Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 1311 Goodbye Godsend

Chapter 1311 Goodbye Godsend
There are more and more monks in the auction hall. They may know each other outside, but when they wear masks and smocks, no one can recognize each other.

Parallel to Wu Feiyu's perspective, lights lit up on the circular wall one after another, and behind the lights was roughly the same elegant room as theirs.

Looking at it this way, there were quite a few Venerables who came.

Wu Feiyu didn't want to participate in the auction, she just came to look for Yu Sheng's trail and watch the excitement, she glanced at Zhan Changfeng next to her, and was lost in the sky again.

However, the auction house was really simple, and even a cup of tea was not served. Wu Feiyu brought out a cup of spiritual juice by herself, and when half of the cup was drunk, the hall was full of people.

An auctioneer wearing a smiling face mask and a smock stepped onto the auction stage, emphasizing the auction rules. In a word, all auction transactions are reasonable and normal. If you can't accept it, you will leave the auction room. Those who disturb will not be forgiven. .

After a while, the auctioneer shouted, "The items sold in this auction don't ask where they came from or where they went. Now, the auction officially begins!"

"The first auction item, please!"

Most of the auction items in Yinglinglong Auction cannot be traded publicly, such as treasures obtained from murder, such as treasures that have been robbed, or traded under certain rules, which will be considered illegal.

If there are multiple forces behind this item vying for it, the buyer who owns it may suffer a crisis, and not many people will bid for it.

In response to this situation, Ying Linglong set up an auction rule: bidders can bid freely, and the highest bidder wins, but the auction item provider has the right to cancel the transaction within one day after the auction ends.

This rule allows some hot potatoes to be sold at a low price, and also respects the wishes of the auction item provider. If he thinks that the final bidding is too low, he can refuse the transaction.

The first auction item was lifted up, and the auctioneer lifted off the red cloth covering it, revealing a tree stump half the height of a person, with sprouts still sprouting from it.

Someone in the hall gasped, obviously recognizing this thing.

The auctioneer said loudly, "Everyone must have heard of the Tiansend clan among the golden race. The Tiansend clan has a natural heart, and after death, it will make clouds and rain. Generally, it will not leave a body, but every patriarch will Died in a special way, turned into a giant tree to take care of the people.

Even though it is only a tree stump left, when you plant it in the ground, it can bring you abundant heaven and earth vitality, comparable to a large top-grade spiritual vein!
The most important thing is that the provider of this auction item owns it reasonably, so you don't have to worry about ownership disputes after you buy it! "

The bidding sounded one after another, and the higher the call, the higher the price, and within a few breaths, it climbed to 9000 million high-grade spirit stones.

Wu Feiyu recalled an incident in the past. It seems that Zhan Changfeng said that the Tianci Clan lost to the Laohuang Heavenly Dynasty and was rushed to an auction by the Laohuang Heavenly Dynasty. Going to exile in a desolate star realm, but encountered ship robbers on the way, and took them all away.

The person who hijacked the ship was suspected to be from the Nirvana Society.

The Tianci clan will not sell or give away their guardian trees in any form, so this tree stump may come from the Laohuang Celestial Dynasty. Laohuang broke through their ancestral land, and their guardian trees should be circled as spoils of war.

Or maybe it came from the group of heaven-sent clans that were robbed.

Wu Feiyu is also a little itchy. The energy of heaven and earth in Fengyun Dajie and Shanhai Dajie has been depleted to varying degrees. It is not bad to bring this tree stump back, but the money is shy, and Lianwei is because some venerables went to the Spring River Pavilion to communicate. And failed to come, or let her take pictures.

In the end, the tree stump was bid for 2000 million high-grade spirit stones.

The auctioneer smiled with deep meaning, "Don't be disappointed, fellow daoists who didn't get it, you will definitely like the next auction item even more!"

He transformed into a water mirror, and in the mirror was a dim space, where figures could be vaguely seen.


The auctioneer snapped his fingers, and the light in the mirror gradually brightened. It could be seen that countless people with dry and cracked skin like black bark crowded together, ranging from old to young, with different levels of cultivation.

Heaven-sent family!
The Godsend Clan was actually sold!
There was a commotion in the hall, and Wu Feiyu also raised her eyebrows. She still has a good impression of the Tiansend Clan, but if they were robbed back then, the Laohuang Heavenly Dynasty would not give up, even if they were taken back, It may also be made things difficult by Lao Huang.

On the seats in the hall, there happened to be two people who came from the Laohuang Heavenly Dynasty. They knew about the robbing of the Tiansend Clan. Although the Tiansend Clan was going to be sold or exiled, they couldn't just watch them being auctioned off by others. Where does this let his majesty of the celestial dynasty go!
So without waiting for the auctioneer's introduction, one of them stood up and shouted, "They are Laohuang war captives who were robbed and disappeared. How can you auction such things of unknown origin? In the name of the eldest prince Laohuang, I request to stop the auction." , bring them back!"

Well, I really met the real master!
Everyone in the venue fell silent, waiting for the auctioneer to respond without saying a word.

The auctioneer is not panicking at all. The Ying Linglong Auction was held once in 99. Counting this time, it has only been held four times, but the auctions are all controversial things. Otherwise, how can it be famous and successful? The competition is exciting every time, and Jiutian regards it as a hidden paradise.

Even though the opponent is from the Celestial Dynasty, behind him is the Nine Heavens Palace, six returning to the void and three quasi-sages!
"Please sit down, Prince Laohuang. Ying Linglong has its own rules. It doesn't ask where it came from or where it's going, but it won't hide its origin. Listen up, everyone, Tianci clan, four or five hundred years ago, He was a war captive in Laohuang, who was robbed later, and only now has he been put up for auction, so you can sell it at will!

If this Laohuang prince refuses to accept it, he can negotiate with the seller or the winner afterward, we are only in charge of the auction! "

Someone laughed, "I thought it was just robbed, but it turned out to be 500 years ago, so I'm ashamed to say it."

"If it were me, I wouldn't have the face to force things back from others that I have neglected because of my lack of strength."

"The origin is a bit unclear. If they were robbed by the Tianci clan's own people, then they would be free the moment they escaped from Laohuang's hands. Laohuang can take them back again, but he can't say that they belong Own."

"Those who were robbed by others should settle accounts with others. It has nothing to do with this transaction."

The face under the mask of the eldest prince Laohuang turned red and then turned white, and he sat down resentfully, knowing that he couldn't confront the auctioneer head-on, and after it was over, he would ask them for an explanation!

The auctioneer shouted passionately, "Everyone knows that our auction of intelligent creatures here has signed a tripartite agreement, and the Tiansend clan also agreed to be sold as slaves. There are 13 people in total, please bid! "

There was silence in the hall.

They are not worried about subsequent disputes, but the [-] Tiansend clan is a bit tasteless, expensive, difficult to raise, and will be counterattacked if they fail. At that time, if the master is killed suddenly, who can bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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