Chapter 712 I will be your father

Even Thanos let out a painful roar under such an attack. He struggled to mobilize the given power in his body, and streamers of 11 different colors covered his whole body.

The moment the complete coverage was completed, Thanos punched out, completely shattering the three huge ice wheels, and at the same time sent out a force to bombard Loki's chest fiercely.

"It's really powerful, but it's not enough to kill me!" Thanos took a breath, his expression gloomy: "But now, it's your time to die!"

He took a step towards Loki.

But at this moment, a female voice came to Thanos' ears, making him stop.

"I kill people in Asgard, have you asked my opinion?"

A tall woman with loose black hair in black soft armor appeared behind Thanos at some point.

"I told him a long time ago that guys like Eternal Titan can't stay, but this old guy just wants to implement his peaceful policy. Now, it's a bitter fruit!" Hela picked up the meteor gun that had lost its brilliance. , gently stroking, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Then, she stood up slowly, clasping her hands on her head, her loose black hair transformed into a strange headgear with many branches, her voice was as sharp as a sword!

"Killing all of you ugly eternal titans is what I have always wanted to do. Since it was not done thousands of years ago, it is the same today!"

Hela turned around, swung his hands suddenly, and two black sharp blades appeared on the left and right, and then he stepped on his combat boots and walked towards Thanos step by step.

The sound of clanging high-heeled shoes came from the empty Rainbow Bridge. Loki looked up in grief and indignation, and suddenly felt a depressive atmosphere rushing towards his face, but Hela ignored him, and a queen-like temperament was fully revealed , At the same time, there is also a killing intent.

"The female executioner in ancient times? Oh, interesting, I didn't expect that legend to be true!" Thanos smiled coldly, with a look of disdain on his face.

He once read a legend in the records of Titan Star. He heard that Odin has always had a powerful female general. She accompanied Odin to fight in the Nine Realms and killed countless enemies. strategic mind.

He is a terrifying executioner with both strength and wisdom!

But such an existence suddenly disappeared into the universe for some unknown reason.

There are rumors that she was killed when she rebelled against Odin, and some people said that she hated killing and retired. In fact, she was just sealed by Odin.

Now Odin is dead, the seal is broken, and she is back in the world.

Thanos grinned, and blasted Malekith, who was frozen next to him, with one hand, smashing him into pieces, and at the same time took out a strangely shaped scepter from it.

"Your power is linked to Asgard. As time goes by, your power will become stronger." The scepter in Thanos' hand slowly lit up, and through the detection of the mind gem, he perceived Hela source of strength.

"That's right, as long as you stand on this land, don't even think about defeating me!" Hela walked forward step by step, with an expression on her face that was neither angry nor pretentious.

Thanos grinned at this, and said jokingly, "You seem to be too confident in your own strength. Although I am seriously exhausted and in poor condition, in normal times, your next round will be the same as Odin!"

The current Thanos has consumed a lot of apostle's power after fighting Odin, and has just endured Loki's awakening ult. In his state, he really can't fight Hela.

"Unfortunately, it's not the usual time as you said!" Hela said softly.

"That's right." Thanos nodded, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "But I can also defeat you."

As soon as Thanos finished speaking, Hela walked to an excellent attack distance at the same time. She waved her arm and shot out dozens of sharp spikes.

Thanos did not dodge at all. Just when the spikes were about to fall on him, he turned sideways at an extremely fast speed, dodged the attack, and at the same time exerted force on his feet, only hearing a "boom", Thanos Disappeared in place.

Such a speed surprised even Hela. She concentrated her attention and searched for traces of Thanos.

But at the next moment, a scepter was silently tapped on Hela's chest. There was a round yellow gem on the scepter, which exuded an inexplicable blue light and slowly penetrated into Hela's body.

At the same time, Hela's eyes slowly turned blue.

"Hela, the goddess of death, you and I are the same kind of people. You desire to conquer, desire to kill, and desire to show fear to others. You want everyone to kneel before you!"

Thanos said while increasing the output of the mind stone, and the light on the scepter gradually became dazzling.

"I can help you, help you accomplish all this, from now on, you will become my most powerful subordinate, your name will spread all over the universe, everyone will fear your name, and all warriors will dare not fight against you again." You rebel, you will expand the territory of Asgard to the entire universe, and bring the power of death to all life, you will..."

Having said this, Thanos' voice suddenly rose.

"Surrender to me, surrender to Thanos!"

The mind gem carries powerful power. As Thanos' words acted on Hela, her body trembled, the blue in her eyes was constantly eroded, but she was constantly driven out. Her spirit seemed to be undergoing extreme... A dangerous confrontation, as the power from Asgard helps him fight the forces that invaded her body.

Thanos glanced at the scepter in his hand, and then at Hela's eyes, as if thinking about why the scepter didn't work anymore.

"This has never happened before..." Thanos muttered to himself, and at the same time increased his energy infusion again.

The energy of the Mind Gem multiplied, and the power was so powerful and irresistible that even Hela, who had the power of the entire Asgard as the backing, was still unstoppable, and her mind began to be corroded little by little.

His memory began to clear, and after the process was completed, Thanos would imbue her with a brand new memory, and Hella would call Thanos his father at that time.

Hela's eyes were completely stained with large swaths of blue, and another bit of yellow began to spread.

Amnestics have been wiped out, now is memory instillation.

At this time, a multicolored light shone on Hela and Loki, who was unconscious next to him.

At some point, Heimdall, who was covered in injuries, lay weakly on the console of the Rainbow Bridge, and the one-handed sword of the Rainbow Bridge Key was inserted into the console.

There was a last gleam of light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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