The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 47 The big lord should have...

Chapter 47 The big lord should have...

Five days later, at the corner of a street in the Capital of Water, a woman who had returned from grocery shopping passed by the corner. Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from the corner, knocked her down, and spilled the vegetables in the basket.

The others suddenly looked towards the rioting side, and saw a few men with weapons such as knives and guns in their hands. After hitting the woman, they were running hard, and said very unhappily: "Stinky girls. , in what way?"

While speaking, the panic on their faces could not be concealed.


When other people on the street saw these men, the first thought that flashed in their minds was this word.

Women also consider themselves unlucky. In this world, being accompanied by a pirate, what else can they do besides admitting their unlucky?Go up and fight them?

However, when she lowered her head to pick up the vegetables that had fallen on the ground, she suddenly found that there was another person at the corner where the pirates ran out just now.

Wearing a white trench coat with a cross on his chest, a handsome black-haired boy, the most striking thing is a huge wide-blade sword in his hand.

Women's heart: so handsome, I really want to fight with him!

"There is no escape!"

Roy said with a smile, the Holy Light spear in his hand suddenly appeared, aiming at one of the pirates.


The first fell.

Then Roy jumped up directly, a leap was accompanied by a sword light, and four heads flew up again.

The bright red blood and minced meat shot out all of a sudden, causing many pedestrians nearby to scream.

Is it a fight between pirates?

Everyone thought in their hearts, and at the same time, they ran away quickly, and the woman who started to be knocked over couldn't even think about how to fight Roy hand-to-hand, and quickly ran away with the large army.

Roy walked to the corpses, cut off the pirate's head with the spear pierced through his chest with his sword, and threw it into the system space with the other heads with his sword.

Roy took out the phone bug: "Planck, I have a total of twelve heads here, a total of 8000 million Baileys."

Plank on the other end of the phone bug laughed: "Boss, you can't do it. Although I only took ten heads, there are a total of 300 million."

Roy had to sigh, is it still very useful to remember all the bounty lists in his mind!

Immediately, Roy turned on the system.

【Main attributes】

Yamaguchiyama Paladin Strength: 66%

Apocalypse Level: 56 (Experience 26%)

Weapon, Ashbringer: 38%

Weapon, Silver Hand: 12%

Haste (affects all speeds): 121%

Holy light points remaining 3359 points, remaining skill points: 0

Acquire a new skill [Broken Holy Light Glass]: Summons a huge holy light ball (5-100 meters, the size is controlled by the host's mind) that moves slowly, causing damage to everyone along the way, and finally explodes, causing (25 meters- 500 meters) range damage.

This is yet another nuclear weapon that cannot be used indiscriminately.

In fact, it's not that Roy doesn't want to use these large-scale skills, but such skills are too easy to accidentally hurt.

Roy is not a virgin, so naturally he doesn't care about the life and death of some civilians. How can he care so much about the great things?

But the sentence of the system: "Holy Light is merciful, please be a good person. If you kill any civilian, Holy Light will point -1."

This is very painful, so under normal circumstances, before the critical moment, Roy feels that he will not use a large-scale nuclear weapon, including the sacred storm that controls the range.

And in the battle with Rayleigh, Roy also had a very large receipt, a skill called "Probation".

[Influence]: Try to influence a person, stare at the other person's eyes for three seconds, if the influence is successful, you will become an absolute believer, if the influence fails, there is a certain chance of becoming a "pretender"!

Note: Those who have been successfully transformed get the [Perversion] skill, and those who have been transformed deeply worship the host, even if they sacrifice their lives, they will do nothing.

Very good skills, with this ability, after the strength is strong, you can quickly develop your own strength.

And in the skills, when it comes to dedicating one's life, Roy doesn't quite understand it.

So Roy preached the great holy light in the water capital through the essence of the magic stick, and under his unremitting efforts, he successfully influenced [-] civilians and produced [-] "pretenders"!

Finally figured out the true meaning of this probation skill.

First: The so-called consecration of life means that when Roy dies, the lives of these believers can be used to offset them, which is equivalent to resurrection coins, but these believers will not really die.However, every believer has a CD when dedicating his life, one month!

Second: If the probation fails, these people will become "pretenders". The pretenders here are not the pretenders in DNF. These guys are more like "ghouls" in wow. They are very low-level and completely uncontrollable. There are only "zombies" left with appetite, but they will not attack believers.

These ghouls will attack and devour other people and turn them into vampires.

The level of trouble is only equivalent to a pirate offering a reward of 100 million Bailey.

On the contrary, the infection of "Blood Plague" is stronger, those real pretenders are not only controllable, but also stronger, at least most of them are no problem to deal with some pirates who offer a reward of 1000 million Berries.

If it is said that Roy has influenced many people, isn't it true that he has achieved eternal life?

Of course, if the probation fails too much, there will be more and more ghouls, and then more people will have to be forced to believe in the Holy Light.

It's a simple, crude, and unreasonable skill. It's up to you to develop believers in the future.

Either believe in the Holy Light or become a "zombie"!

"Since you want to conquer the world, this level is a matter of course, isn't it? Hundreds of millions of believers are not a dream! How can you be called a big lord without hundreds of millions of believers?" But now is not the time.

Roy thought about coming to Tom's studio on the west coast of the water capital to meet with Planck. The two took out a bunch of human heads from the system space in front of Tom, but Tom was terrified.

Think about the fact that there are more than [-] people on the ground with bloody heads. Are you afraid?

"Well, Mr. Tom, check it out, these should be enough!" Roy said, handing over the bounties for the owners of these heads.

Workers who were working on the steel rushed over and began to check the heads and identify them one by one.

The Capital of Water is an island that is very close to Chambord Island. The pirates who can reach here always have two brushes. Even so, there will inevitably be one or two wastes. Of course, most of them get here by luck.

"Little Emperor—James, the reward is 830 million Baileys."

"The Flash——Wade, the reward is 750 million Baileys!"

"Dragon King—Bosh, offer a bounty, 500 million Baileys!"


As boatmen, this is not the first time they have counted such heads. Many pirates can't afford to do this. This has become an unspoken rule.

But as a price, if this is done, the workers must be paid [-] percent of the errand fee.

But they have never seen so many pirates. There were not many pirates in the original water capital. In five days, Roy basically killed all the pirates with bounties except the Roger Pirates.

(End of this chapter)

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