Chapter 612 No One in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury felt that he was so angry that he crumpled up the newspaper and threw it into the trash can.

The agent I worked so hard to get here is now controlled by the other party as a priest in the church?

Then it was published in the newspaper openly. It was a provocation, Chi Guoguo's provocation. Nick Fury felt that his chest was blocked by something, and he couldn't breathe out the bad breath no matter how he exhaled.

However, the agent's psychological quality is still very good, and he quickly calmed down. He bit his thumb and thought.

Although the two super agents under him were captured, at least their lives were not in danger, but their minds were controlled, which caused a little problem.

And judging from the opponent's behavior, it can be inferred that the opponent is not a particularly bad mutant, and after controlling his subordinates, he did not do anything excessive. Nick Fury thinks that the opponent is at a level that can be contacted, but the problem is Now, who should I let go?

There is a huge base of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but there is really no one who is capable of such a task that even an eighth-level agent has missed.

Except for Natasha and Hawkeye who have lost contact, other people who barely got on the stage have their own missions, and many of them are even in other countries, and they won't be able to fly back for a while.

"That's right!" Nick Fury's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of someone.

He turned his head to look at Hill, and said, "Hill, do you remember [Iron Cavalry] is still at the headquarters?"

A moment later, the S.H.I.E.L.D. logistics department.

This place is almost exactly the same as the working place of the white-collar workers in the office building. There are semi-closed compartments separated by each other. There are computers on the table. Thick paperwork is lifted up to fill the table, and the air is full of printers. ink smell.

In front of one of the tables, a Chinese woman was sitting. She skillfully sorted out the documents, flipped through them one by one, and heard everyone behind her with keen ears.

"Hi, Agent May!"

Hearing this voice, Mei, who was sitting in front of the desk, froze for a moment, but then she took a breath and stood up and said, "Director, are you looking for me?"

"To be precise, I need you." Nick Fury said leisurely without changing his face.

Mei didn't speak, and her expression was a bit gloomy as she lowered her head slightly.

Nick Fury seemed to know it would be like this, sighed, and continued: "Natasha and Hawkeye have lost contact. Now, you are the only one in the bureau who is competent for this job!"

Mei showed a hint of surprise, what kind of mission made Hawkeye and Natasha dispatched?And lost contact?

Nick Fury continued: "May, S.H.I.E.L.D. needs you now, I promise, just this once, after you come back, you can continue to come back here..." Nick Fury said and pointed to the desk.

Speaking of this, May already understood what Nick Fury meant.

Since the Bahrain incident, she has been hiding in the logistics department, rejecting all field tasks, and working as a clerk with peace of mind.

Seven years ago, she was an ordinary agent, until that morning, Coulson gave her a mission to go to Bahrain Island to negotiate with a superhuman who had kidnapped a little girl.

She is an expert in this field, and the few teams sent out before entered the house where the hostages were, but there was no news of them.

After arriving at the scene, the two coordinated teams that came with them also lost contact again.

So she had to go in and check the situation by herself.

After entering the building, she was attacked by her own people, members of the two teams who lost contact. After knocking them out, she went upstairs immediately and found that the hostage-taker was a supernatural person who could control other people's minds.

All the previously sent agents were under control without exception, and only she barely maintained her sobriety by virtue of her strong psychological ability.

Finally, after a lot of fighting, he finally won.

She stepped forward to rescue the hostages, however, something happened that made her incomprehensible. The real supernatural person turned out to be the little hostage girl.

Of course, for the safety of the agents in the building and her own life, she shot and killed the little girl.

The irony is that she was seriously injured because she rescued everyone single-handedly. She was called a hero by everyone, and she also had the title of iron cavalry.

The act of shooting and killing a child made May feel very self-blame. This task brought a huge psychological shadow to her. Soon, she divorced her husband and voluntarily left the ranks of field agents. She started working with documents rather than guns.

Recalling that scene to this day, she still trembles all over.

After thinking for a long time, she sighed and began to ask, "Who is the other party?"

Nick Fury nodded, and said in a deep voice, "A mutant with mind control ability."

Hearing this, Mei's breathing was stagnant, and she looked at Nick Fury in disbelief.

Mind-controlling mutants are a nightmare for her. Knowing this, Nick Fury still found her.

Seeing May's appearance, Nick Fury sighed and said, "I know this is unfair to you, and this task is like adding salt to your wounds, but, May, only you can solve this matter now, And..." Nick Fury took a breath.

"This mission, I will act with you!"

Hearing Nick Fury's voice, Mei was startled, and looked up with disbelief on his face. He didn't expect Nick Fury to say such a thing. You know, the king of secret agents died after becoming the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Haven't been on a mission for many years, and now...

Mei also realized the seriousness of the matter, she sighed, "This is the last time!"

Nick Fury smiled slightly and responded: "There are always many last times in a person's life, but you don't have to worry. We are on a rescue mission this time. If the rescue is not enough, we can negotiate and avoid fighting as much as possible. Let's avoid it as much as possible!"


After getting a satisfactory answer, Nick Fury smiled and showed his white teeth: "It seems that I, the king of secret agents, will act again!"


In Queens, New York, on this sunny weekend, there should have been a variety of male and female couples supporting each other and playing, but for some reason, there was no one on the street.

"Sir, we have cleared the entire area, but the imager still has not detected the presence of the target."

On the street closest to the church, there were several concealed trucks with at least 50 heavily armed agents inside.

Each agent is armed with live ammunition, wearing a helmet, holding a rifle and an explosion-proof shield. There are no redundant signs on the equipment on his body, only a shield-shaped badge on his arm, which is an eagle with wings spread.

(End of this chapter)

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