Chapter 831

Xia Dong would never have imagined what Ye Fan did during these 20 minutes.

He just wondered for a moment, then thought, there must be something really urgent, and there was a faint, no, not faint, blatant excitement on his face.

Hong Yi's big case happened tonight. She had just finished the autopsy and left without even doing the aftermath. She must have found some important clues.

Well, he was waiting for the meeting tomorrow morning, when she shocked everyone again.

A relieved smile appeared on his exhausted face after working all night, and he replied to Ye Fan on WeChat voice.

The sky was turning pale, and Ye Fan stood on top of a high-rise building, his dark eyes scanned the surroundings, and his pale face was tense.

"Disappeared?" Putting down her sealed hands, Ye Fan frowned and muttered to herself. She came here following the two strands of resentment, and suddenly lost her sense.

She stood on the edge of the building, which had to be at least 30 floors high, and could see all the buildings in the area.

She has never been to this area before, and the buildings she sees are very strange. She basically has no idea about the structure of these houses. Unless there are obvious signs, they all look similar in her eyes.

Looking far away, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly froze. On the right side of where she was standing, she saw a very familiar building in the distance. Although it was separated by a district, she could still see it clearly with her eyesight.

She may not be able to recognize the buildings in other places at a glance, but she is really familiar with that small piece of buildings. There was a time when she flew over it almost every night.

There is - A major.

The sun finally jumped out of the clouds, and the sun shone on the earth.

Ye Fan stood there thinking for a while, looked in the other three directions, and finally went in the direction of University A.

From the building to University A, it may take several 10 minutes to drive, but Ye Fan arrived in less than 10 minutes, but she slowed down on purpose, and she let go of her consciousness along the way to sense the breath around her.

Arriving at the range of University A, Ye Fan tiptoed and stopped on a big tree. This big tree was as high as two or three floors, and there were several big trees beside it, but they were a little shorter.

"Which area of ​​University A is this? Why is it so deserted?"

University A covers a very large area and is divided into four districts. Even if you have studied in the school for four years, you may not necessarily visit the entire school.

Ye Fan's usual activities are also mainly in the west area, which is also the main area of ​​University A, where the administrative building of the school leaders is located.

Her sharp gaze swept across the buildings in front of her. The walls were old and peeled off. They looked like completely dilapidated buildings, which were in danger of collapsing at any time.

The ground is also overgrown with weeds. She has good eyesight and can still see small animals such as mice, stray cats and dogs, all of which are quite large.

"This is... the East District?" Looking at the architectural style similar to the teaching building and laboratory building, Ye Fan thought of the deserted East District that Dean Yue had told her.

There should be no mistake. Compared with the modern architectural style of the main area, these buildings are biased towards the style of the Republic of China, and the exterior walls are yellow and black.

Thinking that the time Dean Yue told her about the desertion of the Eastern District happened to be when Li Lanke went abroad, that is, the year when the incident that teachers and students dared not mention happened, Ye Fan's dark eyes shone.

She started to make mudras, let go of her spiritual sense, and covered this deserted eastern area under her spiritual detection. In front of her eyes, the changes in the magnetic field of the entire area were displayed in front of her eyes.

Compared with the magnetic field in the main area in the distance, the magnetic field in the eastern area is rather dark and sluggish. Although it was the beginning of the founding of University A, there is no trace of cleanliness, but rather gloomy. , with no other exceptions.

Ye Fan wasn't too surprised by the magnetic field in front of him. The East District has been deserted for so many years, and there is no one to set foot on it. Except for the crazy growth of weeds and rats, stray cats and dogs, there is almost no other vitality, which will naturally cause the magnetic field to be out of balance, which is eerie.

However, she has always been cautious. The Eastern District was once within her suspicion range. Since she came here now, she must investigate carefully, reactivate her vitality, and let go of her induction of the surrounding magnetic field.

"There is still no difference? It seems that it really has nothing to do with the big event back then, it's just a coincidence." Ye Fan said to himself, although there was a hint of something in her heart that seemed to be the same, but after sensing it several times but not finding it, she had to So convince yourself.

With a movement of his body, he passed directly from the east area and headed towards the main area.

On the east side, after passing the teaching building and laboratory building, there are several old dormitory buildings behind, which are also quite dilapidated.

When he came to the main area of ​​A, Ye Fan immediately felt a lot more comfortable, which was due to the change of the magnetic field.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the school began to wake up after being silent all night. There were people walking on the school road, and there were students or teachers exercising in the playground.

For example, an acquaintance in front of me.

As soon as Ye Fan passed by the East District, he saw a rather familiar figure running in the morning on a school road. He was wearing a white sportswear, with a towel hanging around his neck, and there was fine sweat on his face and forehead. ran for a while.

This familiar figure was the youngest and most promising professor in the medical school—Xie Qi. In just a few days, this was the second time she had seen him, and it was really a fate.

Ye Fan's heart moved, and he sank down inexplicably, and followed him.

Xie Qi was jogging, and his breathing was quite regular. Although his face was covered with sweat, his breath was quite steady. He should be exercising regularly. He looked weak, but he was not weak at all when he started running.

Ye Fan followed her for a certain distance before stopping, watching his running back and paused.

She didn't know why she paid attention to him just now, and even followed him for a while.

However, compared to the haggard appearance in the library a few days ago, today he looks in good spirits.

Glancing at his back again, Ye Fan turned and left, flying in another direction.

Xie Qi didn't know that there was a fake Apiao floating beside him just now, he continued to run according to a certain rhythm, turned a corner from this school road, and entered another trail.

After running for a while, his speed slowly stopped, holding the towel hanging around his neck with both hands, he stood still and breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was tired from running and stopped to rest.

After he took a few breaths, he turned around slowly and looked in the direction of the East District. His bangs, which were too long, fell down, half covering his eyes, casting a shadow, even the sunlight falling from the sky could not penetrate into his eyes. in the eyes.

After a few breaths, he took off the towel around his neck and wiped the sweat off his face, then turned around naturally and continued to run forward.

(End of this chapter)

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