The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 496 Tickey failed to capture Ace

Chapter 496 Tickey failed to capture Ace

Hearing what Lafitte said, everyone suddenly realized.

That's right, in the past 20 years, if you don't have the fruit ability, you must be practicing physical skills and domineering.

Even if the 20-year-old Ace started practicing from the womb, it didn't last long.

Victory and defeat!

Sure enough, Ace, who was full of armed colors at the beginning, really overwhelmed Tiqi with his flexible body.

But with the passage of time and the prolongation of the battle, his openings became bigger and bigger, and Tiqi's defense became stronger and stronger.

The failure has been revealed.

"Thief hahaha, it's over, Ace!"

When pushing Ace to a height of ten meters, Tiqi saw a flaw in Ace, and formed a claw with his left hand, preparing to end the battle with armed claws and send Ace to the navy.


It was too late for Ace, who was in mid-air, to elementalize, and this time the flaw was too big.

Just when Estuary thought he was about to be defeated, the ground suddenly exploded, and countless gravel and waves rolled in. At the same time, a young man's voice came to everyone's ears, "Dragon Wave"!


In an instant, countless bombs exploded on the ground at the same time, throwing Tiki, who was about to give Ace the final blow, staggering, and Ace seized the time and quickly elementalized and evacuated Tiki's attack range.


The Blackbeard Pirates, Tiki, Ace and the others had an idea in their hearts at the same time. They saw a young man in a black windbreaker kneeling on one knee in the ruins not far away, with his hands inserted into the ground .

"It's so dangerous, but fortunately we caught up at the last moment!" The man slowly stood up, revealing his face under the high-brimmed top hat.

"Sa, Sabo!" Ace stared fiercely.

Ever since he knew that Sabo was about Shichibukai, he had been wanting to meet him, but because Sabo's whereabouts were too mysterious, he couldn't find anyone at all, so he has been delaying until now.

"Long time no see, Ace!"

Sabo suddenly jumped and jumped to Ace's side, "Let's not ask other questions, let's deal with the enemy in front of us!"

"Your Majesty Shichibukai, Sabo."

Tiki has already recovered by now, squinting his eyes and asked Sabo, "Why do you want to help Ace?"

Sabo grinned, "Another brother who likes to get into trouble, always makes people particularly worried."

"What? Brother!" Tiqi was surprised.


Suddenly, four members of the Blackbeard Pirates stood beside Ace.

Oka said coldly: "Leave Qiwuhai Sabo to us, and Fire Fist Ace is yours. No objection, captain!"

"Thief haha, really trustworthy! My companions!"

"Qi ha ha ha ha ha, captain, we just want to solve this trouble smoothly." Bashas laughed heartlessly.

As Lafitte, who met Sabo in the Seven Seas of Kings, he was puzzled by Sabo's appearance here. Both sides agree, you are like this... I don't know if you can keep the position of Qi Wuhai under the king!"

Sabo put one hand on his hip, and pressed the hat with the other hand, "The brotherhood with Ace and Luffy is my most precious treasure. I dare to appear here because I am ready to give up the position of Qibuhai Got it."


Ace looked at this brother moved, no matter what reason he ran to become Qi Wuhai, now he has not changed, that's enough.

Sabo pulled out the water pipe used as a weapon on his back with one hand, and made the other hand into a dragon claw, "Get ready to do it! Ace!"

"Oh! Let's go together after a long time, Sabo."

The intrusion of a Shichibukai made Tiqi's face extremely ugly, but the matter has come to this point, and the fight is still going on, but no matter whether it is successful or not, the government must be notified about it afterwards.

This kid Sabo ruined his big business, and he must not let them have a good time.

The five members of the Blackbeard Pirates, together with the brothers AB and Ace and Sabo, fought again on Barra Island for a day and a night. The two brothers were slightly defeated, but under the cover of Sabo's preparations, the two successfully evacuated.


"What to do, Captain?"

The eye of the sniper monocle has been broken, and Oka, who is bleeding from the corner of his mouth, looks at the ship that has sailed far away. The ship marked with the word "SB" turned his head and said to Tiqi: "I can't catch up!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Lafitte sat on a rock and said with a strange smile: "In this way, doesn't it mean that we have to accept the endless pursuit of the Holy Light Pirates?"

"do not worry!"

Tiki was covered in blood, but he seemed full of confidence, "That guy Ace regards the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates as the most important existence, and it is impossible to let me go just because of one failure!"

Tiki waved his hand and rushed towards the direction of his "raft", "Little ones, go to Chambord Islands and snipe Ace!"

"The Golden Sword Pirates led by Commander Ivaris are also waiting for news in the Chambord Islands, what should we do?" Lafitte, the "brain tank" of the Blackbeard Pirates, asked.

"Well, I have my own way!"


The base camp of the Nine Snake Pirates, New World, New Amazon Lily, on a huge open-air balcony, Roy just received a report from Ivaris, claiming that Blackbeard's attempt to capture Ace failed because of the intrusion of Shichibukai Sabo.

Tichi intends to unite with the Golden Sword Pirates to intercept Ace and others from the Chambord Islands to enter the new world.

And the Blackbeard Pirates led by him are responsible for copying the back road to achieve the purpose of surrounding Ace, and they will definitely be able to catch Ace.

What Ivaris said was to ask Roy what he meant.

"In that case, let's do it!"

Roy asked back, he had already expressed his meaning, and after answering "Understood" to Ivaris, he hung up the phone.


Hankuk stood by Roy's side, with a look of wariness on his face, "Who is that little bitch that Alaniya brought back before?"

Hancock was talking about Robin.

When Hancock went to Ardimi to find Roy, he happened to see Robin coming out of Roy's room alone. Hancock became alert on the spot and almost fought.

Roy remained silent, so let's stop here if we change the topic.

Hancock was still relentless, but Roy still didn't say a word.

But when it comes to Robin, Roy closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then picked up the microphone of the phone bug, and rarely took the initiative to broadcast the number.

Having said that, I got the Pluto design by myself, what strategy should I take to conquer the other side?

Will the dog jump over the wall in a hurry?To deal with yourself?

But now everything is still in accordance with the "Sky Plundering Plan". What Roy has to do now is to wait and wait for the government to play its cards.

If the government insists on getting entangled in Pluto's affairs, let's see what those officials and lords will do first!

(End of this chapter)

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