Chapter 531 Post-war turmoil

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates successively announced the cultivation methods they wanted. Usopp chose to reunite with his father Jesus Bu. The Shemale King liked Sanji more and wanted to take him away in a special way. Others and anime exactly the same.

"Finally Robin..."

Luffy just wanted to say Robin's name, but was slapped violently by Nami, and then he remembered that Robin had left them.

Raleigh shook his glass and sighed: "What Doflamingo said on the battlefield is correct. Now the great pirate Roy has surpassed any pirate in history, including Pirate King Roger."

Raleigh turned his head and said to the Straw Hats, "I didn't mean to hurt you, but really, there are no 20 years, so don't try to get Roy's idea!"

The audience was silent. As far as Zoro, Nami and the others were concerned, they had no enmity with Roy, it was just Robin's "job-hopping".

But Luffy is different, not to mention Shanks' hatred, but also the hatred of killing his father.

Sauron didn't know what to say for a while, so he decided to run away first, and left quickly: "I'm leaving, Hawkeye is not a good-tempered person."

blu blu blu!

At this moment, the phone next to Xia Qi's bar rang, and Xia Qi picked up the phone.

After listening to the other party's words, Xia Qi frowned slightly, and said to everyone in the room: "Let's go to the live broadcast area, something happened there!"


Lei Li led the Straw Hats and Sabo to the live broadcast area where the battlefield was originally broadcast, and the big screen in the center of the lawn, which was about to be moved, began to broadcast new content.

The reporters standing in front of the projection froze in shock. On the screen were a group of researchers in white coats. Behind them was an incredible hole.

"This is the Red Earth Continent. As you can see, there is a big hole here, which was blown up by our Lord Roy. You can directly shuttle between the New World and the paradise!"

Vegapunk said with a smile, "Pirates who want to go to the new world because of Whitebeard's death, through this passage, the Holy Light Pirates are waiting for you!"

Vegapunk didn't say much. After just a few sentences, he was about to turn off the video phone bug, but at the end, he added, "By the way, there is one more thing to tell the world! During the same period of the top war, Our Holy Light Pirates and the government launched a great battle on the sky island that was not inferior to the Navy Headquarters, and in the end we won a complete victory, and the government fled!"

Vegapunk’s words were just a few short sentences, and in the rest of the time, he used the phone bug to show everyone the world and the third road that freely shuttled back and forth in the first half of the great route, and then closed the phone bug that affected everyone. .

The audience was in an uproar. The reporters present didn't write manuscripts or contact their own newspapers for the first time, but discussed with each other immediately.

The question of whether the world will be destroyed in the previous war on the top is just an exaggeration.

But if the world government is defeated by the Holy Light Pirates, then the world will really be destroyed.

Don't forget, in the top battle half a day ago, Roy showed insurmountable strength in the war, and entering and exiting the Navy headquarters was like taking a walk.

"Empty island? Is that a place that is said to be more than [-] meters above the sea?"

"The Holy Light Pirates and the government are fighting there? How is it possible?"

"In addition to the murlocs and Mary Gioia, a third road to the new world has been opened. What will the world look like?"

"The man just now called himself Vegapunk, isn't that a genius scientist from the government? When did he go to the pirates?"

The amount of information in Vegapunk's speech is too large, and everyone's brains can't turn around.

Lei Li quietly left with a group of people, and came to Xia Qi's Rip-off Bar again.

At this time, the captain Luffy also showed the aura of the captain, ordering that no matter what the world becomes, everyone will gather in the Chambord Islands two years later.

The Straw Hats have temporarily disbanded, but Nami has been worrying about a problem, what is the state of Sky Island now?


What Vegapunk said was naturally written by the group of reporters, and the news has not yet come out of the joy of the Navy's narrow victory over the Whitebeard Pirates. This news is like a heavy hammer hammering on everyone's chest.

The government was defeated by the Holy Light Pirates?

How defeated?

How many casualties were there on both sides?

If the 800-year-old government is overthrown by pirates, then who will have the final say in this world?

Of course, the biggest headache now is the navy and the government.

Ten days later, Roy returned to the base camp with Robin.

"Master Roy!"

Everyone had extremely excited expressions on their faces. Planck was an extremely ambitious guy, and he even used "ecstasy" to describe his mood at the moment.

In the past few days, a series of headlines such as [Roy Aspires to be the Strongest in the World], [Whether the Government or the Emperor of the Sea will control the world in the future] have appeared continuously. It can be said that Roy, and the Holy Light Pirates, no, Holy Light The empire and the government have reached a higher level.

Moreover, except for the navy and the government, no one calls Roy a pirate anymore, they all call him the "Great Lord", and the Holy Light Pirates have become the term "Holy Light Empire".

These reporters can really do things!

When a pirate is in power, no one calls him a pirate. This is the level that Roger has not achieved.

"Master Roy, I brought back a very interesting kid!"

Ul'dah, who was in charge of monitoring the capital of the seven waters under the island of the gods, came over and said.


Roy turned his head slightly, and saw a young man in his early twenties with prairie green hair standing 50 meters away, blocking himself with a huge pillar, only showing one head to look at Roy.

Beside the man, there were a few youths dressed as gangsters, and one of them, a non-mainstream man with an afro, said, "Boss, the great lord is looking over here, hurry up and say hello!"

Hearing the words, the green-haired non-mainstream nodded dully, turned his back to Roy, and came to Roy backwards.

Uldah left a drop of sweat, and was very embarrassed by Lumao's behavior: "Ahem, this kid, his name is Bartolomeo, he is the captain of the Barto Club Pirates. Although there is no reward yet, he is very talented. I guess I will be able to become a lieutenant general in the future, and it is said that I went to sea because of my admiration for you!"

After Roy finished listening, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Really? Bartolomeo, you are welcome to join our Holy Light!"

With that said, Roy ignored the green hair and went straight out: "I'll go find Vegapunk, and you can arrange them."

It wasn't until half a minute later that Bartolomeo turned around obediently: "Great, great, I finally joined, my lord... my lord, I finally saw you..."

(End of this chapter)

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