magic eye doctor

Chapter 1007 Discount

Chapter 1007 Discount
The three brothers of the He family were in high spirits, and with the good news in their hearts, they rushed all the way back to the place where the old ancestor lived. When they returned to the compound, they ran to find the old ancestor, and conveyed the invitation from the little doctor to the old ancestor, the old man and the old ladies, so that Everyone is happy.

Ancestor He, He San and his wife heard that the little doctor had arrested Xiao Shiliu and Xiao Long Bao as hard labor, and they were overjoyed. They repeated the orders and ordered them to go to Chao's house to work as errands tomorrow morning.

When the three elder brothers of the He family returned to the He family to report the good news, all the young and old in Chao Erye had no time to spare. They washed all the dried seafood and threw them into the soup made by Xiaotuanzi to make foam, or peeled coconuts, and brushed them for tomorrow. Discuss how to set the table tomorrow, who is responsible for serving the food, etc.

In the evening, the Sanjun and his wife of the Chao family hadn't arrived home yet. The head of the Chao family, Chao Xingzhong, the elder brother and the second sister of the old man rushed to the house.

Brother and sister arrived, Mr. Chao and his beloved wife were busy talking to each other, Little Loli found someone to complain about, ran to the elders and poured bitter water, saying why so and so wanted to celebrate her birthday, celebrate her On her birthday, she was going to be exhausted, complaining like crazy, all in all she was wronged, and she begged her elders to comfort her.

As for her, she complained for more than ten minutes, patted her buttocks and ran to the kitchen to work, making the brothers and sisters of the Chao family who loved Xiaofentuanzi laugh so hard that they couldn't straighten up.

The older generation of the Chao family only chatted for less than half an hour. Chao San’s mother-in-law, Mrs. Li, and Chao Er’s mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhou, also arrived. Mr. Li and Zhou were not in the capital, and neither was Chao Yi’s father-in-law. The capital, so I didn't come.

The elders came again, and Xiao Le took it for granted that he ran to find the grandmothers to act like a baby and poured bitter water, and he poured a few buckets of bitter water and left gracefully.

Xiaofentuanzi was cute and mischievous, and the old ladies and fathers were overjoyed and laughed so much that the Sanjun and his wife of the Chao family went home one after another, and they didn't need them to accompany the elders at all. The old people were in a good mood.

There are many people, the restaurant on the second floor is narrow, and the dinner is placed in the living room on the first floor. After eating, the middle-aged generation accompanied the old men and women to go to the second floor to gossip. Uncle Hu and others also rest, and there is no work for them at night. They don't go to work until tomorrow morning.

The handsome guys followed Little Lolita around, and after eight o'clock, the uncles and nephews of the Yuan family arrived as scheduled, Xiao Shao, Luo Shao, Li Shao, Deng Shao and the beautiful boy Wang Ershao couldn't help, so they sat and drank tea with Yuan Dong, and then their classmate Chen Xuechang In order to be able to watch little Lori get acupuncture, the two helped her diligently, helped lay the mat, helped her carry the backpack and open the box, etc.

Mr. Yuan went to the bathroom to change clothes by himself, walked back by himself, put the robe aside, sat on the mat first, took four pills, and did not need the little girl to tell him to sleep on his back, waiting for acupuncture.

Le Xiao repeated the steps of acupuncture done yesterday, and Cai's classmate Chen watched the whole process, and wrote down the acupuncture point and depth of each needle in Xiao Luoli's acupuncture, so that she can go back and study.

Li Shao and the others were ignorant of medical skills. Seeing Mr. Yuan being tied up like a hedgehog, his back skin tightened intermittently, and Xiao Shao was sweating even more. To lose weight, the little loli will give him an injection, which is really scary.

Mr. Yuan experienced another experience of being burned by fire, and he also felt different. The burning sensation was not as fierce as yesterday. After finishing the acupuncture, he did not fall asleep. Although his whole body was sweating, he felt relaxed.

Seeing his uncle finishing acupuncture, Yuan Hai quickly picked up a big bathrobe and put it on for his uncle. The old man's underpants were soaked again after one acupuncture session, as if he had been swimming, and he was easily embarrassed when facing the little girl and the Chao family brother.

Taking back the medical needles, two seniors helped organize the supplies. Le Yun took out a bag of pills from the jade box and gave it to the old man: "Old General Yuan, I don't need to use it tomorrow, and the mat is also brought back. Try not to use it for the next five days." Vigorous exercise should relax the mind and cultivate the mind. This is a pill, take one in the morning and evening for the first three days, and then take one before going to bed every day until you finish eating."

"Acupuncture is over?" Yuan Hai looked at the young grandson of the Chao family in surprise. After only two days of acupuncture, is it enough?

"I usually do acupuncture once and for all. Unless there are special circumstances that need to be done step by step, or the medicinal materials are not available, we can only do acupuncture in stages. The medicinal materials that Old General Yuan needs are the medicine balls that I prescribe the right medicine to the case. The second acupuncture and moxibustion is enough for maintenance. Right, there will be no health worries within five years, and it will be difficult to say in the long run. After all, yawning can cause brain death, and it is possible to go for a run and frowned. There are all kinds of high-risk tasks that can be performed at any time, and the probability of injuring neurons is higher than other people."

Le Yun explained once, and added: "For the sake of the old general being a soldier, he has shed blood for the nation and contributed to peace. There is no fee for consultation and hard work, and the medicine fee cannot be waived. We only give a discount. It's 60 yuan, and it doesn't matter if the old general feels healthy after taking the pills."

Cai classmate, classmate Chen: "..." 60 is still a discounted price?

"Little Lolita, you only charged 60 yuan for medicine this time?" Second Young Master Wang exclaimed. Little Lolita only charged 60 yuan this time, but she charged tens of millions for treating Tantai.

Xiao Shao, Li Shao, Luo Shao, Deng Shao didn't know what was going on, so they touched their noses silently and didn't say a word. When they heard Wang Ershao's scream, they were all stunned. What does it mean to "only charge 60 yuan for medicine"?
Xiao Shao was modest and eager to learn: "Wang Erxiao, you said that you only charge 60 yuan, but you think it's too little, right?"

"Of course." Wang Ershao took it for granted, and stretched out a finger: "I have seen Xiao Luoli treat another person, and the acupuncture is less than a week, 1000 million, plus Gu Dong, who has the consultation fee, Gu understands that it is worth more than 100 million. My grandfather and some professors said that '1000 million is not too much'."

"Well, Wang Er's novel must be true."

As evidenced by Cai Zijun and Chen Xueyuan, Little Lolita offered 1000 million yuan for acupuncture and detoxification to Mr. Tantai, and she also had to pick a few ancient things as hard work.

Yuan Lao stared at his old eyes, dumbfounded, 1000 million is not too much, so how much is too much?
Yuan Hai, whose heart was shaken by the shock, managed to suppress the turbulent heart, and nodded: "I will go to the bank to pay for the medicine tomorrow. Please give me an account number. If you need cash, you can bring it in cash."

"I'll give you an account number. You can transfer the money from the bank. I said 60 is 60. If I transfer too much, I have to ask Chao Erbo to send it back. It's too troublesome." Le Yun didn't want someone to borrow it again tomorrow She ran to Chao's house under the guise of money, and if one more person came, she would eat an extra portion of herbal diet, which was not worthwhile.

Yuan Hai did decide to transfer a little more, and transferred millions of dollars. When the little girl explained it clearly, he had no choice but to put away his thoughts of preparing to pay more for medical expenses.

"Xueba is a foodie, you see off the guests, I'm going back to the kitchen to make medicine, you go to bed early after packing up." There was a beautiful young brother, Le Yun didn't care about the communication issues, and rushed to the kitchen in a hurry.

The handsome young man who is as handsome as bamboo and as beautiful as the bright moon assists Yuan Dong to lift up Mr. Yuan, and Xiao Shao and others also cleverly help collect the mat and send Yuan Dong and Mr. Yuan to the car.

It is not convenient for the uncles and nephews of the Yuan family to stay longer when the host sees off the guests, not to mention that Mr. Yuan is still wearing wet underpants. Yuan Hai helped his uncle into the car and sat in the car. But what kind of wedding banquet are you going to have?"

"No." Chao Yubo smiled gently: "My sister brought back dozens of boxes of fruit from abroad. My sisters, grandmas, and my grandpa's brothers and sisters miss my sister very much. The elders know that the little guy is back. I ran to see my sister, and brought some fruit back to taste."

Dumiao of the Chao family didn't want to say what's the matter, Yuan Hai didn't break the casserole to ask the end, said goodbye to the Chao family boy and a few young people, went back to the cab to say goodbye again, drove out, and drove home.

When the car drove to the main road of the villa area, far away from Chao Erye's villa, Yuan Dong stopped the car and asked his uncle to take off his wet underpants so as not to catch cold after wearing them for a long time.

Old Yuan took off his wet underpants, wrapped in a big bathrobe, his face was gloomy, the brother of the Chao family didn't want to tell them that tomorrow was the birthday of the young grandson of the Chao family, because he didn't want to invite the Yuan family to visit him.

Uncle had something on his mind, Yuan Hai didn't say much, he drove forward, left the villa area and drove towards the direction of his uncle's house.

The schoolmasters sent away the uncle and nephew of the Yuan family, locked the courtyard door, and went back to the first floor to go to the kitchen to see the little girl, but found that those doors were all locked. Lou, played with the elders for a while, and went to bed early.

Abandoning the bullies and sneaking back to the kitchen, little classmate Le, in order to enjoy his own business at night, had the foresight to lock the door, and then ran to the elegant hall to move the caterpillar fungus sent by the He family into the space, and nestled in the kitchen for him. A large coal stove is replaced with a batch of honeycomb briquettes, and the ported stone pot is placed on the stove to preheat.

The stone cylinder is thick, and the briquettes are newly replaced. It takes a while to heat up the cylinder. While waiting, take out the box of Cordyceps from the space and unpack a pack, pour out the fresh Cordyceps and clean it.

The freshly washed Cordyceps is divided into small pieces, mixed with several seasonings, and a fat whole sheep marinated in the medicinal soup is taken out to drain, and the glutinous rice that has been soaked and drained has been soaked and drained. Mix the ingredients well, stuff them all in the belly of the sheep, then suture the belly of the sheep with thread, and rinse a layer of seasoning oil on the surface.

After finishing the preparatory work, the stone jar is also slightly hot. First, brush the oil in the stone jar several times. Put the cactus on the surface, turn the other stone jar upside down, and cover the stone jar used as a pot to prevent it from escaping.

Stew the sheep in a stone pot, replace the bottom coal briquettes with another three-ball coal stove, put a cylindrical stainless steel bucket on the stove, and throw in three whole chickens, Chinese caterpillar fungus, bamboo mushrooms and prepared side dishes Material, add water stew soup.

After finishing a job, filter the soybean milk ground in the evening, wash it with special Yuqian juice, filter it again, and finally boil the soybean milk and add gypsum to make tofu. The tofu is placed in the side hall, and the squeezed water is placed in a large plate Put the tofu shelf on the surface of the steel pipe to make hatchback tofu.

Because the soy milk made with yuqian juice, the tofu also turns green when ordered, put it into a tofu mold frame and wrap it, and press a stone on top to filter the water.

After finishing the second job, it was past eleven o'clock, and I took a break. At half o'clock, I opened the upside-down stone jar, proposed to brush the whole lamb with seasoning, and baked the cactus out of the oven.

The cactus has water, and there is no water in the stone jar, so the water evaporates quickly. After roasting and simmering for more than two minutes, the cactus has not been stewed, as if it has been roasted, and there is no soup at the bottom of the stone jar. A small amount of oil.

Take out a batch of cactus, put another batch of cactus on the bottom of the tank, put the whole sheep, and then replace it with a batch of briquettes, and continue to braise the roast lamb. After meditating and resting for a while, in line with the reason why I can’t be idle, I took out space products and flour to make tofu Dregs are used to make bean dregs cakes, and noodles are used to make toast and biscuits. When the fire in the stone jar is up, the briquettes are replaced to take stewed cactus.

After stewing two batches of cactus, I no longer put fresh cactus in the jar, but put the whole sheep in the stone jar to stew slowly, because there is no moisture in the cactus, and the temperature in the stone jar is high, just like roasting a lamb. The fragrance slowly dissipated.

Classmate Le is like a small spinning top, making toast and baking. When he is free, he cuts the cactus into thin strips and puts them on the plate. When the heat is up, he replaces the stove with briquettes. Move it away from the stove and replace it with a pot to make herbal tea.

All the young and old in Chao Er's family had a good night's sleep and woke up very early. When they woke up, they could smell the delicious fragrance, and they were so greedy that they swallowed in secret.
Chao Jia Sanjun and his wife got up at five o'clock and went to the kitchen to cook her favorite meal for Xiaofen Duanzi.

The high school students got up and ran to the first floor but were still rejected, and went up to the second floor in desperation. When it was almost time for dinner, the young people brought their meals and went down to the first floor, and the old men and women also moved to the first floor.

When Xiaotuanzi came out, the young and old rushed forward, hugged the fragrantly scented dumpling in their arms and loved her, wished her a happy birthday, and almost spoiled the little one.

Little classmate Le, who was spoiled, had breakfast with a red face in misery. After eating longevity noodles, braised lion's head and stewed pork vermicelli, his face turned from cloudy to sunny.

The little dumpling made the old man lose his temper, and made the old men and women couldn't help but be happy. Of course, they were not idle, they all went to battle when they were full, set the table, put the fruit, and put the tea set, because the old people don't need to intervene in the kitchen , the old ladies and gentlemen tidy up early, sit and drink tea, chat, and occasionally go to the back kitchen to look around.

Mother Fang and Uncle Hu brought the domestic helpers and young handsome guys to plate seafood, side dishes, etc., wash and steam rice, etc.

The seafood is soaked overnight in the marinade soup. There is no fishy smell. Put it on a plate, add seasoning and soup and cook it in a steamer. The tofu is also pressed, and it is as green as emerald.

When they were busy, Young Master Yan, He Xiaoba, He Xiaoshifive and He Xiaoshiliu brothers rushed over, they did not treat themselves as guests, they went to help in the kitchen, Young Master Yan was good at knives, and helped chop Salt bureau chicken, the three brothers of the He family worked as errands diligently.

Men and women divide the work, some put seafood plates, some cut tofu and put them on plates, some put fish on plates, some were responsible for adding seasoning and marinated vegetable water, some put green vegetables in the steamer drawer to be steamed, and Le students chopped salt-baked chicken packs plate.

There are a lot of people, and after eight o'clock, everything is tidy, and the vegetables are steamed in the pot. After steaming for more than ten minutes, they can be out of the oven, and then seafood, fish, and tofu are steamed.

Classmate Le took out the stewed lamb, put ingredients into the stone jar, added soup, poured pig's trotters into it and stewed it, and put the herbal tea under the stove.

With the help of Uncle Hu and the domestic helpers, the kitchen can be busy. The Chaojiamei boy took the school masters to change clothes, waiting secretly to see who would come uninvited.

(End of this chapter)

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