Chapter 257
A patter of rain fell on the black tiles and splashed on the bluestone slabs. The monks did not suffer from cold and heat, but they would hold up oil umbrellas in time, or go to some tavern to warm a pot of spirits.

Under the eaves of a certain house, a nine-foot savage carried a handle on his shoulders, which was filled with bunches of red dandan rock candy spiritual fruits. The big fat doll, which was not as high as his knees, ate one in each hand, and happily ate it. The old man in the blue coat kindly put away the fruit, saying that he would find a sunny day to plant the fruit core, and next year she would be able to harvest a large piece of rock sugar spirit. As a result, the big fat doll was very happy.

The rain gradually subsided, like cow hair flying, the big fat baby felt his face was cool, curiously stretched out his little feet, stepped into the small puddle under the stone steps, made a slap, hey, it was also cool and comfortable.

The big fat baby jumped into the puddle with both feet excitedly, stepped back and forth several times, and was carried back to the porch by the old man in blue.

The big fat baby didn't even bother to eat the rock candy spiritual fruit, and said convincingly, "Cultivators are not afraid of heat, cold or water, why are they still blocked by this light rain?"

"If you go out with carriages and horses, you won't walk. If you go home without lights, you won't come back. The four seasons are always there, and the sun and the moon alternate. This is the law of nature, and following it is also a kind of practice."

The nine-foot savage also patted his head and said, "It's great to stop and feel once in a while."

"I'm so bored standing there." The big fat doll said with her head drooping.

The old man in the blue coat shook his head, a smile appeared on his gentle face, and walked into the rain with the big fat baby, "Then let's go shopping."

"But didn't you just say you have to follow the weather?"

"If you think conformity is meaningful, then you are truly conforming. Obedience to the sky is very important, and obedience to the heart is even more important."

The fat baby was very happy, "My master also said so."

The three of them, old and young, were walking on the long street in the drizzle and breeze, and when they passed by Na Fu Bao Zhai, they heard a "hey".

Looking back, I saw a well-dressed monk scratching his head embarrassingly, and said hastily, "There are magic tools and talismans in the store. Would you like to come and have a look?"

The big fat baby was confused for a while, remembering that he had seen this person before, he seemed to call himself the young owner of Fubaozhai, and his name was Yang Shile.

They have visited all the big and small stores in the past few days, and there is no shortage of time, so they were invited to the store.

Yang Shile said calmly, "Look at it freely, if you like it, I can give you a discount."

After returning home that day, he always thought of the big fat baby, and felt lost, as if he had missed something, which made him unable to sleep. When he saw it again today, he excitedly called out to stop people, not knowing what he was possessed by.

There are a lot of things in Fubaozhai, especially the utensils, which are divided into different categories. There are a variety of items, ranging from high-grade magic weapons to ordinary weapons. The big fat doll weighs his feet to see the name of the utensil on the brand. Founder, found Most of the utensils in the store are made by one person.

To be able to open this kind of shop, there must be at least one foundry master in charge, and three or four people to supply the supply.She does have a way to make a space device, but she is not herself who grew up, and she does not have the ability to make it, and the materials used for a space device are extremely precious, which seem to be rare in this world.

The big fat baby turned her head and called out "Fellow Daoist" in a childlike voice, Yang Shile was so startled that she suddenly looked back at her, and then looked over again after gathering his composure. Call fellow daoists.

"Hey, what's the problem?"

"Is there a storage device?"


"How much can you provide at most?"

Yang Shile thought the child was asking for fun, and half joked and half answered, "You're just being greedy. There are only three companies in Cangyunjian that can make storage utensils. If you can buy one, it's great. How can you buy one?" Give it to you in batches."

He told the guy next to him, and after a while, the guy ran back and carefully presented a brocade box with both hands.

"My store has a way to provide storage bags." He opened the brocade box, revealing a palm-sized exquisite purse, bent down and handed it to the big fat doll, "The second-grade storage bag has four square meters of space inside. Load a hundred catties."

Qin Shan Shuo prison had long noticed that he had been staring at Lian Wei, and now he heard a slightly smug and showing off tone, no matter how you looked at it, he seemed to be flattering, and he didn't feel very good.

Shuo Prison's tall and majestic body forcibly inserted between the two, "Is your storage bag resistant to beatings and falls? It is stable and unstable. Don't just pull it and let someone open it."

Yang Shile raised his face, looked at the man who was three heads taller than him, and took a few steps back, his smile remained the same, but his smile decreased a bit, "You can try it, Fubaozhai has been in business for a hundred years, and no one has yet It was because of this problem that I came to the door."

The big fat baby poked its head out, "Not too good, is there a higher-level storage device?"

This kind of storage bag is only built with shrinking arrays inside, and it has nothing to do with the space device, and it has no technical content at all.

"!" Yang Shile was really upset, "This is from one of those three companies. I dare say that the quality of the storage bags provided by our store can be in the forefront in Zangyunjian, but you need a large space, even The storage device that can hold living things has to go to a place like the Treasure Pavilion that has connections in other realms, but the price may not be affordable for ordinary people."

The big fat baby ignored the sarcasm in his last sentence, and lamented that the field of space devices in this world is indeed blank, but it is a pity that the grown-up self said that it is not suitable to reveal it now, and it is easy to cause trouble.

"It's getting dark, let's go back." Qin Shan said calmly.


Yang Shile watched the three go away, and actually questioned the quality of his store, thanks to his enthusiasm.Yang Shile felt that his previous worries had been fed to the dog, so he asked the clerk to put away the brocade box, and went to drink with friends to get rid of bad luck.

On the way, Qin Shan asked, "Do you know him?"

The big fat baby was biting a fruit, and mumbled, "It doesn't count, this person's brain is not very good."

"." Qin Shan smiled and nodded, relieved.

The big fat baby finished eating the last fruit in his hand, and looked longingly at the big stick on Shuo prison's shoulder.

Shuo prison was quite at a loss for the cubs. According to their family rules, the cubs are fragile and should be taken care of with all their heart. So when he saw her looking at them, he pulled out a bunch of them and said softly, "Do you want more?"

"Yeah." The fat baby nodded, then shook his head regretfully, "I'm full, I'll save it for tomorrow."

Today, she enjoyed shopping and eating to her heart's content, and her steps became cheerful, bouncing around.

Near the other courtyard where he lived temporarily, the big fat doll took a closer look, and a person rode a horse from the opposite side, immediately ran over joyfully, clasped the thigh of the person who got off the horse, and looked up at her, his bright and clear eyes were filled with joy. Mixed with curiosity, "Hey, why did you tie the cloth strips? Is it some kind of magic weapon?"

Zhan Changfeng didn't push away the heavy weight on his leg, but touched her crotch based on his impression, and said casually, "I'm blind."

As a result, I didn't hear any movement for a long time, until the wet and cold feeling seeped into the pants, "...kid, don't wipe your tears."

The big fat baby let go of his voice, crying so hard that he couldn't breathe, and the golden beans dropped like money, "Why are you blind, I don't want you to be blind!"

Qin Shan and Shuo prison who followed him said in surprise, he was happy just now, why did he change his face all of a sudden, and seeing Zhan Changfeng's appearance again, he couldn't help worrying.

Shuo prison was even more angry, he couldn't even beat her, who was so capable to blind her, "Who did it, I will meet someone!"

"My own mistake." Zhan Changfeng pushed the big fat baby whose hands and feet were locked on her legs, and the soft sobbing sound made her feel a little embarrassed. She has always disliked physical contact and felt dirty, but now it seems There was no discomfort, and finally took the initiative to hug the big fat baby, and reluctantly comforted, "It will recover after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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