Chapter 646 Heroes Assemble

Seeing the man running towards him, Nick Fury advanced instead of retreating. While pulling the trigger again and again with the micro punch in his hand, he shot out like an arrow from the string, like an eagle swooping down from a high altitude. , he roared like thunder, the hunting blade and that arm almost became invisible because of the fast enough speed.

The two running people collided in an instant. The leader of the reincarnation opened his hands like a pair of giant tongs, while Nick Fury held a gun in one hand and a sword in the other. The whole person was like a two-hundred-pound ballet dancer. rotate like that.


The two passed by each other, Nick Fury fell slowly, and the top of his head fell steadily. The two were back to back, but a second later, the knife burst out, and the reincarnated leader's collar was shattered into pieces of minced meat.

"Harvest!" Nick Fury maintained the action he thought was handsome, and said the name of this skill coldly.

But in the next second, some kind of extremely fast weapon came through the air, but it was faster than the air flow it stirred up!Therefore, Nick Fury can't even feel the strong wind blowing to his face, he can only rely on the instinct in his body to fight and realize that something is rushing towards him.

He retreated subconsciously, trying to avoid the sneak attack, but the weapon didn't have an "attack distance" limit at all, and it still followed him like a shadow.

After Nick Fury got the power from Roy, his physical instinct reached its peak, whether it was speed or strength, but now he couldn't avoid that weapon.

With a sound of "click!", a hand like an iron hook grabbed Nick Fury's neck and took him into the air. He didn't even have a chance to struggle, the whole person was already in midair, and Nick Fury Only then did I realize what that weapon was.

It was a hand, and the owner of this hand was the man who had been cut into countless pieces.

At this time, his whole body has no movement organs except that arm. His pair of feet and left hand are impressively connected to his right arm, making his right arm nearly three meters long.

"It's so dangerous, it's a good thing I activated the ability in advance, otherwise I would really be dead now!" The man smiled ferociously, and at the same time grabbed Nick Fury's neck with his right hand and exerted force suddenly.

Amidst the man's grinning grin, Nick Fury gradually suffocated, his whole body convulsed, his one eye was congested and turned red, the aorta in his neck was pinched, the blood sent to the brain was getting less and less, and now he didn't even have the strength to think.

Now he is like the soul on the death scythe, as if he will be taken to hell in the next moment.

Nick Fury's consciousness gradually began to fade, and at this time, Barton, who was entangled by others, also reacted, his face showed a trace of solemnity, and then he jumped on the spot to open the distance, and the quiver on his back " "Ding" and turned it, and a very special arrow was replaced.

Then, Barton shot the arrow at the fastest speed!

The arrow hit no one but the ground in the middle of the crowd.


The moment the arrow lifted the ground, a huge circle of flames soared into the sky, and the flames of the explosion burned the disgusting arm. Under the pain, he also let go of Nick Fury.

Button made a leap, and after catching it steadily, he shot a hooked arrow towards the door, and the two quickly walked towards the door.

That is to escape.

Although escaping is shameful, victory is useful. Barton is well aware of the current situation. It is still unknown that the opponent's combat ability is three, and the leader's ability is very weird.

This agent made the wisest choice when the strength of the opponent was somewhat stronger than his own, and the number of people was higher than his own, and he didn't know the opponent.

"Go and gather everyone..." Nick Fury spoke to Hawkeye with difficulty. After he finished speaking, his consciousness flickered and he passed out.

Button glanced at Nick Fury solemnly. He knew very well that it was time for his team to gather together!


At this time, in the Holy Light Worship Cathedral.

The atmosphere of the church today is a bit different. The relaxed atmosphere that used to fill it has disappeared, replaced by a dignified atmosphere.

On the pews in the church hall sat all the heroes who had accepted the transfer, Natasha, Barton, Thor, Tony Stark, and Iron Knight Melinda and Nick Fury.

At this time, their faces were more or less dignified.

"That is to say, you lost the things my dad studied before? Then dug them out and lost them?" Tony opened his hands, his face full of disbelief.

"To be precise, he was robbed." Nick Fury said, his voice was a little weak, obviously not fully recovered.

"So who are those people? Humans? Or monsters?" Natasha frowned as she looked at the monitoring screen projected by Tony's helmet.

It played a picture of the reincarnated person recovering quickly and linking his limbs together after being hacked by Nick Fury.

Nick Fury shook his head helplessly, and said: "I don't know, they call themselves reincarnators, but we don't know any information about them, but it seems that they have a very thorough understanding of us."

Hearing this, Zhongren fell silent again. The enemy is not terrible when it is strong, but what is terrible is that he knows nothing about the enemy.

"However, they don't know us thoroughly. They don't seem to realize that I and the marinated egg, no, it is Mr. Nick Fury who has the power given by Mr. Priest!" Hawkeye recalled the battle with the opponent, several times I was surprised by the tricks I showed.

"I've said it all, I'm not a corned egg!!! If you call me a corned egg again, don't want next month's salary!"

"What is the purpose of these people obtaining the Rubik's Cube?" Tony quickly asked this nuclear question.

Everyone fell into silence again, they knew too little about those people, their weird outfits, weird abilities, and their purpose, all of which were ignorant.

Their eyes could not help but set on Roy.

At this time, Roy was watching the surveillance video attentively. Judging from the rare frown on his face, everyone knew that this matter was not simple.

It's really not simple. Roy didn't even think about the fact that the reincarnated people would come, this damn can play!

But Roy can be sure that their appearance is to repair the derailed world line, that is to say, they are likely to do what Loki wants to do.

Through the surveillance video, Roy clearly saw that this group of people took away the knowledgeable Dr. Silvig, the person who thoroughly studied the Rubik's Cube in the movie.

So these reincarnators let Roy basically control their purpose, snatch the Rubik's Cube, and take away Dr. Silvig. All these actions are for the smooth arrival of the Kirita Legion.

(End of this chapter)

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