Chapter 467 Seeing Whitebeard

The rest of the people are basically on standby at any time, because Roy feels that the war is coming soon.

"Then, please leave immediately!"

Vegapunk clapped his hands, and finally said to Bonnie and others who were in charge of going to the sky island: "Please rest assured about the safety issue, the ability of the bear will allow you to reach the sky island almost [-]% safely!"

"Hey, you said almost two words, which means we may still die?" Bonnie protested loudly, but Vegapunk ignored it.

"It's noisy, brat."

Fallon snapped his knuckles, made a "click" sound, and said disdainfully: "If you are afraid, stay at home, and go to the paradise to enjoy, and no one will blame you."

"What are you talking about, ugly bastard with a hedgehog head!" Bonnie said dirty, and there was a tendency for two people to fight on the spot.

"Stop arguing, Master Roy is still here!"

Ivaris got up, picked up the western sword that was leaning on the conference table and hung it on his waist, and led Beckman, Cavendish and others to leave: "I'm leaving!"

The Golden Sword Pirates, who lead almost no abilities, are the best choice to communicate with Tiki.


Faron, who hated Ivaris the most, dismissed it, and immediately prepared to land on Sky Island with Alanya, Xiong and others.

The others also left one after another after Roy signaled. Manolos was too conspicuous, so he didn't have any important tasks, and he didn't even have the opportunity to participate in this operation. He moved freely and left soon after the memory was over. He wanted to find Wei. Bull revenge.

But before he left, Vegapunk stopped him, said that he had something to discuss with him, and took Manolos to the laboratory on the west side of the city.


A few hours later, on the empty island located [-] meters above the ground, under the power of the bear, thirty pacifists, all the Bonnie Pirates, and all the Blackthorn Pirates landed on the empty island, while Alaniya He flew up by relying on his own ability.

"The legendary sky island really exists. If those guys who don't want to make progress in the bar know about it, their faces will be swollen."

Seeing the surrounding white ocean, Faron put his hands in his pockets and looked around. He found that two miles away, he could vaguely see the residents living here.


The cloud under his feet was broken again, and this time it was Kuma himself and Alaniya who flew up using the steam fruit ability.

Alaniya put one hand on her hip and clapped her mouth with the other hand. She yawned and said, "Although I don't want to do it, I am more familiar with the situation here than everyone else, so I am unfortunately the commander-in-chief of this mission. Everyone here Please listen to me, do you understand?"

Fallon remained expressionless: "If it's to complete the task, I have no problem!"

"Hurry up and start!"

Bonnie said carelessly, and at the same time there was a protest from her stomach, clutching her slender waist and flat belly, "But can I eat first?"

"You brat."

Faron's expression was extremely dissatisfied, but Alaniya smiled slightly: "Well, don't worry, our mission is a protracted war, so it's okay to have a meal first!"

"Oh! Alaniya, are you a good guy? I recognize you!"

Seeing that Alania agreed to his request, Bonnie gave her a thumbs up, and the corner of Alania's mouth covered by the helmet twitched. Your approval standard is really low.


Roy left Aldimi and went to the second half of the new world. According to the time, it is roughly speculated that the top war took place in about half a year, but now under the deliberate actions of himself and Vegapunk, he does not know Whether it's earlier or later, but no matter what, before that, I want to see that person.

It's still the same, Roy didn't bring anyone, including the ghost Caitlin, he likes someone now.


On the mast of a ship five kilometers away from Roy, the navigator of the Pterodactyl saw Roy with a telescope and hurried down to report.

At this time, Yan Jue was sitting on the main seat, taking a nap with one hand dragging his face.

Alban, who is in charge of Zhang Luoyan disaster group's big and small things, said: "Ignore it! We can't stop Roy, now go to the Golden City to get the latest devil fruit, I hope no one will die this time."

Although the death rate of man-made devil fruits has gradually decreased over time, this still caused panic among the Beast Pirates. People who got man-made devil fruits were afraid to eat them, for fear of dying in the next second. Huang Quan.

But even so, it can't hold back Kaido's dream of "the army of all-powerful people", so he has to eat.

Although Alban is not a capable person, he is powerful, and Kaido would not use him as an experiment.

At this time, another pirate from the Pterodactyl reported to Alban: "Master Alban, just now Lord Kaido was preparing to attack the Kingdom of Eagles, and Lord Quinn finally stopped him."

"Really, there is no end!"

Alban shook his head, it was enough to follow such a captain.

Suddenly, Alban remembered the navigator's report to Roy, and turned his head to ask, "Wait, which direction is Roy heading?"

The navigator was taken aback for a moment, and then he dragged his stubbled chin with his hand and thought for a while: "If you keep going along this route, it should be the second half of the new world, which is the territory of Whitebeard!"

"Are you going on a trip again? It still has something to do with Whitebeard!" Jhin, who was taking a nap, suddenly opened his eyes and said, then slammed the side of the boat, "Let Master Kaido attack the Kingdom of Eagles!"

When everyone heard Jin's words, their faces turned pale with fright.

Didn't you say that Kaido can't bite the hard bone of the Eagle Kingdom?

why now...

"Oh, tell Master Kaido, if you can't fight within three days, please withdraw immediately."

Jhin calculated the time perfectly.

In the second half of Roy's entry into the new world, whether he was looking for Whitebeard or traveling, even if he turned around and attacked Wano Country, his base camp, it would take a lot of time.

If Kaido goes to attack the Kingdom of Eagles now, he will not be able to come back when he hears about the Kingdom of Eagles within three days.

In the Wano Country, Quinn, who had just persuaded Kaido to come down, was shocked when Jhin suggested to fight the Eagle Country in the new phone call.

But after hearing the detailed explanation, he became more confident. Kaido was silent for a while, then suddenly picked up the mace and walked towards the coast.


Kozuki Oden probably didn't expect Kaido to play such a trick, and he still has a grudge against the hatred two years ago.

Kaido led a group of people headed by Drought Jack to the Eagle Country, while Roy went deep into Whitebeard's territory alone.

Because of the journey, Kaido arrived at the destination two days earlier than Roy. As soon as he set foot on the land of the Eagle Country, he swung his mace and charged forward.

And Roy also successfully met Whitebeard under the leadership of Whitebeard's men.

(End of this chapter)

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