Chapter 708 Green Cat Hulk

After gaining the power of Fengshen, Master Gu Yi has never had a suitable opportunity to use this power, and there is no opponent strong enough for him to practice.

And right now, the Hulk who has entered this berserk state is a very good opportunity for Master Gu Yi to practice his mobile phone.

"In that case, I'll leave it to you, Mage! Let's have fun." Roy nodded, and took a step back to give Gu Liu enough space.

Gu Yi cast a grateful look at Roy.

Then, he turned around, looked at the Hulk who was in a frenzy with a leisurely expression, and said, "Mr. Banner, if you can't stabilize this child, I'm the only one to help you."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yi opened her right hand slightly, and a long stick wrapped in a gust of wind suddenly appeared in her hand with a piercing breath.

Looking at Gu Yi who showed his fighting spirit, Hulk, who was surrounded by evil aura all over his body, let out a deafening roar, and then, two blue lights flashed on its black fist, and in the next second, only heard " "Boom", the burly Hulk disappeared in place.

That's great speed!So fast that even the air almost didn't react.

At such a speed, even Mage Gu Yi was shocked, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she slammed her palm on the ground, and the surging white wind magic energy spread out from her palm.

The ground on all sides was shaken by her palm, and the stable ground receded like a tide, revealing the disappearing Hulk.

The transparent hurricane containing magical energy bound Hulk's legs tightly, allowing him to roar angrily on the spot.

Gu Yi calmly snapped his fingers with his free left hand, and in the blink of an eye, the strong wind howled around her body, taking her off the ground and floating into the air.

The restrained Hulk was not to be outdone, he exerted his strength suddenly, broke free from the storm that bound him, and ran towards Gu Yi again.

However, although it is said to be running wildly, Hulk's moving route and body are very strange. He does not seem to be running, but rather like rubbing forward on a smooth floor. Under the extremely fast performance of such movements, he even produces There are countless black phantoms.

It's hard to figure out his exact location.

Even Gu Yi was amazed by it, and subconsciously wondered, "What kind of movement technique is this?"

Roy, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, smiled helplessly. Hulk's movement like "swift steps on the waves" is a moving method called "broken flash".

And his occupation is "Blue Fist Envoy", the legendary blue cat, no, Hulk is a green cat.

This class has the only second fastest speed in DNF, and a very elegant fighting style, and it has changed dozens of times with a set of skills, which shows the horror of this kind of footwork.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was unexpected. Hulk quickly approached Gu Yi by virtue of his extremely high speed and ghostly movement skills, and then shot out instantly...

A thousand punches!

That's right, a thousand punches!

At the moment of catching that opportunity, two black shadows suddenly appeared behind Hank. They made the same punching movements as Hulk. Every time Hulk punches down, they will always follow behind again. Two punches.

Countless fists fell on Gu Yi's body in an instant, and Hulk's extreme strength and fist speed actually suppressed Gu Yi to a corner of the mirror world.

But even so, the movements in Black Hulk's hands remained unabated, falling like a storm, while bombarding, making a sound from his mouth.


Although Mage Gu Yi was suppressed to death, she did not suffer any substantial damage, because her body was covered with a layer of transparent wind barriers, and these attacks were all blocked by these "wind shields".

As for why Gu Yi didn't attack, the reason is very simple, Hulk's strength is real, and that punch produced a lot of stiffness.

But this state didn't last long. The moment the two black shadows behind Hulk disappeared, Gu Yi's right hand condensed a small storm vortex and bombarded it out in an instant.

Fist of the Storm, wind method 45 skills.

Gu Yi seized the moment when Hulk's attack frequency was slow and used this skill, directly getting himself out of the predicament.

Not only that, a huge storm exploded with Hulk as the center, and the huge storm swept across the entire mirror city, tearing everything around it into pieces.

Hulk's body was drawn into the air at a height of [-] meters, and then fell heavily to the ground.

boom! ! !

The entire mirror world vibrated violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

Without any suspense, Gu Yi won.

"You have mastered your power very well." Looking at Gu Yi who had withdrawn all his magic power, Roy said with a smile.

Hearing this, Gu Yi clenched his palm tightly, but there was no joy on his face, but a trace of melancholy.

"This is far from enough. Compared with the woman with tears in the corner of her eyes, this power is still far behind. You must reach that level and fully grasp the power of the wind!"

Gu Yizhi naturally had a second awakening to become a wind god, coupled with his own magical power, he did have a certain chance to reach the realm of an apostle.

Roy smiled slightly, "But even so, Master Ancient One, your current strength has surpassed a certain purple sweet potato essence!"

"You mean the Eternal Titan?" Gu Yi, who possessed the Time Stone, naturally knew the existence of Thanos.

Roy nodded: "At least without the blessing of other powers, he is absolutely impossible to be your opponent!"

"But our threat is not him!"



On the only way leading to the Rainbow Bridge, rows of soldiers in silver armor held long spears exuding coldness in their hands, and their eyes were only staring at the front, their faces full of solemnity.

They are the warriors of Asgard and the most valiant troops of God King Odin. Some of them have followed Odin to conquer the Nine Realms.

And today, after thousands of years, they once again ushered in a battle, a battle to defend their homeland, with their new God King.

At the front of the queue, there were two people standing one behind the other.

The person in front was wearing dark green battle armor, a golden cloak on his shoulders, and a crown of shining antlers on his head. He held a spear containing supreme divine power in his hand, exuding terrifying power.

It was Loki, his eyes were fixed on the other end of the Rainbow Bridge, not the exit of the Rainbow Bridge, but the waterfall behind the Rainbow Bridge.

"Are you here?" He said in a low voice.

"That's right, these eyes saw them!" Heimdall, who was holding a one-handed sword, took a step forward and replied, his eyes revealed a strange light.

(End of this chapter)

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