The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 80 A random knife is a dignified slash

Chapter 80 Anything is a Dignity Cut

As soon as Roy heard that Scuardo was not one of Whitebeard's men, he lost interest immediately. The reason why he stayed on this island was that he was waiting for the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates. Bald pink hair, Roy is not interested.

If he was completely bald, Roy wouldn't mind playing with him. After all, a bald donkey might break through the sky. This is an eternal truth in the Two-dimensional world.

But then again, this Scuardo and the Big Vortex Spider seem to be very familiar with each other, but they can't remember them for a while, which is very uncomfortable.

It is estimated that it was the trick in the original book, and then Roy forgot it. After all, there are too many animations in One Piece, and many places are jumping to watch. The black and white comics can't remember the trick, so I just don't think about it.

Hearing Roy's words, Scuardo was angry, but still said angrily, "Are you Tirion D. Roy? The one who killed my friend Klassien, come out and fight me to the death now!"

After a slight pause, Scuardo turned towards Roger again and said, "Roger, this is a personal grudge between me and Roy, do you want to intervene?"

"That, little brother, I think there is some misunderstanding between you!"

Rayleigh has become a good man. In his opinion, even if he is a pirate, he can avoid fighting as much as possible, and he just got the whole story from a dancer: "Actually, this matter, in the final analysis, is yours. Friends are at fault first!"

Rayleigh's quick summary of the reason for Roy and Clasien's quarrel is clear.

"So, this matter is the result of your friend Klassien doing the city's mischief here!" Rayleigh finally said.

The faces of Scuardo and the Big Vortex Spider Pirates changed slightly. They are also old friends with the Golden Octopus Pirates. Naturally, they knew that this guy Klassien couldn't walk when he saw a woman, and such a conflict occurred. It is not surprising that it leads to death.

Moreover, it was the famous "Pluto Rayleigh" who made the explanation, and the credibility was even higher. Pirates with such strength did not need to lie to themselves.

However, pirates are like this. If they do not harm others and benefit themselves, what are they called pirates?Just call the explorer.

Even if guys like Roger and Luffy are exploring Buddhism, the total amount their crew spends every day is around 50 Baileys. Where does the money come from?Is the wind blowing?Or rob the rich and not help the poor?

Not to mention things like Scuardo. From their point of view, it's not a matter of what Klassian did. That's what pirates are like, but it's the fact that Roy killed Klassien.

"Mr. Reilly!"

Roy slowly stood up from the chair and walked to the center of the tavern: "Your explanation is meaningless, pirates, they were originally there to cause harm. They came to seek revenge from me when they died, and that's only right!"

As soon as Roy said this, Roger became unhappy on the spot: "No, pirates live for freedom, they live to pursue their dreams!"

"Hehe, then, what is their dream? Killing and setting fire for nothing? Roger, don't confuse freedom with lawlessness, but not everyone is as innocent as you!"

Roy has something to say. Roy admits that Roger is pursuing freedom, but scoffs at Roger's remarks that glorify pirates!

Isn't that just disobeying discipline and making trouble?It is so noble to say, as if all pirates are more saintly.

Of course, so is the world!The world needs to change.

"I am such a lawless man who dares to challenge everything! Holy Light, above all!"

Saying that Roy's hands froze, Ashbringer danced two sword flowers in his hands, and then aimed at Scuardo: "Okay, if you want to take my head, do you plan to go up one by one, or together?"

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, the girls of Arya hurried back to the backstage.

Seeing that Roy didn't listen to advice at all, and Rayleigh didn't talk nonsense, he just sat down and looked like a good show.

Scuardo turned his eyes to the Roger Pirates in the tavern who had no intention of leaving, and asked, "Roger Pirates, don't you want to intervene?"

"Mr. Scuardo, you'd better worry about yourself!" Shanks sat back on the chair, holding the back of the chair with both hands to remind him, this guy is courting death himself, if he wants to defeat Roy, stop joking!


As soon as Shanks finished speaking, a hammer flew out. Scuardo felt the hammer swipe past his face, and suddenly a crew member behind him was shot in the head!

Then, Roy rushed up directly with the long sword, and the "crusade strike" was launched immediately. Scuardo reacted, waving his machete, covered the armed color and greeted him, but was surprised to find that Luo Yi's power is beyond his imagination. Even though he uses the armament color, he still feels that his power is suppressed!


There was a flash of sparks, and Scuardo was directly knocked into the air, hitting the wall, and then fell, but soon, he stood up again.

Scuardo felt that his arms were numb. What kind of strength was this? It reminded him of an eagle-eyed kid about the same age as Roy who had challenged him and defeated him a few days ago. People use great swords.

Are those who use giant swords so exaggerated these days?

Nonsense, great sword plus strength, too sword plus aunt!

"Oh, you can block the next blow, this young man is not bad!" Rayleigh exclaimed at Scuardo.

Rayleigh, who had played against Roy once, knew that Roy's power was not under him, and just now, Ray used his knowledge and domineering to perceive that Roy's power has become much stronger!

Scuardo raised his head and suddenly saw a pair of shoe soles constantly enlarged in front of him, and finally printed heavily on his face.

In a burst of intense pain, after Scuardo hit a big hole in the wall of the tavern, he flew dozens of meters away, smashing through several houses!

After rewarding Scuardo, Roy turned into a golden afterimage and disappeared in place. The next moment, he appeared directly in the crowd of the Great Vortex Spider Pirates, and the Ash Messenger in his hand kept waving.

Brush brush!

Blood splattered, and the Holy Light harvested life mercilessly, dyeing all the walls and doors of the tavern red.

Just after Roy got rid of a dozen people, an accident happened.

A pure white blade chopped a small minion into four pieces and flew directly towards Shanks who was unresponsive.

The speed is too fast, and because there is a wall, Shanks has no chance to react at all, but he can't hide the domineering Roger who has the world's top knowledge.

Roger pulled out the long sword with a slightly western sword style with his backhand, and a sword energy went out of his body and penetrated the front wall of the tavern, but he did not exaggerately lift the tavern.

The compressed sword qi was eight points opposite to the sword qi of Sauron's "Three Thousand Worlds" in Tokushima, and its power should be much greater than that of Sauron's sword qi.

For example, this compressed sword qi is somewhat similar to a spiral shuriken used by an open-hung called "that", except that the cutting ability becomes stronger and it will not explode.

To put it bluntly, DNF, draw the knife and cut it with dignity!

In order to avoid hurting innocent people, Roger tried to compress the range of sword qi to the extreme, but even so, with the world's top combat power, any slash he made was a "dignified slash"!

Roy's pure white blade was dissolved in an instant, but even so, the sword energy did not stop, and continued to row towards Roy and the people of the Big Vortex Spider Pirates.

(End of this chapter)

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