The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 676 I Will Use Hidden Weapons

Chapter 676 I Will Use Hidden Weapons

The smile on Rumlow's face got deeper and deeper, and the distance between the two sides got closer.

"I warn you, don't come here! Otherwise you will be finished! I will use a hidden weapon!" Rogers raised his eyebrows.

hidden weapon?

Rumlow almost laughed, the self-proclaimed righteous Captain America used a hidden weapon?Tell me who will believe it.

"Captain America has learned to lie! Hahaha..."

One step, two steps, three steps, Rumlow ignored the warning and stepped over a safe distance. He jumped up abruptly, with an almost crazy smile on his face.

He came to Steve's side in an instant, and the sharp shield went straight to Steve's neck.

But at this moment, Steve's figure exploded at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, and he disappeared in place under Rumlow's astonished eyes.

Then, Rumlow felt his head was hit hard by something heavy, causing his mind to be in chaos, and his consciousness was briefly blurred.

He staggered back a few steps to get a safe distance, shook his dizzy head, and looked at Steve, wanting to see what was going on.

I saw Steve's tall and straight body standing in front of the window, the moonlight outside the window shone on his body, shining on his buttocks.

When Rumlow saw the things in his hands, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It was a... brick that shone brightly in the moonlight.

Looking at the brick, Rumlow was a little dazed, but he still didn't know where Rogers took that brick.

What kind of hidden weapon is this?But hitting someone really hurts.

My body is strengthened by the medicine specially provided by the organization, and the density of my body has reached the peak of human beings. Let alone a brick, I can get out even a broken boulder in my chest, but just now, I was stunned by a brick.

Is this brick a secret weapon newly developed by S.H.I.E.L.D.?Rumlow guessed in his heart, but he quickly vetoed his idea.

How could S.H.I.E.L.D. design such a mentally handicapped weapon? To think so is definitely because I was stunned by being photographed just now.

He staggered to his feet, smiling instead of angry, with endless mockery in his tone.

"Why, as Captain America, a national hero, can I only use bricks now? If necessary, I can apply for a wave of subsistence allowances for you."

Steve didn't take Rumlow's ridicule seriously, his eyes were always on the brick in his hand, and there was a trace of confusion on his face.

This is his skill, [Brick Attack]!

This skill can be said to be a nightmare for PK players in DNF, one brick down, hands off the keyboard!

Because the US team has the skill of throwing shields all the year round, he was transferred to the most upright job of DNF: throwing goblins, no, he is a male street fighter, the king of the dark street!

In the future, our captain will no longer need to throw shields, but can throw bricks, sand, poison needles, and poison bottles...

The picture is so beautiful, I can't imagine it.

How could a national hero, a historical hero, Captain America, surrounded by the words justice and peace, use these dirty tricks?How is it different from a rogue?

Steve thought so at first.

But soon, he realized that although this powerful force has nothing to do with the word "justice", but think about it, no matter what fighting skills are, the ultimate goal is victory, and you don't care what the means are.

Isn't it just throwing?

Is there any difference between throwing a shield and throwing a concealed weapon?

Therefore, Rogers no longer cares what this power is, as long as his heart has not changed, he is still the Captain America.

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of determination, and looked at Rumlow who had a sneering face. He swung his backhand, and a handful of gravel was thrown out of his hand, and went straight to Rumlow's face.

The distance was very close, but Rumlow didn't react, and the yellow sand spilled all over his face.

"Oh Richette, my eyes!!!"

Immediately, he felt that his eyes were stimulated. He was so fascinated by the sand that he couldn't open his eyes. While he was horrified in his heart, his body subconsciously rolled to the side, and he focused on his hearing and put on guard.

But he unexpectedly discovered that Steve didn't pursue him, which made him happy, and thought to himself: It really is the end of the battle, so all the dirty tricks like throwing sand were used.

But the next moment, Rumlow's expression froze.

He smelled something strange in the air. After the transformation, Rumlow's senses were also strengthened, which allowed him to distinguish subtle changes in the air. At this time, he felt that the floating in the air yes……

poison gas!

While shocked, he covered his mouth and nose, and stretched out a large part of his body in place. He didn't stop until the strangeness in the air disappeared.

He was completely bewildered.

What's the situation?Is this still the Captain America who can't wait to talk about justice every day?It was fine to use bricks before, and it was fine to use sand, but to use poison?

What about the awe-inspiring justice?What about being aboveboard?Are you upright?

Sure enough, history is all deceitful. It is said that history is a lie fabricated by the victors. I used to be too naive to believe it, but now a bloody fact is in front of me.

No wonder this thing shouted "Long live the Hydra" so joyously, with this feeling, he is more suitable to be a Hydra cadre than himself!

I am so righteous, I am Captain America, right?

He slowly opened his eyes, looked at Steve viciously, and gritted his teeth: "As Captain America, you actually use such a despicable move!"

Hearing this, Rogers had a faint smile on his face, with a bit of cunning.

"Despicable? How can a righteous thing be called despicable?"

Hearing Rogers say such words, Rumlow felt that his curse words were exhausted.

He has seen countless despicable people, and even he feels that he is very despicable, but this Steve Rogers is the first one he has ever seen who can speak despicable so freshly and righteously.

No wonder the Red Skull, the former leader of his organization, was defeated by him!So scheming, so despicable, and so cunning, whoever he is will fall for it!

"Are you sure you want to stand that far away?" Steve smiled as he watched Rumlow, who was slowly pulling back and retreated a safe distance.

This sudden remark made Rumlow a little puzzled.

Don't keep the distance, and let you continue to trick me?I'm not stupid...

Before he finished the sentence in his heart, he was frightened by the scene before him and stayed where he was.

I saw Rogers with a faint smile on his face, and then, under Rumlow's shocked gaze, he jumped up to more than five meters in the air. What shocked Rumlow was not Rogers' jumping ability, but What he holds in his hand...

It was a huge stone, a strengthened version of brick.

hell!Where did you pull out such a large stone?

(End of this chapter)

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