magic eye doctor

Chapter 101 I'm Not Waiting For You

Chapter 101 I'm Not Waiting For You

"Xiao Chao, thank you for waiting!"

With a whimper, the blue-black Aprilia galloped to the side of the exquisite teenager with an incomparably chic posture, less than five steps away. The driver braked gracefully, while taking off his helmet, he greeted with a smile.

The world-famous motorcycle has a domineering body, and its graceful arc is like the arc drawn by a goshawk.

The motorcycle was carrying two people, both wearing silver-gray helmets, and only the eyes could be seen through the mirror. The two were in blue short-sleeved shirts, each carrying a backpack. Their sitting postures were straight and straight, like two wooden stakes.

"It's a pity, I'm not waiting for you." A certain young man has a thick face, Chao Yubo's expression is light, and he speaks bluntly. He only sends the word of a narcissistic young man in his heart - big face!

In the blink of an eye, the two people on the motorcycle took off their helmets. There was a tear under the driver's left eye.

The young man in the back is fresh and handsome, with a graceful demeanor, his face is like a crown of jade, his face is like Shunhua, his dragon eyes are shining with divine light, his eyebrows are like thin swords, and his lips and teeth show before a smile. Allure.

The former young man is handsome and sunny, with a gentle and friendly beauty, the latter is gentle and elegant, well-dressed, but has a noble and glamorous aura, like a lotus in the water, slim, clear and transparent, can not be seen from a distance.

Seeing the person who came to take off his helmet, Chao Yu Bomo, these two young men are here, and they are going to make the girls of Qingda go crazy. Thinking about it again, I am overjoyed. There are two young men with such good family backgrounds in Qingda. It's probably going to be much quieter, a good sign!

Liu Xiangyang shook his hair handsomely, and he was quite impressed. The campus of Qingda University was quiet, and the motorcycles could speed.

"Ah, aren't you waiting for us?" Hearing that the Chao family boy was not waiting for him, Young Master Liu showed a shocked expression, ah yo, Xiao Chao knew they were coming, so he didn't greet them?

Yan Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, the Chao family boy did not wait for them, what are you doing here?

"Although the truth always hurts people, I still don't want to lie. I'm not waiting for you. There are few people in the office building at the moment. You can go in and go through the formalities."

The beautiful young man held the handlebars of the bicycle and squinted the office building calmly. These two were sent to the University for further studies. It was surprising that they actually came to report. However, it was their business, so he didn't think about it. .

"Okay, Xiao Chao, I'll find you to play ball after finishing the business."

The two young men got out of the car handsomely, got dressed, and walked towards the office building with a smile. At this moment, a crisp and sweet sound like the collision of silver bells came from the wind: "...Professor, it's hard not to be so strong, okay? I finally found a few specimens, and I absolutely cannot lend you to look at them... Ask why I don't borrow them, of course I'm afraid that tigers will borrow pigs..."

Whoosh, the two young masters suddenly stopped, their voices familiar?

Kind of... um, kind of like a Little Belle's voice?

Liu Xiangyang felt that the voice was familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he finally took the seat based on the tone. Isn't that voice the unique voice of the little beauty he encountered at the foot of Shennong Mountain in North E?

He has met countless people, including girls, and naturally it is impossible to remember everyone. The reason why he remembers it is because of the ability of the little beauty, which made him remember that character.

Like the voice of a strange little loli?

Yan Xing thought for a moment that it was delusional, the strange little loli was from the E province, how could it be possible to appear here?

Huh, the thoughtful two young men turned their heads to look at the lawn at an unparalleled speed. Over there, the two of them were sitting on the green grass, facing each other under the slightly hot sun. Looking from their positions, they could only see On the side, one is small and has short hair. If he doesn't speak, people think he is a boy, and the other is a middle-aged and elderly man. The glasses are refracting a little crystal light.

Weird little loli? !

Seeing the side of the girl with short hair and petite, Yan Xing's mind flashed countless numbers of lightning bolts, the strange little loli is actually in Qingda?

For a moment, he felt that the strange little loli was everywhere. She was in Shennong Mountain, she appeared in the bushes, then she appeared in Fangxian Chengxiao, and then she appeared in Shennong Mountain, and now she is in Qingda, where is he? , where is she, just...

Simply haunted?

He couldn't think of what to say, but he felt that the strange little loli seemed to have trouble with him.

Yan Shaolong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he pursed his lips lightly. For various reasons, he never used the Internet to search for information in the hospital, and he didn't have time to work after returning home. Therefore, Cha Xiaoluoli's background was put on hold beforehand. Coincidentally, it was a book, and he ran into it so quickly. Does this mean to remind him to investigate?

little beauty?

Liu Xiangyang saw the side of the little girl and confirmed that it was the little beauty who had a relationship at the foot of Shennong Mountain. He was very excited and immediately ran up: "Little beauty, little beauty..."

Ok? !

Yan Xing was in deep thought, his thoughts returned in seconds, and when he saw Fa Xiao ran towards the lawn, he couldn't help being stunned. Xiang Yang also knew the strange little loli?

The two young masters stopped to look at Xiao Lele and Professor Wan Cheng, and Chao Yubo followed him, thinking that the voice was a bit loud, which made the two young people curious. Who would have thought that Young Master Liu seemed to know him He was taken aback by Lele's appearance, and hurriedly trotted after him: "Liu Shao stay, don't go over..."

Liu Xiangyang, who jumped four or five steps in one fell swoop, stopped again with a snort, with a smile still on his face, and asked strangely, "Why can't you go over?"

"..." Why can't he go, of course, Professor Wan Cheng hates others to disturb him when discussing academic issues, Chao Yubo thought to himself, before he could explain, the old man and the young man on the grass looked towards the office building.

Who is it?

Le Yun mentioned a certain kind of Chinese medicine when discussing with her tutor which medicine the tutor needs to use for the stomach and throat, which led to the exploration of certain Chinese medicines. She happened to have a specimen in her hand, and the professor wanted to study it with great interest. Refused, still in a tug of war, when I heard someone shout, I felt the male voice was a little familiar, and I couldn't help but be at a loss.

Turning her head, she saw a young man running towards her and the professor. For the first second, she didn't remember who it was. When she saw Brother Chao chase after the young man and the two of them were talking, she finally remembered that it was not going to Shennong. One of the parties involved in a car accident on the mountain road?

There's one more...

Turning her gaze, she looked at another figure more than one meter away from Brother Chao. Le Yun saw that person's face at a glance, and a "crack" sounded in her mind, and a huge lightning bolt flashed, eunuch!

She will never admit it wrong, the castrat has a beautiful face, elegant and elegant, handsome and gentle, when he does not smile, he is fashionable and has an extraordinary demeanor, and his temperament is graceful. Now his lips are raised and a smile is displayed, and his face is like a peach blossom in March, beautiful and precious. The lines on his face softened a bit, and the whole person was like a crescent moon emerging from the clouds, clean and dust-free, gentle and elegant, and elegant.

When a beautiful woman smiles, the country is alluring, and when a beautiful man smiles, she also allures the people of the country.

The handsome and handsome man is graceful and graceful, like a blooming peony standing against the wind.


Secretly pinching her fingers, Le Yun made a crisp sound from her finger bones, she sneered in her heart, Oh, the enemy's road is narrow!

That eunuch looked down on him. She rescued him once, and he even reported a false name. It would be fine if he met elsewhere, but he didn't expect him to appear in Qingda. Kung Fu, before she could find him, he came to the door, kill him or maim him?

He squeezed his small fists, turned on the X-ray function of his eyes, and quickly scanned the eunuch, and instantly saw his torso map. The wounds on his chest and waist were scabbed. On the surface, there was no serious problem, but the new flesh inside did not grow completely. , the wound subsides to form a concave shape.

Trauma is not a problem, the internal situation has gotten worse, more gray and gray circles appear on his body, indicating that his blood and many internal organs have health problems.

What happened that she didn't know?

Seeing the bloody night of the eunuch and the subtle changes in the muscle structure, Le Yun secretly thought about it. She remembered that although the eunuch was poisoned when he rescued the eunuch, it has been a long time, and there is no major problem at present. Why is it getting worse now? Is it possible that someone secretly added material to him?

Looking at it, Classmate Le laughed silently, the eunuch seemed to be not doing well, so she was relieved, what the hell, the wicked have their own grind, and the stinky hooligans deserve to suffer.

Fix it, fix it, it's best to put the eunuch to death, it's best to poison him half to death, she just looks at it and never speaks.

Le Yun, whose hands are itchy and wants to beat up, rubs her hands secretly. This is also very good. She is in Qingda, and the eunuch is there. Others poison the eunuch. He was tossed, and Quan was watching a play.

Classmate Le's mind went through thousands of mountains and rivers in a second. Professor Wan Cheng was interrupted by the voice. He turned his head and looked at Classmate Chao and the two young people. He raised his eyebrows slightly: "Xiao Le, I'm looking for you. ?"

"I'm not familiar with them." Le Yun's back was stunned, her mind was swaying, and she discussed with her tutor with a serious face: "Professor, Brother Chao, help me with the reporting procedures, I'm going to pick up daily necessities."

"Okay, you have purchased the necessities, and you are welcome to discuss with me at any time." When Professor Wan Cheng saw Classmate Chao, he also knew that he couldn't force the students to stay.

The tutor was so good at talking, which made classmate Le happy, crawled up happily, and walked towards the office building with the professor. Professor Wan Cheng told the classmate his phone number as he walked. , can only let the little classmate remember his phone number.

Liu Xiangyang also heard the words of the little beauty and the professor, and his expression was particularly dumbfounded. The little beauty knows the Chao family boy?

Not to mention him, even Yan Xing was stunned, Guili Xiaoluoli is from E Bei, so how did she meet Brother Chao, and, listening to the tone of voice, she and Brother Chao seemed to be familiar with each other?

Seeing the professor and Xiao Lele coming over, the delicate and weak boy greeted him with a slight smile: "Professor Wan Cheng, are you satisfied?"

"Well, I'm very happy to have such a student." Professor Wan Cheng slapped the weak boy on the shoulder with a strong slap, his tone was full of pride, the student Xiao Chao recommended to him was the boy who said that the medical talent was good, it was simply too good !

The boy who was slapped, frowned bitterly. The professor's hand is really strong. He always slaps him like this, and he is not afraid to slap him to pieces, but he is very happy. Professor Wan Cheng is the first to Lele. The impression is very good. He is an old man who cherishes talents. If he can accept Lele as a closed disciple, Lele will also have many trees that he can rely on.

"Professor, now I'm going to take people to pick up household items first. After a few days of class, you can always chat with your elementary school students."

"Go, go, get something as soon as possible." Professor Wan Cheng waved his hand with a smile, and happily returned to the office building. His steps were brisk and light, as if stepping on the wind, which also showed how happy he was.

Chao and Le happily waved their hands to send the professor a step ahead, and then turned to the bicycle.

Liu Xiangyang, who was standing and waiting for the old man to finish talking with his elder brother Chao, waited for the boy and the little girl to get closer, jumped up to the little girl cheerfully, and greeted cheerfully, "Hello, little beauty, do you still remember me? ?"

"It's you." Le Yun glanced at the handsome brother who came to brush his senses, and nodded lightly. If she was not mistaken, this handsome guy came with the eunuch and walked with the eunuch, indicating that the relationship is good. By analogy, eunuchs are hooligans, and the friends of hooligans are probably not upright gentlemen.

In one second, Classmate Le placed Jun Young in the ranks of eunuchs, and he was also listed as the kind of person who did not have a deep friendship.

"It's me, it's me, the little beauty still remembers me, I didn't expect to see the little beauty here, it's a coincidence, we have a good fate."

Liu Xiangyang can't wait to put himself in a 360-degree beautiful pose with no dead ends for the little girl to admire and remember him as a character.

Yan Xing stood on the side, always smiling as usual, she was so depressed that she had knotted countless knots in her heart, but the strange little loli didn't even look at him!Yes, the little loli gave him a look at him when she turned her head to look at them at first, and then she didn't give him a straight look.

Is he not handsome enough, not conspicuous enough, not attractive enough?

In all honesty, his appearance is definitely among the top spears among the youth circles in Yanjing, but why does Little Loli only smile to the Chao family boy, as if she can't see him?

The strange little loli forgot him?

Think about it, no, he just saw Little Loli's pupils shrinking slightly when she saw him, which proves that she recognized him, and now ignores him, maybe she is still holding revenge?

Thinking about it then, Yan Xing was particularly upset. He was beaten so badly that he didn't rush to clean up the little loli. Why did she still dislike him?

"Lele, do you and Liu Shao know each other?" Chao Yubo looked at the two of them in surprise. How could Liu Shao know Xiao Lele? Did something happen that he didn't know about?

"I met once, but I don't know each other well."

"It's familiar once and twice, and it will become familiar later." Liu Xiangyang answered quickly, smiling wildly. The little beauty has a solid knowledge of medicine.

Between the lights and flint, Liu Shao decided to check the details of the little beauty for a while, so as to know himself and his opponent, and win a hundred battles. As for how to obtain information, don't forget his expertise, he is a good expert in collecting information. It was not difficult for him.

"I won't introduce you if you know each other." Chao Yubo smiled brightly: "The two of you hurry up and go through the formalities. I will also bring Lele to pick up the daily necessities, see you later."

"Don't worry, we just met after a long time, how about we find a place to sit?" Liu Xiangyang ignored Classmate Chao's busyness and continued to brush his presence.

"No, I'm still in a hurry to pack my luggage, so I'll say goodbye." Le Yun calmly ran past the handsome sunshine guy and ran to the bicycle: "Brother Chao, is the bicycle a reward for me?"

"Right, school award, this bike is of good quality and performance, just a tad slower than a professional touring mountain bike."

"I don't use it to travel, I just need to run at school." Le Yun jumped to the bike with three jumps in one step. She jumped on the bike happily, and ran: "Brother Chao, I ride the bike. , you drive to keep up wow!"

Whoosh, the bicycle jumped into a wind, soaring far away, and the wheel rim made a rattling sound.

"..." Liu Xiangyang looked at the back of the bicycle running away, and was particularly puzzled. In other words, why did he feel so unpopular?

The little loli left like a wind, and Yan Xing's heart was tied into a knot. He dared to bet that the strange little loli was definitely still holding revenge. That feeling of being ignored is very bad!

Yan Shao's heart was terrible, and then he thought of the little loli holding Brother Chao's arm intimately, with a sweet smile, sweetly and softly calling "Brother Chao", and she seemed to ignore them. , Obviously one day and one place, his heart is even more unhappy.

The little girl got on the car and started running. The delicate boy smiled and rolled his eyes. He nodded to the two big boys. He happily boarded the car parked on the side of the road, started the car, and chased the back of the cheerful little girl. go.

"Xiao Xingxing, do you think I'm not handsome enough today, so the little beauty is not interested in my chatting up?" When the Chao family's brother's car had gone a hundred meters, Liu Xiangyang asked Zhuma for advice, but he had no Xiao Xingxing. He is handsome, but at least he is also a handsome guy. He took the initiative to show his love. How could the little beauty be indifferent?

"You're not as beautiful as Brother Chao." Yan Xing didn't blink, and poured a pot of cold water over it mercilessly. Little fresh meat is very popular these days, especially delicate teenagers like Brother Chao are the most popular, and girls are beautiful. The name is called "Little Shou".

"Brother Chao is born with deficiencies."

"Innate deficiencies, so delicate and delicate, and even more sought after by the little girls. How did you and the little girls know each other?" Yan Xing inquired about the news without a trace.

"The last time I met in Shennong Mountain, I remember I told you that there was a car accident on the 19th. At that time, the little beauty passed by and went to diagnose the seriously injured. The final autopsy results of the deceased were exactly the same as what the little beauty said. Beautiful ancestral Chinese medicine, talent, it is a great achievement to be able to recapture the troops."

"Then keep working hard, I will support you." Yan Xing knew that, he remembered that Xiangyang regretted that he missed the opportunity to travel with a little beauty, but he never thought that the so-called little beauty was a strange little loli.

If he can get the strange little Loli out of the army, it seems not bad. At least he has enough reasons to take revenge, and he doesn't even need to bother to find excuses.

It's just... how could the strange little loli have something to do with the Chao family?

Looking at Yan Xing, the elder brother of the Chao family, the dragon and the phoenix squinted slightly. With the Chao family guarding the strange little loli, it was not easy for him to get people into the army to round and flatten them.

(End of this chapter)

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