion. When it encounters an impact and comes into contact with oxygen, it will instantly produce an explosive force that is hundreds of times stronger than ordinary shells.

Bear inserts two tubes of dynamite rocks into the sand of the new Amazon Lily. There are tiny controllers on them. As soon as he leaves, the container will explode instantly, producing a shock wave that blows up the city of Amazon Lily.

And just as Xiong finished installing things and was about to use his ability to leave, he suddenly felt that something was about to move in the ground.

It seems like it's about to break out of the ground.

The experienced bear didn't think too much, his first reaction was to use the ability of the meatball fruit to teleport several miles away, to a mountain peak, where he could just see where he was just now.

Wow! ! !

He only saw a mouth, a big mouth opened and rushed out of the mud. After spitting out the two tubes of dynamite rock he put, he submerged in the mud again.

From the beginning to the end for more than ten seconds, I don't know what kind of bear it is. All I can see is just a mouth. Judging from the appearance, it should be a dog!

If so, how big is the dog?

However, the crux of the problem is not here, but the dynamite rock was eaten.

In this way, the first step of the plan has failed, how to talk about the next steps?

"Don't worry, bear!" Suddenly a voice came from behind leisurely, "You won't need to worry about such things soon!"

Xiong's huge body turned around, and turned around after a while, "Long time no see, Vega Punk!"

Standing behind the bear was Vegapunk. Roy made an exception and brought him from Ardimi to Amazon Lily, but even he could only operate on the periphery and was not allowed to enter the country. After all, this is the country of daughters.

"Have you completely surrendered to Roy?" Xiong asked, staring at Vegapunk.

If Vegapunk is not here, he can understand that Violet's staring fruit happened to be discovered, or Roy used some investigative method.

But Vegapunk is in a different situation here, that is, the government's actions have been seen through.

"I'm just loyal to science!" Vegapunk said with a faint smile.

At this time, a golden light fell on the position between the two, "Everything is as you speculated, Vega Punk!"

Roy first said something to Vegapunk, then glanced at the bear, and continued: "The answer is, Vegapunk chose me who is above the government, it's that simple!"

Vegapunk stepped back more than ten meters, and said to Roy meaningfully: "Roy, remember to capture alive, I want to live."

"Who is the superior? Vegapunk!" Roy questioned Vegapunk's tone.

Vegapunk's expression froze, and he spread his hands: "Master Roy, please capture him alive, is that okay?"


The bear, which had a huge stature but was surprisingly fast, moved behind Vegapunk at once, and grabbed Vegapunk with a pair of big hands.

He didn't want to fight Roy at all, taking away Vegapunk was the main purpose.

Vegapunk knows bears too well, and the other party is an excellent material to replace Zefa to complete the pacifist plan. Vegapunk can be said to know everything about bears by heart.

When he saw that the palm like a bear ball was about to grab his body, Vegapunk didn't panic at all, but smiled.

It wasn't that he had placed any mechanism on him, but that he believed in Roy.

(End of this chapter)

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