magic eye doctor

Chapter 1005 Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Chapter 1005 Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Compared to Yan's entanglement, the Chao family's parents are very calm. Sanjun and his wife also acted quite calm when they returned home and heard that Xiaofen Duanzi received a huge gift. Find out more about the person who gave the gift.

Xiao Le thought that some big guy would go to Chao’s house to receive acupuncture that night, but she didn’t. She was also happy to have a leisurely time. At night, she threw the elm money sent by handsome Yan into the space, and boiled medicine in the kitchen, prepared brine and marinated meat The soup material is used to make medicinal bread with elm money as the main ingredient.

On the morning of the 7th, Uncle Hu and Uncle Li got up at four o'clock and went to the vegetable market, and brought home the items that the old lady and the old man ordered yesterday, and they came back in time for breakfast.

Not long after seven o'clock, Liu's grandfather and grandson arrived on time again. Liu Shao helped the old man to the living room on the first floor of Chao Erye's house. A bag of snacks came: "Little beauty, try this, it's made of coconut fruit, I personally think it's very good."

The handsome guy came to show his hospitality, Le Yun took the snacks that bought people's hearts, and glanced at Mr. Liu with a half-smile, his eyes full of teasing: "This is your old man's favorite snack."

Mr. Liu acquiesced, his heart was full of helplessness, why the little girl from Lao Chao's family was so shrewd, she guessed it at a glance.

"Why did you guess it again?" Liu Xiangyang covered his face. People said that Zhu Ai's boss had a clever plan, and he thought that little Lolita was three points better than Zhu Ai. People said that he could see through, but she still said through, let him be a seven-foot man. I have no face to see Jiangdong. Wow.

"Mr. Liu has the smell of snacks. Fortunately, you gave this. If you take a bag of betel nuts, I will definitely punish you."

"I..." Liu Xiangyang silently looked up at the sky, there was no privacy at all in front of the sensitive little Lolita, it was simply impossible to make friends with her.

Old Liu smiled calmly, instead of saving his grandson, he went to the bathroom, changed his clothes, and when he came back, he spread out the mat and lay down like a worm.

Handsome Liu is doing everything to get some medicinal food, and Le Yun blames him for pity on him. When Mr. Liu went to change his clothes, she went to the kitchen and packed four yuqian bread for him. When Mr. Liu came back, he went to work.

Young Master Liu got the bread that he managed to get, and after eating one, he was in a good mood, but the other three were reluctant to eat, so they stuffed them into his backpack and hid them like treasures.

Acupuncture is still one hour, take back the medical needles, Le Yun asked handsome Liu to pack the old man away, and specifically ordered: "Pack up your mat and take away, don't use it tomorrow, and then take a pill every day, after eating As far as the pills on hand."

"Ah, is this the end?" Liu Xiangyang stared, with an expression of disbelief, that's it?That's the end of it?

Elder Liu was also full of doubts. Isn't there usually several courses of acupuncture and moxibustion? He only started acupuncture for three days, and it's over after just the beginning?

"It's not a neuron disease. You don't need acupuncture multiple times. For an injury like the old man's, you need acupuncture once to open up the blocked meridians and stimulate the tissue cells in certain parts to rejuvenate. The rest is to take pills to let it recover slowly and automatically, old man. I am older and my body's absorption capacity is slightly weaker, so I added two days of acupuncture."

"Well, that's it." Liu Xiangyang wrapped his grandfather in a toga, and his heart was always sad. The acupuncture and moxibustion were completed, how could they have the nerve to come here the day after tomorrow?
"Thank you little girl." Mr. Liu put on a toga to cover his semi-naked body, and thanked him gently. After the little girl's acupuncture, he obviously felt that the joints in his legs became more flexible, and the sense of control over his legs and feet was gradually restored. , the whole body is relaxed, the appetite is good, and the spirit is also good.

Little classmate Le humbly accepted others' thanks for her. She gave Mr. Liu medicine pills for free, and she also gave free acupuncture. No matter what kind of thanks, she deserves it.

The little girl packed up the medical tools and went to sterilize the needles. Mr. Liu was too embarrassed to disturb her, so he told her and told his grandson to pack up the mat and get on the car to go home.

Young Master Liu was so sad that he drove the old man home.

The old couple of the Chao family were busy working in the back kitchen making braised pork. They didn't know when the grandparents of the Liu family would leave, let alone the last day of acupuncture, so they didn't go out to deliver them.

After the grandparents of the Liu family left, Le sterilized and cleaned the medical needles before packing them up, and went into the kitchen to do her own work. In the middle of the afternoon, she received a call from the Australian embassy informing her that she would be free someday to get a visa. Make her jump three feet high.

Little Lolita's excitement hadn't passed yet, so Erye Chao called the old mother to tell Xiao Tuanzi that Old Yuan's nephew had contacted him and said that Old Yuan was going to Chao's house at night, and Mrs. Chao relayed the words to Xiao Fan Tuanzi.

Mr. Yuan was coming to the house, and the Chao family was very calm. After dinner, Chao Yi, Chao San, his wife and Mrs. Chao Er lived upstairs with their parents to enjoy a happy life at home, and Chao Erye and Hu Butler waited with Xiaotuanzi on the first floor. Mr. Yuan.

Accompanied by his nephew Yuan Hai, Mr. Yuan didn't arrive at Erye Chao's house until eight o'clock in the evening. Because the courtyard door was open, they drove into the courtyard by themselves.

Yuan Hai got out of the car and took his uncle out of the car to pick up the gift.

Uncle Hu saw Yuan Dong put forward a gift box, and politely invited Yuan Lao to enter, and kindly reminded: "Yuan Dong, you only bring the mat and Yuan Yuan's spare clothes, you don't need to take the rest, take them down and wait." I will bring it back again, it is too troublesome to move around."

"I only brought some fruit and this year's newly produced Cordyceps to the little girl, nothing else." Yuan Lao stopped after taking two steps to explain.

"Old Yuan, our Fourth Miss will never accept gifts. Fourth Miss said that she would be ashamed to charge medical expenses after accepting presents. That would be too bad. She won't engage in business that loses money."

Butler Hu explained with a smile, and then added: "The same is true for our four young ladies who gave Mr. Liu acupuncture and moxibustion. Mr. Liu was so anxious that Mr. Liu bought snacks to bribe the little girl to have breakfast by the way. Our little princess disliked him to death. Let Young Master Liu come back with an empty stomach, and Young Master Liu will almost suffer from depression for this reason."

"The little girl doesn't accept gifts, so you can always accept the fruits, right? I brought a box of imported fruits to quench the little girl's thirst." Yuan Hai was very embarrassed. Cordyceps is a precious medicinal herb. It is understandable for the little girl not to accept it. Fruits should be fine, right? ?

"Yuan Dong, our little girl brought back fifty boxes of fruit when she returned to China. The refrigerated truck carrying the fruit is still in the garage. Some of it is used for medicine, and some is eaten as snacks and dishes. I don't know when I will finish eating it. Yuan Dong's Kindly, our little girl appreciates it, and when I finish eating the fruit, I will ask Yuan Dong to help buy which fruit the little girl likes."

"So, according to the little girl's wishes, let's not make things difficult for the little girl." Yuan Lao knew that the Chao family would never accept any gifts, so he found a step to step down by himself.

"Mr. Yuan is bright and upright, with a broad mind. I am really grateful for being considerate of our little girl's feelings." Butler Hu helped Mr. Yuan into the building.

Yuan Hai had no choice but to put the gift box back into the car, holding only a roll of mat and a small backpack filled with clothes, and accompanied his uncle to Chao Erye's villa.

Mr. Yuan followed Steward Hu into the lobby on the first floor of Chao Er's house. He saw only the second son of the Chao family and Xiao Yisun of the Chao family in the living room. His face was embarrassed. The old couple of Chao's family did not show up. thing.

Student Le Xiao was preparing medical supplies. When the patient came, he turned his head to look. General Yuan had the consciousness of being a patient. He came after get off work and changed into his home clothes. People who come from the military always have a sense of coldness, and he is no exception. His Alzheimer's disease has a tendency to gain weight compared with last year; his nephew is a middle-aged man, well-dressed, using men's skin care products, and his skin is very good.

After scanning the middle-aged and elderly people's bodies at a glance, she looked away again and continued to organize the supplies she was about to use. As for greetings, I left it to Chao Erye. She hated talking endlessly with mothers-in-law.

"Mr. Yuan, please. Xiao Lele said that you need to take off your clothes for acupuncture. Ladies should not be there. Ladies, I am sorry to come down. My father and my eldest brother and third brother are on the second floor with my parents. Don't blame me if I didn't entertain Mr. Yuan." Chao said. Second, when I saw the uncle and nephew Yuan, I took two steps forward and invited the guests into the house with a smile: "Mr. You are not allowed to drink tea before acupuncture, so please go and change your clothes."

With Chao Erye's explanation, Yuan's uncle and nephew were not so embarrassed, and they answered a good word. Butler Hu helped Mr. Yuan take the backpack to the bathroom. Chao Erye greeted Yuan Dong to sit down, drink herbal tea and eat fruit.

Yuan Hai spread the mat on the place where the little girl put the foam boxes and boxes, followed the host's call, and sat down, secretly observing the little grandson of the Chao family, she was arranging her medical tools, always with a sweet smile on her face, But he didn't speak, and he was too embarrassed to run to brush his face.

Housekeeper Hu led Yuan Lao to the bathroom to change clothes, and accompanied him back to the living room. He walked to the mat and helped Yuan Lao take away the long bathrobe he was wearing, and let Yuan Lao wear only a pair of sports shorts. Sit by and watch the little girl perform acupuncture.

After the patient lay down, Le Yun took out four pills from the needle box and gave them to the old man to swallow. He pressed a dozen fingers on his chest, told him to turn over and lay down, and then touched more than a dozen acupuncture points on his back. Then let him lie on his back, put a few needle sheaths on his shoulders, take the needles in his hands, and start piercing along Yuan Lao's abdomen, first piercing the toes, all the way to the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet, and then piercing from the heart to the top of the head , and the last needle was inserted into the Baihui point on the top of his head.

Gold needles, silver needles, needles of two colors were lined up on Yuan Lao's body in several rows, and the shining light made people's back go numb.

Yuan Hai felt his heart pounding, there are so many needles, how painful it must be.

The corners of Chao Erye and Hu Butler's eyes were twitching. No wonder the old man felt tired and didn't love after watching Xiaotuanzi's acupuncture. This really makes people feel tired and not loved.

However, that was not over yet, the little girl took out a flat-head through-hole needle and pierced several large acupuncture points on the old man's chest, and also pierced a flat and long gold needle on the top of his head, and took out a small bottle , Use a syringe to suck the medicine juice into the hole of the flat head needle for drip irrigation.

Watching the little girl drip medicine into the needle, Yuan Hai felt chills running down his back, as if he was doing an experiment, isn't it scary?

Chao Erye was silent, he didn't want to get an injection either, um, Xiaotuanzi give him herbal tea and diet for recuperation, he doesn't want to get an injection.

Mr. Yuan didn't feel much at first after swallowing a few pills. Within 3 minutes, he felt his heart burning like a flame. It became hot from inside to outside. He felt that he was sweating. The fine sweat covered his skin, like dripping. It was raining, and the sweat was hot.

Xiao Yisun of the Chao family can also feel a tingling sensation when the needles go into the skin and flesh. As more and more needles are stuck on the body, the heartburning feeling becomes more intense, as if being thrown into a high-temperature steamer. Do whole body steaming, the whole body is hot everywhere.

In addition to the hot feeling, there are also some itchy places, like silk thread-like bugs biting, making people want to scratch a few times. He has good self-control, staying awake, and not moving around.

The person didn't move, the sweat beads on his body sprung up like mushrooms, seeping layer by layer, and the big pants were also wet with sweat, only a small part was not soaked.

The patient was sweating profusely. Xiao Le didn't even move his eyebrows. He continued to drip the medicine into the needle slowly, and waited for a few minutes at a time. After the medicine in the needle hole penetrated into the patient's body, he continued to drip the medicine, and then gave him another medicine. Massage and press acupuncture points.

Drip medicinal juice, massage, repeated five times, about half an hour, the sweat on Yuan Lao's body gradually stopped.

After the sweat stopped, the little Lolita took the medical needle and threw it into a sterilized bottle to soak. After pulling out the needle, she didn't tell her to leave. Instead, she asked the old man to swallow four pills again, and let him lie on his stomach facing the ground. Stuffing a piece of foam to cushion his chin, and giving him needles, more than 100 needles in a row, almost turned people into prickly pears again.

Old Yuan clearly experienced the feeling before again, sweating profusely, and the dry place at the front of the big pants was also soaked in sweat.

Le also repeated the previous acupuncture steps until the old man stopped sweating, and then took back the medical needle: "Take the person home, wait at least an hour before taking a bath, you can eat after taking a bath, brush your teeth and wash your hands with warm water as much as possible, do not Take a shower with cold water, eat lightly, and eat less greasy and spicy food."

Yuan Hai hurriedly responded with a 'ahhh', ran to see his uncle, and found that his uncle was motionless, so he shouted in fright: "Old uncle, old uncle—"

Butler Hu took Mr. Yuan's bathrobe and wanted to send it to Mr. Yuan, but he was bluffed by Mr. Yuan's actions. There will be no accidents for Mr. Yuan, right?
Chao Er was also startled, and jumped up: "Xiao Lele, what's the matter with Mr. Yuan?"

"He's just fallen asleep. It's better if he can be supported so that he doesn't wake up. It's good to let him sleep for a while to recuperate." In other words, she wasn't nervous, so why were they nervous?

She wasn't nervous, which meant there was nothing wrong with it. If there were any high-risk hidden dangers in General Yuan's body, there might be accidents during the acupuncture process, and it was impossible for her to do acupuncture treatment. She didn't want to suffer such troubles as putting people to death.

Others were nervous, Le Yun didn't even move her eyelids, and that old man actually fell asleep right after the acupuncture treatment was over, which is very deceiving.

"That's good, that's good." Chao Sheng'an wiped off his sweat, thinking that Mr. Yuan's acupuncture had gone wrong and scared him to death.

Hearing that his uncle fell asleep, Yuan Hai heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the little girl, and humbly asked for advice: "Little girl, what disease is my uncle suffering from?"

(End of this chapter)

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