Chapter 704 He is still a child

"Mr. Roy, we'd better act quickly!" Gu Yi sighed and said in a deep voice.

"I've been acting all the time, but to be on the safe side, we need more power!" Roy replied.

"What are you going to do?" There was a hint of doubt on Gu Yi's face.

"There are many seeds in this world, they haven't germinated yet, we have to add some ripening agent to them." Roy smiled lightly and turned around: "I'm leaving now!"


"That is to say, in order to fight against those unknown disasters in the future, you came to me?" After gaining a certain understanding of the matter, Banner confirmed it in an incredible tone.

"That's right, I have to help you change your job to become a hero."

"Hero?" Banner laughed at himself: "This word has never been associated with me. The power in my body is completely out of control. It is a time bomb that has hurt countless people. How can I be called a hero?"

Roy stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Banner, "Dr. Banner, there is no power that cannot be controlled, and as I said just now, I can help you control the power in your body."

"The premise is that you accept the deal."

Dr. Banner had a troubled expression on his face. Years of fugitive life made him seriously wary of anyone with unknown details, but the conditions that Roy said made him very coveted.

Undoubtedly, he wants to control the Hulk. He doesn't want to let himself be controlled by his anger, so he bought various yoga textbooks that can cultivate the body and mind, as well as various similar books, but such control is still only possible. It can't be eradicated completely for a while.

In the long run, more and more anger is accumulated, and the Hulk that erupts becomes stronger, and the damage caused is heavier.

It can be said that controlling the Hulk has almost become Banner's only wish at present.

Banner wanted to accept the present opportunity, but his inner vigilance made him hesitate.

Roy smiled lightly: "If you want to communicate with a child, it's completely useless to simply argue and yell at it!"

Banner was taken aback when he heard this sentence, not knowing why.

Children, quarreling, yelling, isn't this talking about the situation between myself and Hulk?

Banner's eyes trembled slightly, and under Roy's prompt, he seemed to realize something.

During this period, Banner knew very little about Hulk, and only stayed at the points that he was a very powerful monster and could not communicate.

But under Roy's words, Banner suddenly woke up.

Hulk, it's not that he can't communicate, but that there is a problem with the way of communication.

Judging from Hulk's performance in the past, perhaps because of its powerful and terrifying power, Banner subconsciously regarded it as an evil guy, and he was even more vicious in terms of language.

But what if you change your mind?

What if, just what if, the Hulk wasn't a child with a desire to destroy, but just a child of anger?

Yes, Hulk's IQ is indeed like a child of a few years old, but this child's size and strength are a bit big...

"Tell me your choice, Dr. Banner, whether to become a hero at this moment, or hide here forever as a coward!" Roy stretched out a hand and looked at Dr. Banner.

Seeing Roy stretch out his hand, Banner showed a wry smile: "Who can continue this kind of life forever."

After speaking, he put his hand on Roy's.

"Compared to the latter, I prefer the former. Isn't it the ideal of almost every man to be a hero?" Banner said with a smile.

"In that case, hurry up and pack your things, we're leaving now!" Roy nodded in satisfaction.

"Now? Is it an airplane or a train? I can't use these means of transportation!" He spread his hands helplessly. The US military's blockade of him is still a big trouble.

"We have special means of transportation."

As Roy clapped his hands, in Banner's unbelievable eyes, a golden halo appeared in the air, and Gu Yi, who was wearing a golden robe, walked out of it.

"It seems that things are going well, Mr. Roy!"

"Almost, talking is my strong point!" Roy said and walked into the portal. The church was at the other end, and Banner followed in with a dazed expression, looked at the church and then looked back. He looked at the portal that gradually disappeared behind him.

Then he strode out of the church in unbelievable strides, looked at the crowded street, and muttered to himself, "Where is this?"

"New York, that is, the city where you fought that yellow monster a few years ago!" Roy said with a smile.

"New York?" The bewildered expression on Banner's face became stronger again, "How did this happen? A portal? No, it's a space portal, and it moved thousands of kilometers in an instant... How big is this?" If there are no protective measures, the body will be torn apart by the energy just by activating it, but I have nothing?"

Banner talked to himself in disbelief, as if all the knowledge he had learned in the past few decades was false.

Seeing Banner like this, Master Gu Yi smiled, "It seems that Dr. Banner is still a very simple person."

"This is Mage Ancient One, the space magic she used just now." Roy explained.

Banner's eyes widened, as if you were kidding me.

In fact, at the beginning, after listening to Roy's remarks, Banner was even more skeptical. After all, the mysterious idea of ​​peeping into the future was still very difficult for him, a scientist, to accept.

However, after seeing this portal, Banner doubted himself even more.

"Hi, Ancient One... Mage!" Banner shook hands with Ancient One with a stiff smile, and the latter nodded and smiled.

"Okay, let's start!" Roy clapped his hands, drawing the attention of the two of them.

"What do you mean at the beginning?" Banner was a little puzzled.

"I said, I will help you, let you control the power in your body step by step!"

"Is it okay now?" Banner's face showed joy. Obviously, today is a good day.

"That's right!" Roy nodded.

A moment later, Banner, with a serious face, knelt in front of the statue of the paladin "Patriarch".

"Okay, concentrate, and everything you see and experience next, you need to concentrate on facing it."

Roy's voice became serious, which made Banner, the honest man, look serious, and sat down obediently.

Then, 62 job-changing cards appeared, and an extremely dazzling light burst out from them, illuminating the entire church.

"Oh! It's so dazzling, how long will it be on?"

"Not for a minute!"

However, after 1 minute...

Two job transfer cards appeared in front of Banner... That's right, not one, but two.

(End of this chapter)

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