Chapter 555 Death

Boom boom boom!

The earth-shattering power made the whole island tremble, and the power released by the mantra completely hit Roy, uh, it was actually Roy's invincible hood.

After eight seconds, everyone was surprised to find that Roy had disappeared!

The mantra also stopped the bombing, and all the power dissipated.

"Where are people?" The blond Wulaoxing asked while fighting Tyrell.

"I don't know, is it dead?" Naide Sail said.

"No, no, if he is dead, why are the things he summoned still..." the bald five old star blocked Impreus' spear and said, just after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a figure appear Behind him, a scythe rested on his neck, and Malthael's icy voice pierced his eardrums.

"Interesting soul, have you lived more than 700 years? You are still an ordinary person, how did you do it... But it doesn't matter, no one can stop death!"

Then, the bald Wu Laoxing saw that the sickle was about to cut off his neck fiercely, and then his body flashed suddenly.

However, his body that flashed to a height of [-] meters fell down like an off-string kite. After falling to the ground, it directly turned into a pile of minced meat, which exploded on the faces of the surrounding government troops and navy, and everyone couldn't help being surprised. .

I saw a struggling white and transparent soul hanging from the sickle in Masail's hand. From the outside, it was undoubtedly a bald five old star.

"So that's the case, are you using other people's vitality to renew your own life?" Masail said as he slid his sickle, and the bald Wulaoxing's soul let out an extremely terrifying scream, and finally disappeared: "Boring!"

Bald five old stars!died?And was killed in seconds?

"Why, how could this happen!" A government knight completely collapsed!

"Take advantage of this opportunity and kill all the government soldiers!" Some radical navy rebels were already crazy, shouting frantically.

In the distance, Doflamingo laughed loudly: "Fufufu...fufufu...this world is getting more and more interesting, fufufu..."


Mary Joya, because the video phone bug of the scimitar Hu Wulaoxing is still on, so Im, the leader of the Tianlong people, the two Wulaoxing left in Maryjoya, the long white hair Wulaoxing and the crutch Wulaoxing are all It was jaw-dropping.

Im clenched his fists on the table, his knuckles creaking.

The two five old stars rarely left cold sweats. They knew too well the strength of the bald five old stars after absorbing the power of the national treasure.

Even the strongest young white beard in the world couldn't kill him instantly, but the guy with two scythes did it. Who is he?Is it really as simple as what Roy summoned?

The angel of death, Masail, is an angel who is born to control the soul, and the power of the "national treasure" is the power of the soul, which is the category Masail is best at. Therefore, the power of the so-called national treasure is in Masail In front of him, it was nothing more than pediatrics.

The screen is still playing, and at this moment, the remaining two five old stars and a Tianlong family head have become quite passive and embarrassed.

At this moment, another phone bug in the pocket of the machete Hu Wulaoxing rang.

"Come back soon!" The phone bug perfectly imitated Im's expression, "The Holy Land is about to be captured!"

"What?" Scimitar Hu Wulaoxing couldn't believe his ears, and glanced at the phone bug again, confirming that it was Lord Im.

"No, if we retreat, then the 20 government troops here..." Machete Hu Wulaoxing struggled, caught in a dilemma.


Over the Red Earth Continent, the Naxxramas Necropolis, which is no smaller than the Holy Land of Mary Gioia, is suspended in the sky. The crew of the Holy Light Pirates and the undead are constantly jumping down from above, destroying and plundering Mary Gioia wantonly .

And Roy was standing at the exit of Maryjoa at this time. Yes, he tied Hearthstone to Naxxramas, and when the Battle of the Queen's City started in Spring, Naxxramas slowly It started to land from Sky Island to the sky above Marigioa.

After Roy came back, the angels he summoned to stay in the Spring Queen City would not disappear. The five archangels could definitely kill the three five old stars and the remaining Celestial Dragon Patriarch, and Roy's real The purpose is here, Marie Gioia.

Today, Roy wants to make Mary Joya completely disappear from this world.


New world!

Like Gulan Tezolo, the largest entertainment city in the world, it belongs to News Island, where the neutral World Economic News is located.

At this time, what should have been the central area was indeed in chaos, and the World News Agency broke into a group of uninvited guests.

Wearing a high-brimmed black top hat with black and white feathers as embellishments on the brim, a white shirt and black suit on the upper body, and colored clown pants underneath, he looks not like a human at all, but a falcon birdman.

At this moment, he was staring blankly at the messy newspaper office, and said angrily, "What, what's going on? I just went out to talk to Germa 66 about something, and this happened?"

"Big news, Morgans!"

Suddenly, among the crowd on the opposite side, Ivaris walked up to the three-meter-tall birdman and said with a cold face, "It is said that you raise all the newsbirds in the world? It's an exaggeration, but the president of World Economic News, Could you please come with us?"

" are the golden sword Ivaris?" Morgans was so frightened that his feathers trembled, he secretly said: "A reward of one billion Baileys, one of the top cadres of the Holy Light Pirates..."

"You, what do you want to do? Don't forget that this is a neutral zone!" Morgans said calmly.

"Hmph! The government is about to fall, neutral zone? It doesn't exist anymore!"

Ivaris sneered and said, "Do you want to follow us obediently, or do you want me to pluck all the hair on your body?"

Morgas had no choice but to admit his cowardice, "Okay, I'll go with you, don't kill me!"

"Bring your team and props, this is the first news in the world!"

Ivaris turned around and led the people onto the boat, leaving Morgans and his party at a loss.

According to intelligence, the government and the navy are at war with the Holy Light Pirates.

Isn't it crazy to come here to find a newspaper instead of participating in the war?

Morgans had to pray that the war would not affect him.

However, I also have the relationship with the government's pen. As long as I say that I am threatened, the government will not blame me. The trouble is the Holy Light Empire.


On the other side, people on both sides are facing each other among the flowers in the dome of Mary Gioia.

The Holy Light Empire headed by Roy, including Plank, Jaina, Yasuo, Caitlin, Kel'Thuzad, and Sakasky who became a dead body, red hair, golden lion, white beard and so on!

In addition, there are Luo, Bonnie, Fallon and other cadres of the Holy Light Empire!

On the opposite side, there are only five people, Im, the leader of the Celestial Dragon, Wu Laoxing with long white hair, Wu Laoxing with a walking stick, and Tiknaf, one of the three heads of the Celestial Dragon clan.

(End of this chapter)

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