magic eye doctor

Chapter 1010 Slipped Again

Chapter 1010 Slipped Again (1 More)

Under the eyes of everyone, the beautiful boy walked a few steps slowly with his back on his back, trying to coax her to sleep. He felt that the little cutie on his back was light and light, and couldn't help complaining: "Lele has lost weight again. I remember February seemed to be heavier than now. Little by little."

"I gained a catty, and I don't know where the meat went." The beautiful young brother is healthy and has a well-developed sensory nerve. When he carries her on his back, he knows that she has lost two catties. Oh, brother Chao is amazing!

"I've been running outside for too long, and I've lost weight." Chao Yubo walked out with his light-hearted little sister on his back: "Lele, Young Master Yan's teammates sent you a huge bouquet of flowers, I'll show you there. "

"Why don't you send me flowers? You can't eat or drink flowers. Why don't you dig up that elm tree in their residence and give it to me? No matter how bad it is, you can dig some fresh and tender herbs to make pickles for me." What a waste of money.

Uh...Liu Zhengyi and Huang Jicheng looked up at the sky together. How about digging up an elm tree in the residence next time and giving it to the little girl, but they don't mind giving the tree. Does the little girl have a place to plant an elm tree?

Yan Xing: "..." I was disgusted again.

The representative of the three soldiers who sent the flowers sighed silently, let’s just say, the little loli may not like flowers, but the captain insisted on sending flowers, this flattery was not in the right place.

Xuan Shao waited for the youths of Gu Xiu's family to be secretly happy, and asked Yan Shao to send flowers for romance, so it's not going to be a wave now.

The school masters were full of joy, guessing that little loli didn't like fancy things in Hu Li, and it was true.

"The bouquet is very big, Lele can use it to take a petal bath." Xiao Lele has no romantic cells, and Chao Yubo is also helpless. With such a simple and lovely sister, what can he do?
The bouquet was placed opposite the gate, and the roses that made up the bouquet were fragrant and blooming in bloom.

The beautiful boy came to the bouquet with Xiaofenzi on his back, and let her admire the beautiful giant bouquet.

After a few glances, Le Yun lazily laid her chin on the handsome young brother's shoulder: "Brother Chao, after the handsome guys finish their work, let them help me remove the petals. I will make medicine at night and extract rose essential oil. There are so many flowers. Should be enough to make a few small bottles of rose cream."

The school masters who were busy tidying up the tableware were overjoyed when they heard that they were asked to help them stroke the flowers, umm, destroying the flowers with their hands is a light job, and the task is guaranteed to be completed.

"Okay, let the friends pick the flowers this afternoon."

"Well, Brother Chao—"


"Brother Chao."


"Brother Chao—"

The little loli lying on the beautiful boy's back hid her face between his necks, and called softly, she called out, the beautiful boy responded, and answered three or five times, and the little loli's voice disappeared.

"Lele?" The little cutie on her back fell silent quietly. Chao Yubo called her softly, but there was no response to the two calls. He smiled alone and bent his eyebrows, and Xiao Lele fell asleep again in seconds.

Xiao Lele fell asleep, and he walked to his parents with his back on his back, and gently discussed with his parents: "Lele is asleep, I'm going to the living room, hard mother to help me open the door, please go upstairs to help I took the computer down, took a nap with Lele, and helped Lele sort out the study materials by the way."

"Xiao Bo, do you want to send Xiao Lele to sleep in the room on the second floor?" Chao's mother stood up and stroked the sleeping Xiaotuanzi's little head.

"No, Lele wants me to carry it, so let Lele sleep on my back for a while."

"Okay, I'll get the computer." Without sending Xiaotuanzi back to the second floor, Chao's father hurried upstairs to help his son find the computer.

Mother Chao accompanied her son to the reception room, and when the mother and son turned to the corridor, Old Ancestor He asked Mrs. Li softly: "It seems that the little doctor has stayed up all night again?"

"The little girl hasn't touched the bed since the second night when she came back from abroad. She stayed in the kitchen and was busy making medicine. She made medicine yesterday and didn't close her eyes at night. Now she can sleep comfortably."

"It's really hard for the little guy." Mrs. He also felt sorry for the little child. The little doctor is only 16 years old, and he is still a child.

"Mrs. He, it's hard for your four children this time. Look, your great-grandson is being used as a long-term worker by our little girl. The handsome and handsome guy is so pitiful, he just stays in the kitchen to eat. It's been a long day of oily smoke."

Mrs. He looked at the great-grandsons who were helping to clean up the tables and chairs, and smiled from ear to ear: "It's hard to say that it's hard for them, it's their luck that my boys are able to be ordered to work by the little doctor. He's tall and big, running errands won't tire anyone out."

The two old ladies also chatted happily about running errands with the boys, the old man He San drank tea with the old men, and Xuan Shao and the others poured tea calmly.

Chao's mother accompanied her son to the reception room, helped put the pillows, let the son sit down, and then went to help get the fruit plate and tea; Seeing Xiaotuanzi sleeping soundly on Bogeer's back, they didn't disturb the children and went to the living room to greet guests.

The school masters and the handsome He family guys tidied up the dining room, while housekeeper Hu and the others were in charge of the kitchen. They washed their hands and found a dustpan to stroke the roses.

The guests sit and drink tea and gossip. At [-]:[-], handsome guys go to the back kitchen to bring out biscuits and small cakes. Men and women drink tea and eat snacks.

After eating snacks, the guests left. The Chao family elders took the young people to see off the guests, Liu young master sent the Geng family beauties back, Ji Lao and others drove by themselves, and Professor Lu and the young people also drifted away with the young people.

The Guxiu family was a bit behind, Tantai young master had no chance to talk to the little fairy, and left with his brother very reluctantly, Elder Yi and Elder Hao didn't go to find the little girl, they came and returned together with the young people.

They left, and Ancestor He brought his children and grandchildren back home, because there was nothing else to help, Young Master Yan and his brothers and sisters accompanied the elders back to He's house.

In the end, Professor Wanqi, Chao's in-laws, Mrs. Luo, Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wang's natal brothers and sisters were left happily drinking tea and helping to pick the petals.

Classmate Le’s classmate, Pamei, slept on his back and slept very soundly. She didn’t wake up until nearly four o’clock. When she woke up, Housekeeper Hu led the people to tidy up the kitchen. She excitedly went to tear herself apart. The Guxiu family knew that she had no shortage of jadeites, so they gave them treasured wine or Hetian jade or strange stones. Xuan Shao helped others to bring a gift from Penglai Island, which was the fine nectar produced by the jade veins of Penglai Island. There was a small bottle , at least twenty drops.

What the mother and daughter of the Geng family gave was a cross-stitch, huge picture of the rising sun on Mount Tai.

After unwrapping all the presents, I will list the favors again, throw all the items with aura back into the space, take out two jars of wine to the elders of the Chao family, and move the empty boxes back to the bedroom. Acting coquettishly and being cute, plus complaining about bitterness, made the old ladies and old men feel as sweet as drinking honey.

The dishes for dinner are also ready-made. Butler Hu brought the staff to reheat them before serving them. Chao’s house has four tables including hosts and guests. The men, women, and children ate very well, and the foodies and academic masters had no image at all. They started the mode of grabbing food, which made the little girl roll her eyes wildly, and also made the old men and women stunned.

After a full meal, Professor Wan Teng, Fu, Professor Zhai and his wife, Lao Luo, Lao Xiao, Lao Liu, Lao Teng and Lao Teng took a piece of toast and stewed meat that the Chao family had packed for themselves, and happily returned to their respective homes.

Mr. Liu waited to leave, and only Mrs. Li and Mrs. Chao's elder brothers and sisters stayed behind. Student Le accompanied the elders to dinner and then plunged into the kitchen to cook medicine. Bread, biscuits, most of them are hidden, leaving a small part to eat in the morning, and then make toast in the morning.

Tomorrow is Monday, and the office workers have to go to work. Mr. Chao's brothers and sisters took their nephews, Mrs. Mrs. Li Mrs. Mrs. Zhou Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Zhang and others had an early lunch at Chao's house. Back home, classmate Le sent off the elders and packed their luggage quietly, and the beautiful young brother sent him to the international airport to catch the plane.

Yan Xing returned to the third uncle's residence with his great-grandmother, enjoyed the weekend with his brothers, stayed happily for one night, played for half a day, and did not return to the residence until the afternoon of the tenth.

He actually didn't plan to go back to the station. He wanted to go directly to Chao Erye's house on Monday to ask little Lolita when she would go back to school. Considering that Chao's brother had also returned to Chao's house, he might wait for little Lolita to go back to school together. It seemed inappropriate to go to Chao's house, so I decided to go back to the garrison to move some items made by the military factory and send them to Xiao Luoli, and also entered the gate of Chao's house.

With a plan in mind, the handsome young man drove his own car, excitedly returned to the garrison base, went to the brigade office to finish a few business affairs, and then went to the battalion headquarters.

Because on the weekend of that day, in addition to the on-duty personnel in the garrison, other sergeants also rested. The teammates either went to play or played video games. There were about a dozen personnel in the camp.

Chi Shisi and his teammates, who were playing e-sports in the special video game room of the battalion headquarters, saw the captain come back, and they were confused: "Captain, you didn't go to send little Loli?"

"Send off the little loli? What did the little loli do?" Yan Xing was at a loss, didn't the little loli stay at Chao's house and play with the caterpillar fungus?

"Little Lolita flies to Australia at four o'clock this afternoon, captain, don't tell us you don't know." Jiang Yi replied quickly while operating the computer.

"!" Yan Xing's face turned into a wooden board in a second, that brat ran away a week after returning to China, so she can't be a quiet little loli?
Why do you want to go to Australia? That shitty place is either a desert or a sea. You can see jerboas and rabbits everywhere. When you go to the toilet, you may see a python hidden in the toilet. When you wake up, you often find yourself in the same room as a snake or a spider. It is not uncommon to see such a place without any sense of security, so there is nothing to do.

Thinking of his experience of living in Australia, Yan Xing felt tired and didn't love it. The only advantage of that place was that no matter where he went, he would not be afraid of starvation to death, because even in the desert there were kangaroos and rabbits, which could be hunted for food.
The teammates knew that Little Lolita was going to fly to Australia, but they didn't tell him. He was in a bad mood: "When did this happen? You know, why didn't you tell Little Lolita's itinerary?"


Bold question marks flashed through the minds of the video game buddies, and Shen Shiliu rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Captain, little Lolita booked the plane ticket yesterday morning, you were at Chao's house yesterday morning, we thought you knew about little Luoli Li is going to Australia, so I didn't go back to the military region last night, and I'm going to send little Loli off today."

"I didn't know, little Lolita was so busy yesterday that I didn't even have a chance to tell her some scumbag things. I planned to pick her up and go back to school yesterday." Yan Xing was particularly depressed, Little Lolita has just returned to China. She originally thought that she would stay quietly at school until the summer vacation. Who would have expected that she would fly away without even returning to school.

"Captain, little Lolita is not in the country, what should I do about the scumbag of Huang's poem? A scumbag's grandma will be [-] in a few days. I haven't asked Little Lolita what she means. Do we plan to Stranded?" Several young people stopped playing games and looked at the captain seriously.

Huang Moushi is Huang Shishi, the niece of the Huang Mou Bureau in E Beishi City, and she is also the number one mastermind behind the murder of the little Lolita.

Huang Mou’s mother and Huang Moushi’s grandma will turn [-] on the third day of next month. It is reported that Huang’s family will hold a feast. air ticket.

The plan of the handsome guys is to wait for some scumbag to return to the country, and then catch him and give it to little Lolita as a "birthday present" so that she can practice sandbags to vent her anger.

Yan Xing sat casually among his teammates, rubbing his brows: "It's not right for people to go missing after returning to their country. It's easy to think that it's the revenge of the little lolita. Find a way to let her go to a neighboring country and get her back. Better to be missing than to be missing in your own country."

"Captain, she's a living person, not a robot, so you can let her go wherever you want."

The young soldier king wanted to despise the captain. Did the captain get dizzy from the smoke at Master Chao's house, or did he run abroad a few days ago with little Lolita? Say the kind of words that don't think about the brain.

Of course, if you really want to let a certain scum go to a neighboring country, it is not impossible. Send Chi Shishi out to hypnotize a certain scum once, help people brainwash them, and make a certain scum obedient to travel to a neighboring country. It is not a problem at all, but, that First of all, there is also a certain risk. I am afraid that some scumbag will forget what he has done, and he will not be able to repay the feeling of panic and panic.
"Don't move her for now. The Huang family's bringing her back this time may be a bait. They want to test whether Xiao Luoli and us are really eyeing the Huang family. Someone is missing in the country. The Huang family may be in a hurry. At present, Xiaoluo Li is busy looking for medicinal materials and has no time to deal with the Huang family, she has been waiting for many years, so it doesn't matter if you wait another year or two."

"Well, count her luck." The captain made sense, Hong Si and the brothers hummed, they still wanted to catch the scum to claim credit, it seems that they have to wait, but it doesn't matter, isn't there a few others? A scumbag?

"Captain, there is another news. There is a clue about a certain guy named 'Weighing Tuo'. The suspect who is worthy of the name is in East G, and the investigation is underway. If there is no accident, there will be a result this month. "

"Okay! Tell the photo to come back, and wait for the little loli to come back and show it to her." Hearing that a certain scumbag had a clue, Yan Xing's depressed mood suddenly brightened. Jiu finally paid off, as long as he finds that scum and gives it to little Lori, it will be enough to comfort her suffering heart.

Chi Shishi and the others were also very relieved that the scum of that kind had to be picked out and packaged up for the little loli to clean up, so that they could understand what it means to be 'a person floating in the rivers and lakes, sooner or later he will be stabbed'.

Little Lolita slipped away, Yan Xing decided to go back to school tomorrow to be a good student, so as not to be suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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