Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 1364 Jinlai Dahe

Chapter 1364 Jinlai Dahe
However, this method is enough in the small world, and the earth soul can also be arrested when the body dies.

The avatar has formulated it as the way of merits and virtues of ten thousand dharmas. Building the body of merit and virtue is its foundation, and mastering all dharmas is the infinite possibility it represents.

Turning the power of merit into the source of the soul is similar in form to the way of incense and fire. It is to protect others. However, one who protects the common people and receives the power of merit from heaven and earth can also accept a few believers to spread his reputation. Rely on the fulfillment of the wishes of believers, and collect the power of will and faith to practice.

In this alone, the two are very different.

The question is, how to make them use for themselves for a long time.

Zhan Changfeng thought while looking for a soul with profound merit, and arrived at Jinlai River half a month later.

On the vast river, lucky boats break through the waves, followed by building-shaped dragon boats, followed by dozens of fast boats, and the battle is mighty!

On both sides of the strait, the trackers bowed their backs and pulled the ropes, with bloody cuts on their shoulders, walking against the cold wind.

"Drink! Ha! Hey!" The loud chant echoed on the river, full of pain and helplessness.

Zhan Changfeng didn't need to ask anyone, he knew the ins and outs at a glance. When the King of the Kingdom of Jin heard that Daliang had breached Pingchao City, he felt a sense of crisis and ordered the capital to be moved to the north to avoid the enemy.

The ministers of the Kingdom of Jin followed the Lord, and it was a bit embarrassing, they all agreed, so they bundled up a bundle and prepared to go north.

Originally planned to take the dry road, but the king of the Kingdom of Jin had a moth. He hoped to take his beloved concubine to browse the great rivers and mountains.

A minister who was a little sober said tremblingly, "There are many dangerous shoals in the north, and there are many upstream areas. The boat is not easy to sail, and the speed is also slow. In addition, it is almost the twelfth lunar month, so it is better to go."

The Lord of the Kingdom of Jin interrupted him domineeringly at that time, "Where is my king's [-] trackers!"

The trackers were bare-chested, with reins on their backs, and braved the cold wind, going upstream. In less than a month after sailing, 2000 people died!
After a while, the inspector's whip came down, "What are you feeding on, you can't even pull a boat!"

Near noon, the King of the Kingdom of Jin held his concubine's hand, and walked up to the deck in a vain manner. His eyes were black, but his eyes were shining brightly. He pointed to the emerald green river and the green hills on both sides of the river. Road, such a feat, can it be entered in the annals of history?"

The concubine responded with a smile, "Your Majesty's merits will last for thousands of years, and no one can match it."

"In this world, only concubine Ai understands this king."

When the two were sincerely in love, a thin figure appeared on the mountain not far away, like a lonely pole standing on the edge of a cliff, which would fall down in a strong wind.

The boat is about to enter the most difficult part of the canyon. The beach is narrow, and the trackers even have to go around the mountain if they want to go there.

The ministers are still a little bit sensible. Just now, they were about to come up and ask the king to change to land, but before he could speak, the king asked first, "Who is that man and what is he doing? Is he an assassin?!"

Several ministers lost their color and called out guards in alarm. They really thought they were assassins. One minister with good eyes narrowed his eyes to distinguish carefully for a while, and said hesitantly, "It seems to be Yang Fubo, the censor."


The Lord of the Kingdom of Jin hasn't fainted enough to forget about this person, "Huh, what is he doing here? This king gave him the opportunity to preside over the construction of the Jinlai River, but he repeatedly came to this king to be an eyesore, and took off his official hat. It's merciful."

This matter can be traced back to ten years ago, when the Lord of the Jin Kingdom ordered Yang Fubo to build the Jinlai River. Yang Fubo had a premonition that this would be a good thing for the benefit of the people in the north and south, and actively invested in the construction.

However, in order to support the construction of the Jinlai River, the lord of the country extorted money and extorted money, making the people miserable. Yang Fubo asked the lord to show mercy to the people. In a rage, the lord cut the funds in half and asked him to find a way to do it himself.

Yang Fubo was also stubborn. He appeased the 300 million laborers who came to work, separated tens of thousands of people, trained more than a dozen fishing and hunting camps, raised livestock, and barely met everyone's two meals a day. He sued the nobles and begged a sum of donations for turnover.

Finally, it took ten years to dig mountains to divert water, build dikes and dams, connect the river and expand the channel, and built the Jinlai River with a length of [-] miles.

It is said that Yang Fubo can retire to take care of his life, but he has not rested yet. I heard that the king will go north and arrest him with [-] workers as trackers!
How can this work, Yang Fubo repeatedly begged the lord to take back his order, but was demoted to a commoner.

He followed the boat for more than half a month. Hearing the chants of the trackers, he couldn't help crying, "Three hates in my life, the first hates my incompetence and didn't ask the king to tell right from wrong, the second hates my brothers for ten years and can't protect them well, and the third hates a river with clear water. Giving it to humble people is a waste of hard work."

So, Yang Fubo climbed up the mountain before the boat came, and made his last effort, "The road ahead is dangerous, please send the trackers away, the king, and go by land!"

The Lord of the Kingdom of Jin refused to listen, "I see that the scenery ahead is very good, and those trackers have to pull the boat over the mountains and ridges!"

The section across the canyon is exactly the place where the current is absolutely against the current, and it is impossible to move without the pull of the tracker.

But if the king said a word, the tracker would risk his life to do it.

Yang Fubo looked at the hopeless trackers who were being driven forward by the supervisor. Thinking about the helpers who were exhausted, fell to death, and smashed to death since the construction of the Jinlai River, a deep sense of guilt welled up in his heart.

He didn't know whether he was doing good deeds or doing evil deeds, looking up to the world, he was depressed, "For ten years, because of this river, millions of people who repaired the river have died, my crime is today!"

After all, Yang Fubo jumped off the Jinlai River, holding his breath, and sank himself into the water.He is good at water, but he deliberately seeks death, and this area is full of whirlpools, and he disappeared after a while.

The trackers on the shore moved their numb eyeballs, shouted louder and louder, and suddenly one of them threw off the rope, waded into the river, and swam towards the boats.

One, two, three.
The soldiers on the boat looked at the trackers who jumped into the water one after another, panicked, and couldn't help shouting, "Go back! Go back! Shoot the arrows!"

The supervisor on the shore also angrily whipped those who had thrown away the rope, and kept swearing.

The trackers seemed to have reached a certain consensus. They plunged into the river with no expression on their faces, and swam to the boats. The sailors' handprints slapped the boats.

The lord of the Kingdom of Jin's hair stood on end, he hugged his concubine and did not let go, "It's the opposite, kill them, don't let them board the boat!"

The boats without trackers spun around in the rapids, without soldiers taking action, with the huge hull, the trackers who tried to shake them were knocked over into the water.

More and more people were drowned, and more and more boats were overturned by the wind and waves. The mess on the river was washed southward, with difficulties when coming, and smooth wind when going.

(End of this chapter)

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